A Selective Licensing scheme designed to improve housing standards and protect Scunthorpe communities from rogue landlords and anti-social tenants has been proposed, and the council wants to hear your views.
As well as a consultation form, a series of drop-in sessions for residents and landlords have been arranged where people can ask questions, find out more details about the proposals and the areas they cover and make their own views known.
The Selective Licensing scheme would mean rented premises in certain parts of Scunthorpe would have to be licensed, requiring landlords to maintain high standards to keep their tenants safe, warm and secure.
It would also require them to ensure their tenants maintain the same high standards.
The areas proposed for the scheme cover part of the Crosby & Park, Town and Frodingham wards, an estimated total of 1,505 private sector rented properties.
The licence conditions cover such things as overcrowding, heating and making the property safe. It ensures homes have essential safety measures installed such as smoke and carbon monoxide alarms and emergency lighting.
Landlords would also have to tackle issues such as anti-social behaviour and management of waste at a property and the council would be able to ask for evidence that they are a ‘fit and proper person’.
Anyone in North Lincolnshire can make their views known on the Selective Licensing proposals – you don’t need to be a tenant or landlord or live in the designated areas.
Drop-in sessions have been arranged on the following dates:
Landlord focused events:
11 March – 3pm – 7pm at CrosbyONE, Digby St, Scunthorpe DN15 7LU
8 April – 3pm – 7pm at Wortley House Hotel Rowland Road, Scunthorpe, DN16 1SU
Resident focused events:
18 March – 3pm – 7pm at Wortley House Hotel Rowland Road, Scunthorpe, DN16 1SU
10 April – 3pm – 7pm CrosbyONE, Digby St, Scunthorpe DN15 7LU
General event:
18 April – 3pm – 7pm, Café Indie, 169-173 High St, Scunthorpe DN15 6EH
Both landlords and residents are welcome at all events.
More information on the proposal is available on our website.