
Transport assistance for students with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)

Please note:

Applications to be considered for Post 16 SEN transport to start at the beginning of the Autumn term 2024 (September 2024) need to be received by 14 August 2024. Applications received after that date will still be considered, but transport may not be in place for the start of the term.

Transport assistance available for 16 to 25 year olds with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) to get to and from college or sixth form.

The council aims to ensure young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) are supported to prepare for an adult life, helping them to achieve the best possible outcomes in education in a way that is inclusive and encourages independence. It does this through its post 16 special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) student transport policy.

If a young person has an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), learning difficulties or disabilities, or medical needs, and is aged between 16 and 25 on 31 August 2024, they may be eligible for assistance with transport if they are unable to travel independently either by public transport or on foot to their post-16 education provision.

Applying for assistance with transport to college or sixth form

A contribution of £90 per Academic year will be required towards the cost of the transport provided.
This is payable in 3 termly instalments of £30 or a one-off payment of £90. An application for transport and a £30 payment will need to be made before the start of each term. Once transport has been approved, we will send you a reminder via email at the end of each term. When a payment for £90 is made and transport has been approved for the whole of the Academic Year you will not need to reapply each term.

An application and payment will be required before the start of the next Academic year.

If you have any queries please contact the Transport Team:  school.transport@northlincs.gov.uk or 01724 297000.

Please note:

If you are applying for SEN Transport for September 2024, please do not apply before 15 July 2024.

Students who are able to use public transport, should read the information on the Post 16 transport to college or sixth form page.

They may also be entitled to free travel on public transport under the national scheme.

A course of further education at a publicly funded institution within North Lincolnshire. Post 19 students must be attending courses funded by a public body such as the council or the Education and Skills Finding Agency (ESFA).

The course must be at a college or school within North Lincolnshire unless:

  • the out of county college placement is funded by a public body such as the ESFA or North Lincolnshire Council
  • the course is not available in North Lincolnshire and there is no suitable alternative locally


The student must live in North Lincolnshire when enrolled on the course.

Anyone who moves to North Lincolnshire for the purpose of receiving full-time education may not be eligible for support from North Lincolnshire Council.


If a young person has an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), learning difficulties or disabilities, or medical needs, and is aged between 16 and 25 on 31 August, they may be eligible for assistance with transport if they are unable to travel independently either by public transport or on foot to their post-16 education provision.


Students must be aged 16 to 25 on the 31 August.

Educational progression

The college and the funding body must support the young person’s attendance on the course and must have evidence that they will continue to make educational progress by undertaking the course.