
Council leader urges residents to protect the NHS by sticking to Christmas bubbles

Council News
15:33, Tuesday, 22nd December 2020

Residents in North Lincolnshire are being urged to stick to the new Christmas bubble rules.

The revised guidance reduces the number of days where a maximum of three households can get together, from five days down to just one, that being Christmas Day.

Councillor Rob Waltham, leader of North Lincolnshire Council has asked people to protect the NHS by respecting the new rules and said:

“No-one wants us to be in the position in which we find ourselves. The changes to the Christmas bubbles has been tough, it was not an easy decision to make.

“We have to appreciate that throughout the pandemic everything has been subject to change at all times. I will be restricting the usual contact I have with my family and friends and I hope other people will respect the rules too.

“The rate of infection across the area is rising, the rate among over 60s is increasing and the pressure on hospitals is still too high. What we do not need is people who need hospital care to not be able to access it because other people have been irresponsible.

“We are almost there – the vaccine is here and is the programme is seeing the most vulnerable people accessing it. The crunch point is now though and while we all appreciate the significance of people not being able to spent time with loved ones; we must remember that we are taking these measures to protect people who suffer most from the effects of Covid-19.

“We just need to be careful and cautious for a little while yet to ensure we look after ourselves, our families and our communities.”

To keep up to up to date with the current guidelines for residents within North Lincolnshire visit our website, which includes responses to frequently asked questions.

For the full guidance, regarding Christmas bubbles visit the GOV.UK website.