Information about Committee meetings and links to agendas and minutes.
Our Committees and forums
In addition to the new Cabinet and Scrutiny roles the council still retains several committees.
These deal with the following:
- A Planning Committee deals with planning, development control and related issues.
- A Licensing Committee and relevant sub-committees deal with all licensing issues. This includes taxis and hackney carriages, the licensing of retail sale of alcohol, provision of regulated entertainment, the provision of refreshments between 11pm and 5am and the sale and supply of alcohol by or on behalf of a club to a member or their guest.
- An Appeals Committee deals with council staff grading and re-grading appeals, grievances and dignity at work, disciplinary matters and dismissals on the grounds of redundancy, capability or some other substantial reason.
- An Audit Committee deals with business enabling the council to demonstrate better use of resources and governance and achieve positive audit and inspection reports.
- A Standards Committee deals with issues relating to the conduct of members of the council and of the 52 town and parish councils in North Lincolnshire. It consists of seven councillors and two independent persons (non voting) and one co-opted member (non-voting).
Each of these committees is made up of elected councillors. They reflect the political balance of the council.
There are also a number of other committees/forums, such as:
Health and Wellbeing Board – the North Lincolnshire Health and Wellbeing Board is a statutory committee of the council established under the Health and Social Care Act 2012. It has a number of statutory and other functions relating to the health and wellbeing of the residents of North Lincolnshire. The Board comprises a number of statutory and non-statutory members.
The Schools Forum, Local Access Forum and Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE), although separate statutory bodies independent of the council, are administered by Democratic Services. They contain elected councillors and others as required by law.
School Admission Appeals are also administered by Democratic Services.