

Pile of fly-tipped rubbish on grass
Householder fined £300 over Bottesford Beck fly-tipping
28 April 2021

A householder who paid someone £40 to take away their rubbish ended up being fined £300 after the waste was…

Flytipped rubbish and debris by the side of the road on a frosty day
£300 instant penalty for Isle fly-tipping
10 March 2021

A woman who gave her building waste to a rogue trader who then fly-tipped it on the Isle of Axholme…

Discarded tin cans in a bin bag
River clean-up volunteers find fencing, a motorbike helmet and a...
19 November 2020

A new community volunteer group set up in East Halton Skitter to protect local wildlife and keep the Humber litter-free…