
Citizen partnerships, groups and networks

Information about citizenship partnerships, groups and engagement networks in North Lincolnshire.

Community voice

There are a range of citizenship partnerships, groups and engagement networks in North Lincolnshire. They provide a sound basis on which to build a community voice. These include:

The local Healthwatch links to these groups as part of their responsibilities to develop, champion and support community voice in the area. It represents views at each Health and Wellbeing Board.

The Adults Partnership and Children and Young People’s Partnership include citizen and young voice representatives to ensure:

  • that people are at the centre of all we do
  • that their views are taken into account to shape and influence service provision and priority planning.

Experts Together Pledge

Members from across the different citizen partnerships came together to design Experts Together Pledge [PDF, 3Mb] Experts Together Pledge easy read version [PDF, 1Mb]

The Experts Together Pledge asks organisations and their workforce to Ask Listen and Act to enable organisations and their workforce understand what is important to vulnerable people to enable them to live safe and fulfilled lives.

The pledge describes how people would like organisations and professionals to:

  • ASK their views and opinions,
  • LISTEN to their experiences, and
  • ACT to co-produce care solutions, service design and shape strategic direction.

Signing the pledge means that organisations are committed to involving the people who use their services to support the development of information, service development and strategic design.

Experts Together Partnership Annual Report 2023 – 2024

Welcome to this first annual report of the Experts Together Partnership. This report gives an account of how the partnership came together from the development of the Experts Together Pledge by people with a lived experience and the difference this has made to the partner organisations who have led the way in signing up and the people who have benefitted as a result.

Read the full  Experts Together Partnership Annual Report 2023 – 2024 report.

Experts Together Workforce Tool

The Experts Together Workforce Tool was designed by people with lived experience and, along with the Pledge, provides a framework on how to engage with people with lived experience ensuring we Ask, Listen and Act:

North Lincolnshire Senior Forum

Winterton Senior Citizens Forum was formed in 2007, with a moto “ Your Forum-Your Voice”. They are a group of older and disabled people, who come together to meet up socially, once per month in support of the older community.

They discuss local, regional, and national issues of the day, enjoy social events and plan away days.

Providing a platform of opportunity for service providers to offer their services and keep members fully updated on important changes and opportunities relating to older people, and for us to offer our insight, experiences and views.

We are supported by North Lincolnshire Council, and they will help organise speakers when required to give the group further information and advice on matters that have arisen.

The group meets on the second Thursday of the month at Trinity Methodist Church, Winterton. 1.30pm to 3.30pm.

For further information please contact 01724 296394 or email expert.experience@northlincs.gov.uk.


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