
Social media

Our main social media accounts

We use social media to engage with you and provide information on council services, events and activities. and to answer questions.

Follow our main accounts for our the latest news and information:



You can also follow our Instagram and Youtube accounts.

We only monitor our social media accounts during normal office hours so this may not always be the best way to contact us. There are many other ways to contact us which may be more suited to your enquiry.

Before engaging with us on social media, please read our content policy.

Social media content policy

We have some basic rules about what content is acceptable on social media pages moderated by North Lincolnshire Council. We agree to allow all contributions from our followers (whether or not we agree with what the user is saying), if they do not break these rules.

Respect others

We want to promote active debate on social media, so we encourage you to share your point of view. We don’t expect everyone to agree with each other, but we do expect you to comment and reply in a respectful way. Please don’t make personal, aggressive or hateful comments about others. If your content is offensive to someone, we may have to remove your comments. We want to avoid this, as it stops you from sharing your views. Offensive comments include racist or homophobic remarks and other discriminatory comments, harassment and abuse.

Avoid offensive language

Please do not use swear words and other offensive language. Lots of different people live in North Lincolnshire, and different things are acceptable to different people. If you think there’s a possibility that someone may be offended by your comments, please try to rewrite your content in a more sensitive way.

Don’t break the law

Remember that you are legally responsible for what you do or say online. Please don’t use our social media pages to encourage anyone to break the law, or to make unfair comments that can damage someone else’s reputation. If you do, then you could be held accountable for this in a court of law. You should also be careful not to write anything which could influence the outcome of a current court case. If you do, you could be held in contempt of court.

Don’t link to inappropriate sites

On most social media platforms, followers can add links to other websites in comments and messages. Please only add a link to your content if the information is relevant to the subject you’re discussing. If you link to a site that includes inappropriate content, or that isn’t relevant to other users, your information may be removed and you may be blocked from our social media platforms.

Don’t add commercial content

As we are a public organisation, we don’t feature commercial content on our social media. Please don’t add content in an attempt to gain commercial advantage by promoting your business. Any commercial content will be removed. Community groups, volunteers and not-for-profit organisations are welcome to share information about their services.

Our other social media accounts

There are many other social media accounts across the council providing information and updates on a whole range of services from leisure to libraries to highways.