
Keep well this summer

Older man helping young boy to ride a bicycle in the sunshine

Be prepared, keep cool, stay connected and keep well this summer

Although most people in North Lincolnshire manage the summer season well, it’s always a good idea to be prepared for adverse weather, the challenges the heat can bring and look out for yourself, your family, friends and those around you.

Much of the advice on beating the heat is common sense. Before hot weather arrives, it is a good time to think about what you can do to protect yourself and your family and friends from heat. If spending time outdoors remember to take water or other hydrating drinks with you and protect yourself from the sun during the hottest hours of the day, usually between 11am to 3pm.

For some people, especially older people and those with underlying health conditions, the summer heat can bring real health risks. Temperatures indoors can be higher than temperatures outdoors. That’s why we’re urging everyone to keep an eye on those you know who may be at risk this summer. If you’re able, ask if your friends, family or neighbours need any support.

We have provided some simple information and practical steps you can take to prepare yourself and stay well this summer.

Video courtesy Wakefield Council

Top tips for staying safe in the summer:

  • Stay hydrated – drink plenty of fluids and avoid excess alcohol
  • If you need to travel, ensure you take water with you
  • Try to avoid alcohol, tea and coffee. They make dehydration worse
  • Eat as you normally would. Try to eat more cold food, particularly salads and fruit, which contain water.

In warm weather, increasing numbers of people, especially children, can be tempted to cool off in bodies of open water. The temptation can prove fatal, as they put themselves at risk of drowning.

It is important to teach children to spot and keep away from the dangers of open water: sign saying don't risk open water

  • Despite warm temperatures above the water, below the surface it can remain extremely cold. The cold water shock of falling into the open water may cause panic and the weight of a person’s clothes will make it more difficult for them to swim
  • The depth of the water can be unpredictable and there may be hidden currents
  • It can be difficult to get out of open water with steep and slimy uneven banks
  • It can be deep with hidden shelves and sharp drop-offs close to the bank’s edge
  • There may be hidden objects and hazards below the water surface
  • There are no lifeguards or lifesaving aids nearby
  • The water may be polluted with chemicals and may make you ill.

Watch a water safety video from the Humberside Fire and Rescue Service on YouTube.

Learn about summer safety – preventing drowning and cold water shock.

Further information about water safety is available on the Royal Lifesaving Society UK website.

Sunburn increases your risk of skin cancer. Sunburn does not just happen on holiday. You can burn in the UK, even when it’s cloudy.

Visit the NHS website for advice on staying safe in the sun  and how to cope in hot weather.

Warning sign for sun burn

  • Try to keep out of the sun between 11am and 3pm, when UV radiation is strongest
  • If you have to go out in the heat, wear UV sunglasses, preferably wraparound, to reduce UV exposure to the eyes. Walk in the shade, apply sunscreen of at least SPF15 with UVA protection and wear a hat. Wear light, loose-fitting cotton clothes. This should reduce the risk of sunburn.
  • Avoid strenuous outdoor activity, like sport, DIY, or gardening. If you can’t avoid it keep it for cooler parts of the day, like early morning or evening.

older people walking

  • If you feel dizzy, weak or have intense thirst, a headache or nausea and vomiting, move to a cool place as soon as possible. Drink some water or diluted fruit juice to rehydrate. Avoid excess alcohol. If you can, take a lukewarm shower or sponge yourself down with cold water. Heatstroke can develop if heat exhaustion is left untreated, but it can also occur suddenly and without warning.
  • If you have painful muscular spasms (particularly in the legs, arms, or abdomen), rest immediately in a cool place and drink electrolyte drinks. Most people should start to recover within 30 mins and if not, you should seek medical help. Call 111 if you feel unusual symptoms, or if symptoms persist
  • Call 999 if a person develops any signs of heatstroke as this is a medical emergency.

Further information on heatstroke and heat-related illness are available on the NHS website.

Avoid extreme physical exertion. If you can’t avoid strenuous outdoor activity, such as sport, DIY or gardening, keep it for cooler parts of the day – for example, in the early morning or evening.

lady reading in the shade

  • Keep your environment cool: keeping your living space cool is especially important for those who need to stay at home this summer
  • Shade or cover windows exposed to direct sunlight and keep windows that are exposed to the sun closed during the day. External shutters or shades, if you have them, are very effective, while internal blinds or curtains are less effective. Care should be taken with metal blinds and dark curtains, as these can absorb heat
  • If possible and safe, open windows at night if it feels cooler outside
  • Turn off non-essential lights and electrical equipment – they generate heat
  • During the hottest periods find the coolest part of your home or garden/outside or local green space to sit in. If going outdoors, use cool spaces considerately
  • A thermometer in your main living room and bedroom will help you keep a check on the temperature
  • A loose, cotton, damp cloth or scarf on the back of the neck or spraying or splashing your face and the back of your neck with cold water several times a day can help keep you cool. So can a lukewarm shower.

Ensure that babies, children, older people and dogs are not left alone in parked cars, which can quickly overheat.

  • Look out for those who may struggle to keep themselves cool and hydrated. Older people, those with underlying conditions and those who live alone are particularly at risk
  • Keep an eye on isolated, ill or older people, as well as babies and young children
  • Help older people and people with long-term health conditions to keep their living space cool
  • Be alert and call a doctor or social services if someone is unwell and needs further help
  • Ensure that babies, children or older people are not left alone in stationary cars.

Health advice

Look after your health especially during the warm weather. The NHS website has lots of information relating to health conditions including hayfever, asthma, food poisoning, sunburn and heat stroke and lyme disease.

Skin cancer

It is important that you check your skin regularly. Find out more about melanoma and non melanoma skin cancer on the Cancer Research website.

Healthy Lifestyle Apps

Healthy changes start with little changes. Whether you want to lose weight, get active or quit smoking, Better Health is a website with lots of free tools and support. You can also find simple ways to lift your mood with Every Mind Matters.

NL Active

Being physically active is great for both your physical and mental health. It’s recommended that adults do at least two hours and 30 minutes of moderate intensity activity a week and children and young people up to the age of 18 should be active for an average of 60 minutes per day, every day. See what is available on our Keeping Active webpages.

Parent and child looking at wild flowers

What is Live Well North Lincolnshire?

Live Well North Lincolnshire is a digital directory to help you to find a wide range of organisations, support groups, community groups, events and activities to support you to manage and improve your health and wellbeing and take positive steps to look after yourself.

Money Matters

Where to get help

We’ve brought together advice, guidance and support both from the council and external agencies and organisations. This guidance offers help including; grants and benefits available and helping with training and employment opportunities.

If you are struggling financially, it is sometimes hard to know where to turn. We are here to help.

Visit our Financial Support page for information on financial support that the council provides and external organisations.

Support available

There are some simple steps you can take to look after your mental health by following five ways to wellbeing.

We provide information, advice and guidance to families. If your family or a child/family that you know might be facing challenges visit our children and family support webpage for more information.

We provide information advice and guidance to support living independently, to get out and about and receive care and support. Visit the find local care and support for adults webpage.

If you help another person in their day to day life you are a carer. The Carers’ Support Centre based in Brigg offers information, advice, guidance and activities to carers, including young carers. Visit Carers’ Support Centre website for more information or call 01652 650585.

There is also information and advice for carers and young carers including how to apply for a carers’ assessment, personal assistants and benefits on the Caring for Someone webpage.

Whether you are serving member, a family member, or a veteran there is support available both locally and nationally. Visit our Armed Forces webpage for more information.

Crime prevention

As the warmer weather starts to take hold, we are more inclined to leave windows and even doors open. This can present thieves with an opportunity to commit crime, so we would advise closing and locking all doors and windows when you are not in the room.

Make your home more secure by following some basic advice:

  • Make sure your doors and windows are closed and locked when you’re not in the room. Nearly half of all burglaries are the result of a door or window being open
  • During the warmer months, try to shut windows that could be accessible to opportunist thieves
  • Make sure nothing of value (including car keys) is left on show to tempt thieves into your property
  • Think about fitting a burglar alarm and security lighting – both to your home and outbuildings. It may be expensive, but they are very effective deterrents and can bring down your insurance costs
  • Make sure sheds and garages have good quality lock and hinges
  • Consider fitting deterrents in the garden like movement-sensitive floodlights, as these will leave thieves feeling exposed
  • Report any suspicious activity by calling 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111
  • If there is an emergency or a crime in progress dial 999
  • To assist the police in recovering and returning stolen property, register your valuables on http://www.immobilise.com

For further information on keeping yourself and others safe visit the Police.UK Crime Prevention website. 

For more handy advice visit: Humberside Police – protect your home

Check your vehicle

The RAC recommends six tips to keep you moving. Drivers should remember their ‘FORCES’:

  • Fuel – Don’t risk running out of fuel – top up before you set off on a long journey
  • Oil – check it’s at the right level to reduce the chances of overheating in traffic
  • Rubber – tyres need to be properly inflated and in good condition to give your car a safe, sure grip on the road. Your windscreen wipers also have to work extra hard in summer storms
  • Coolant – this does a vital job in ensuring the engine runs at the right temperature. If it’s not between the ‘min’ and ‘max’ levels, this could be the sign of a problem so contact a good garage without delay
  • Electrics – you’ll need your lights on during any heavy downpours and of course – so check they are all working. The electrics also control your indicators and windows, so check there are no problems
  • Screenwash – helps keep your windscreen clear of bugs.

Further information is available on the RAC website.

Further information

  • Contact your doctor, a pharmacist or call 111 if you are worried about your health or the health of someone else during a heatwave, especially if you are taking medication, if you feel unwell or have any unusual symptoms
  • If you have symptoms of heat exhaustion, rest for several hours, keep cool and drink water or fruit juice. Seek medical advice if they get worse or don’t go away
  • If symptoms are severe or someone you are with has collapsed, call 999.

Visit the NHS website for more helpful advice on coping in warmer weather.

Follow us on Facebook for regular tips and advice on how to keep well this summer.



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