
Helping residents get online

Find out how to access digital devices and get online. Help with online learning, improving your skills, staying safe online, finding a job, find online courses and how to sign up for superfast broadband.

Help and support available locally

For some people the thought of using a device to get online may seem scary and daunting, especially if you’ve never been shown how to use one. Other people may have their own device, but may not have access to the internet.

We are trying to help residents access the internet and get assistance to use technology and that could enable them to build up a virtual network of family and friends using tools such as Facetime and WhatsApp. Access to the internet is also important for people looking for a job, wanting to access education, essential services and opportunities to improve their health and wellbeing, including the use of digital assistants for example Amazon Alexa and Apple Siri, to aid daily living. It’s important that people are not at a disadvantage because they do not have a digital device or cannot access the internet.

Below we have listed some information that can help you to access digital devices and training to use them. We’ve included information on helping your children with home schooling and staying safe online. Maybe you are looking for online courses to help with mental health and well being or finding a job or merely improve or learn a new skill. Being able to get online opens up a whole new world that many of us take for granted.

North Lincolnshire libraries and community hubs

Community Hubs  provide free wifi and access to the public network computers and offer assistance to use them. There is free wifi in all council buildings accessed by the public.

Scunthorpe Central is an official online centre delivering basic digital skills drop-in sessions. This is aimed at building up your basic digital skills for those who lack confidence helping you to use online tools, for example, how to make a video call, learning how to shop safely online or search for a job etc.

Digital devices are available for library members to use in all of our static libraries. You must be a member of North Lincolnshire libraries to use a library computer/device. Anyone can join the library free of charge, even if they live outside of the area or outside of the UK.

If you wish to join the library, please email libraries@northlincs.gov.uk.

Online library services

Take a look at the online library webpage to see a range of services you can access online through the library service.

Using gaming consoles to get online

Did you know your child can access Google Classroom on their video game console? If your child has a PS4, PS5, Xbox One or Xbox Series X/S they can use to built in web browsers to access the learning tool. Instructions below:


All NHS buildings and doctors practices have free wifi available to members of the public. You can keep in touch with friends and family while receiving care, especially when the 3G/4G mobile signal is weak or non-existent.

The NHS app enables you to complete lots of tasks yourself including:

  • get advice about coronavirus
  • order repeat prescriptions
  • book appointments – search for, book and cancel appointments at your GP surgery. See details of your upcoming and past appointments
  • get health advice – search trusted NHS information and advice on hundreds of conditions and treatments.
  • view your health record – securely access your GP health record to see information like your allergies and your current and past medicines.
  • register to be an organ donor.

Find out more information and how to download the app on the NHS website.

Action Station

The Action Station are working with residents who have been referred to them to help them access a tablet and tuition/support.

In addition it offers support for vulnerable young adults (aged 16-25) who have been referred and who are feeling isolated but who do not have digital devices or are not confidence to use them in order to maintain a good level of contact through digital platforms for example Facebook, WhatsApp etc.


WaveLength gives radios, televisions, and tablet computers, free of charge, to people who are lonely and can’t afford to buy the technology themselves. Visit the Wavelength website  to read further information and find out how to apply.


Choose.co.uk offer a completely transparent price comparison service that helps empower you to make the best choices and you can find out where you can get a free, discounted or subsidised computer.


Abilitynet.org.uk supports people of any age, living with any disability or impairment to use technology to achieve their goals at home, at work and in education. They do this by providing specialist advice services, free information resources and by helping to build a more accessible digital world.

Age UK

Age UK computer training courses explain things clearly in plain English to help you get online. Some of these services may be impacted by the coronavirus. Contact your local Age UK for advice.

Online courses

If you are interested in learning how to use the internet and learn new or how to improve your basic digital skills to make the most of the online world, the Learn My Way  website is a great place to start. This website can build up basic digital knowledge for those who lack confidence and there are practical skills to develop digital skills, e.g. learn how to make a video call, learn how to shop safely online etc.

Adult Community Learning

Take a look at the Adult Community Learning website for lots of free courses including the Essential Digital Skills course.

We offer a range of courses that will support you to progress to further learning, find employment or improve your wellbeing. Further information is available on  our website or if you have any questions please fill in our online contact form.

Citizen Advice

North Lincolnshire Citizen Advice help in providing support and signposting to a range of national, regional and locally available digital access opportunities. Follow Citizens Advice on Facebook.

Are you overwhelmed with all this new virtual learning?

We can help you get started, so you can work together with your child.

  • How to use Google Classroom
  • How to use Google Meets (video chat)
  • How to check the progress of homework and attend virtual meetings.

Find out how to sign up to these free online courses on our Adult Community Learning website. Lots of other courses available too.

BBC website – The BBC provides a range of information about the laws that protect you and your data online as well as content on online security and safety both for adults and children.

Cyber Aware – A government produced site that provides information about how you can protect yourself as well as your device, data and business online by being cyber aware.

Get Safe Online – Guidelines to protect both yourself and your business online with information on securing your computer, safeguarding children and using social media safely.

Keeping children safe online

A parents’ guide to technology – The UK Safer Internet Centre has created this guide to answer commonly asked questions and introduce some of the most popular devices used by children, highlighting the safety tools available and empowering parents with the knowledge they need to support their children to use these technologies safely and responsibly.

Internet parental controls – The four big internet providers – BT, Sky, Talk Talk and Virgin Media – provide their customers with free parental controls that can be activated at any time. Video tutorials on how to download and use these controls are available on the UK Safer Internet Centre website.

Social network checklists – Free guides produced by the UK Safer Internet Centre that contains detailed instructions and information on privacy and account settings on Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and Instagram.

Supporting children and young people online – A wide range of resources ranging from information about mobiles, online gaming, downloading, social networking and much more.

We are working with telecoms providers to bring ultrafast broadband to more areas in North Lincolnshire. Ultrafast broadband provides download speeds of up to 1Gbps (1000Mbps). It is also known as ‘full fibre’, ‘fibre to the premises’ and ‘fibre to the home’. Find out more including how to sign up for ultra fast broadband in your area.