The Local Plan and associated maps, policies and guidance.
The North Lincolnshire Local Plan
The North Lincolnshire Local Plan was adopted in May 2003 and is used to make planning decisions. This plan has been replaced by the Local Development Framework.
Some of its policies have been replaced following the adoption of the Core Strategy and the Housing and Employment Land Allocations DPD.
NOTE: Most of the policies included in the plan have been saved together with a number of supplementary planning guidance notes and development briefs. Please read the saved policies:
- Saved Policies Direction and List of Saved Policies (September 2007) [PDF, 35Kb]
- List of Deleted Policies (September 2007) [PDF, 27Kb]
- List of policies replaced by the Core Strategy (June 2011) [PDF, 906Kb]
- List of policies replaced by the Housing & Employment Land Allocations DPD [PDF, 72KB]
You can view hard copies of the Local Plan at Church Square House in Scunthorpe and your nearest Information, Advice and Guidance centre or library.
Please contact us if you would like a copy of The Local Plan or any of the individual chapters.
North Lincolnshire Council is currently preparing a new Local Plan for North Lincolnshire which will eventually supersede both the 2003 Local Plan and the Local Development Framework plans. Please click on the A new Local Plan link below for further information.