
Budget 2023: Council tax frozen in North Lincolnshire

Council Tax
17:38, Monday, 13th February 2023

Council tax has been frozen in North Lincolnshire – protecting thousands of families from further pressure on household finances.

The budget for 2023/24 was set by the full council on Monday, 13 February 2023. General council tax was frozen, and the adult social care precept increased by 1.75 per cent.

Those on the lowest income will see no increase as the council will use an almost £200,000 fund from Government to reduce nearly 7,000 families’ bills by £25 this year. A further 3,000 pensioners on full council tax relief don’t pay council tax.

Cllr Rob Waltham, leader, North Lincolnshire Council, said: “We have kept our promise to keep council tax low and have frozen general council tax levels for the coming year while agreeing a small rise for adult social care.

“This budget protects and provides value for money for North Lincolnshire’s hardworking taxpayers, it protects free parking across our towns and villages, free swimming for thousands of children and the Imagination Library scheme, gifting books to every single child under five years old.

“We know people are facing higher costs due to global inflation and will not be adding to that.”

In the coming year, the council will spend almost £200m on its residents with more than 80 per cent used for vulnerable children, families, older people and those with disabilities.

The budget – more than £100m of which comes from Government – includes investments to enhance the environment in communities across North Lincolnshire, enable businesses to create more new jobs, fast-track road infrastructure upgrades and crack down even further on anti-social behaviour while protecting the most vulnerable.

Cllr Waltham added: “Residents’ pounds are best served in their pocket, not the council’s. We are continuing to transform North Lincolnshire Council into a forward thinking and dynamic workplace that supports staff and delivers for residents.

“Our commitment to enabling people to keep themselves safe and well, for communities to grow and flourish and to back our businesses to create jobs remains firm.”