A consultation on council ward boundaries is gathering the views of local residents.
The Boundary Commission is looking for people’s thoughts on:
- The total number of councillors elected to the council;
- The number of wards;
- The number of councillors representing each ward;
- Ward boundaries;
- The name of wards.
There are currently 43 councillors representing the county at North Lincolnshire Council.
The Boundary Commission have said they are minded to recommend that number stays the same.
Individuals and community groups are being urged to give their views, backed up with evidence where possible.
More information on how to get involved is on the Boundary Commission’s website.
The consultation period closes on 26 July 2021 and draft recommendations will be published in October 2021.
There will be a further consultation period and final recommendations are expected to be published in March 2022, to come into effect at the follow year’s elections, May 2023.
To see current ward boundary maps, leave comments and upload documents, go to the Boundary Commission’s North Lincolnshire portal.