
D-Day 80: Flag raising ceremony commemorates armed forces

Council News
11:09, Friday, 31st May 2024

The Mayor of North Lincolnshire, Cllr Janet Longcake, will raise the Armed Forces Day flag on Thursday 6 June in Queen Elizabeth Gardens at Church Square, Scunthorpe.

The Armed Forces Day flag will fly in honour of those that are serving or have served and their families, as well as cadets and reservists.

This year’s Flag Raising ceremony commemorates the 80th anniversary of D-Day landings. The largest naval, air and land invasion to ever be assembled– it was the beginning of allied operations that helped bring the Second World War to an end.

Before the flag is raised, there will be a parade facing the dais in Church Square at 10.15am. The Mayor will greet the parade.

The Mayor will then raise the flag around 10.30am.

Cllr Longcake is going to be joined by staff and students from St Lawrence Academy, Alison Barker, Chief Executive of North Lincolnshire Council and Revd. Frew.

There will also be members of North Lincolnshire Council, members of the North Lincolnshire Armed Forces Day Committee, veteran associations, representatives from Royal British Legion and local cadets.

Anyone who would like to attend the flag raising ceremony should meet at the dais in Church Square at 10.15am.

Cllr Janet Longcake, Mayor of North Lincolnshire, said:

“We owe a huge debt of gratitude to those brave men and women involved in the D-Day landings, many of whom laid down their lives to liberate Western Europe from tyranny, ensuring the freedom we have today.

“It is an honour to raise the Armed Forces Day flag and start the commemorations across North Lincolnshire. I invite all residents to join me in remembering the dedication and selflessness of our armed forces, past and present.”

Later, on the afternoon of Thursday 6 June at 1pm, members of the public are invited to attend a commemorative church service at St Lawrence’s Church, hosted by Rev. Frew and The Royal British Legion.

The service will be attended by The Mayor, veterans from the Royal British Legion, Royal Naval Association, council representatives, members of the local sea, army, air and police cadet organisations.

The flag raising signals the start of North Lincolnshire’s D-Day commemorations.

Cadets at the North Lincolnshire Armed Forces Day 2023

Cadets at North Lincolnshire Armed Forces Day 2023

More than £9,000 has been allocated to thirty-nine community groups across the area, many of which are hosting 1940s events, street parties, and beacon lightings. A full list is available on the council website.

Residents have another opportunity to show their support for our service personnel at this year’s Armed Forces Day, which takes place on Saturday 22 June at Brumby Hall Sports Ground in Scunthorpe.

Highlights include a fly past from a Lancaster bomber, exciting arena demonstrations, and a full programme of family-friendly activities. Entry is free.