My account
Jobs, business and regeneration
Leisure, sport and physical activity
Bins, waste and recycling
Schools, libraries and learning
Planning and environment
Council Tax, benefits and housing
Tourism, museums and the arts
Your council
Roads, paths and transport
People, health and care
Customers, information and advice
Maps and data
Roads, paths and transport
Road safety
Road safety
Concerns or problems with things that keep us safe on roads or paths
Report a street lighting fault
Report an accident risk
Safety concerns
Pedestrian crossings
School crossing patrols
Accident risk or near miss reporting
Road safety information
Speeding and enforcement
Street light faults
Traffic lights
Road markings and cat’s eyes
Road lines and markings
Cat’s eyes and road studs
Winter services
Salt bins
Clearing snow and ice
Snow wardens
Winter Service Policy
Frequently asked questions
Related content
Mud/debris on the road
Dead animals
Drainage and flooding
Road signs