
Community funding and grants

Find out what grants and funding are available to local community groups and talented individuals who are excelling in their chosen activity and how to apply

Grants and funding available for individuals and communities in North Lincolnshire

If you are looking for support for yourself or your family, please visit our financial support, advice and guidance page or email customerservice@northlincs.gov.uk for advice and support

We recognise the important role that community groups play in making North Lincolnshire an excellent place to work, live and play. We also wish to support talented individuals to become the very best that they can in their chosen activity. In return, recipients of grant funding will be required to contribute to key priorities for the area.

We will expect groups, where appropriate, to show that their projects will keep people safe and well, enable communities to flourish and promote growth in the economy.

Applicant organisations must have policies which address all statutory responsibilities including health and safety, safeguarding children and vulnerable adults, and equality and diversity, which meet recognised standards of good practice.

Grant awards are approved by the Safer, Stronger Communities – Rural, and Safer, Stronger Communities – Ashby, Bottesford and Scunthorpe (‘Urban’) Cabinet Members.

Community grants

This fund will support the following organisations if they are non-profit making and have social aims:

  • Junior and youth groups
  • Charitable bodies
  • Trusts
  • Co-operatives
  • Industrial and provident societies
  • Not for profit constituted organisations
  • Town and parish councils.

Applications from new groups are welcomed.

Please note we will not consider applications for support with staffing or retrospective costs.

Grants for premises hire

We can also support junior and youth groups with the cost of their premises hire.

Individual grants

You can apply for an individual grant if you are a resident in North Lincolnshire and are able to demonstrate excellence in sport, art or culture. This should be supported by independent evidence, for example selection to a recognised governing body, national sports squad, working with professional artists, practitioner in a residence, mentoring or master class setting.

Apply for a grant

Please read the guidance notes and conditions [PDF, 154Kb] carefully. You can then use the link below to complete the online application form.

Further support is available

Contact the Grants team on 01724 297000 or communitygrants@northlincs.gov.uk if you need assistance in completing your application, or if you need support in producing your organisations policies.

We recognise the importance of local groups and organisations in delivering on priorities in local communities, which in turn help to make North Lincolnshire the best place for our residents. The council is supporting communities to take action to make environmental improvements.

£150,000 has been made available in our new Enhancing our Environment Fund.

The fund will support organisations if they are non profit making and have social aims to implement a wide range of environmental improvements that will contribute to the council’s outcomes.

The fund may be used to support activity that delivers environmental improvements. Currently the Enhancing our Environment Fund will receive applications for the following five categories of environmental improvements:

  1. Rainwater harvesting
  2. Community Orchards and Tree Planting
  3. ‘Clean Energy’ carbon saving technologies on Community Buildings
  4. Community Composting
  5. Sustainable travel planning for communities.

Applicant organisations must have policies which address all statutory responsibilities including health and safety, safeguarding children and vulnerable adults, and equality and diversity, which meet recognised standards of good practice.

Grant awards are approved by the Safer, Stronger Communities – Rural Cabinet Member.

The maximum grant awarded will be up to 90 per cent of the project cost up to a maximum of £15,000. Grant aid will be based on the estimated net cost of the work involved. Any VAT payments will only be covered by grant aid if they are non-reclaimable.

The applicant group will normally be expected to contribute a minimum of 10 per cent or £5,000, whichever is the lesser, towards the cost of the project.

Please contact the Grant team for full guidance notes and an application pack. We are also happy to help with completing your application, or producing your organisations policies.

01724 297000

We are looking for local good causes to benefit from Lincs Lotto.  The good causes could be local charities, community groups, parish councils or sports clubs, and will receive 50 per cent of the proceeds from lottery ticket sales. A further 10 per cent of ticket sales will go to support other local good causes through our Community Grant Fund.

Prizes of up to £25,000 are up for grabs from Lincs Lotto. Tickets for the weekly draw cost just £1 each and are available to buy online on the Lincs Lotto website.

Lincs Lotto players will be able to choose which good cause they want to support when they buy their tickets, and 50 pence from every ticket bought will go directly to their chosen cause.

Each charity or community group has its own webpage on the website and is encouraged to drum up ticket sales to help support their cause.

The first draw took place in September 2017.

In accordance with the Gambling Act 2005, North Lincolnshire Council has appointed an external lottery manager, Gatherwell Ltd, to run Lincs Lotto on our behalf.

SSE have two funding schemes available in North Lincolnshire for community projects:

  • SSE Local Keadby Wind Farm Fund
  • The Sustainable Development Fund (SDF)

SSE Local Keadby Wind Farm Fund

Around £190,000 per year has been allocated to the SSE Local Keadby Wind Farm Fund and made available to community projects within the North Axholme Ward area.

Applications are invited from projects within the eligible area [PDF, 1.18Mb].

A ring fenced grant fund of £10,000 to be allocated towards applications from the Parishes of Gunness and Burringham has been agreed for 2023/24.

Apply for a grant

The decision making panel meets every quarter to discuss projects.

Important dates for the fund:

Date of Panel Meeting

  • 27 February 2024 (to consider applications received before 15 January 2024)
  • 18 June 2024 (to consider applications received before 29 April 2024)
  • 17 September 2024 (to consider applications received before 29 July 2024)
  • 19 November 2024 (to consider applications received before 30 September 2024).

SSE Sustainable Development Fund (SDF)

The Sustainable Development Fund is in addition to our local Keadby Wind Farm Fund and supports strategic projects across North Lincolnshire.  It allows the benefits of the renewable energy development to be accessible to a wider area and is directed to projects that can achieve significant impact in local communities.

The fund is now open. The decision-making panel meets three times a year.

Important dates for the fund:

  • 14 March 2024 (to consider applications received before 29 January 2024)
  • 11 July 2024 (to consider applications received before 27 May 2024)
  • 10 October 2024 (to consider applications received before 26 August 2024)

Please read the SDF Guidance 2023 [PDF, 160Kb] carefully. You can then use the link below to complete the online application form.

Priority areas

  • Creating opportunities:  Create or enhance opportunities for education and employment through activities that develop skills and improve an individual’s chances of entering the workplace.
  • Empowering communities: Empower communities to become more resilient and protect vulnerable residents through measures which demonstrate long-term social, environmental or economic improvements.
  • Sustainable places: Stimulate meaningful regeneration to improve or enhance local infrastructure, landscape, biodiversity or heritage and make a lasting difference to the places we live, work and visit.

Further information about SSE is available from the SSE website

Example model policies to assist community groups when setting up or reviewing current policies.

SSE Keadby Wind Farm meeting notes