
Children’s Challenge refresh 2022

The Introduction

In North Lincolnshire, children, young people and families views are really valued.  There is a genuine commitment to listening to and learning from views and experiences and children, young people and families are involved in decisions that affect their lives, as individuals or as groups who access the children and families offer. The One Family Approach very clearly places children in families and communities at the centre.

There are lots of opportunities for us to influence people who make decisions and we are encouraged and supported to have our say through established groups and forums, like the North Lincs Youth Council and the North Lincs PIP Parent Forum, or by telling people what it is like for us living in and accessing the children and families offer in the area, through the regular surveys, meetings, conferences, events and other engagement activity.  We are routinely engaged in consultation and engagement activity and we’re excited about being able to use our collective voice to shape and influence the One Family Approach through other partnerships, groups and forums too.

We are pleased with the progress that has been made over the last couple of years and we’re proud of our contributions to campaigns, workstreams and projects and we can see that it is making a difference.  However, there is still a lot to focus on and a key feature of this 2022 refresh of the Children’s Challenge is that through surveys and feedback, young people and families have identified some further areas of focus.

We want to challenge local partners to work together to take action and we have challenged ourselves as to how we can help too.  We are part of the solution and together, taking a One Family Approach, we can further improve the lives and experiences of children, young people and families.

Members of the Youth Council

Members of the North Lincolnshire Youth Council

Members of the PIP Forum

Members of PIP Forum

The Purpose

The core of this document ‘the challenges’ are written from the perspective of children, young people and families and supported by the North Lincolnshire Youth Council and the North Lincolnshire PIP Parent Forum on behalf of children, young people and families in the area. This document is endorsed through the Children and Young People’s Partnership and it also informs the 2022 refresh of the North Lincolnshire Children’s Commissioning Strategy 2020/24.

This document:

  • clarifies the One Family Approach and sets out the ambition for children for children to be in their families, in their schools and in their communities
  • acknowledges the progress made on the original challenges in the Children’s Challenge and sets out further challenges that have been identified through consultation and engagement activity, for partnership action to contribute to the ambition and improve outcomes (safe, well, prosperous and connected)
  • sets out key challenges for children, young people and families themselves as to how they can take self responsibility and positively contribute to the ambition and improve their own outcomes (safe, well, prosperous and connected)
  • clarifies the importance of stakeholder engagement as a key enabler for change
  • should be taken into account when making decisions regarding commissioning and redesign
  • is a mechanism to ‘challenge’ partners, and children and young people themselves, as to whether they are taking account of the challenges identified

The Ambition

We all want to live in a place we call home, with the people and things that we love, in communities where we look out for one another, doing things that matter to us.  Children being in their families, in their schools and in their communities is at the heart of the One Family Approach: a system that works for all children, young people and families.

As children, young people and families, we want to be:

Group of young people looking at a poster


Group of young people with thumbs upPositive

Group of young people in council chamberInspired

Group of young children in a classroomInterested

Group of young people smiling and happyHappy

Information displayInformed

Variety of young people sat togetherIndividual

Group of young people working on a project with adultsAmbitious

Group of young people being shown how to do CPREnabled

Group of young people at a leisure centreHealthy


One Family Approach – ambition and context


  • Through our One Family Approach, we will work together with schools as the primary partner, wider partners and the community to build on and further strengthen an integrated system that works for all children, young people and families, where children can be in their families, in their schools and in their communities.

We do this by:

  • Meeting need at the lowest level
  • Prioritising the vulnerable
  • Addressing inequalities to enable equality of opportunity and equality of outcomes
  • Promoting independence, maximising opportunities and enabling self responsibility
  • Managing and mitigating risk
  • Ensuring the best children and families offer in the best place.

Policy intents:

  • Focus on place based and neighbourhoods model
  • Enabling sustainable change
  • Whole family working
  • Fewest best interventions
  • One Council One Family One Place.

Shared values:

  • Equality of opportunity, excellence, integrity and self responsibility


  • National and local policy drivers
  • Organisational model
  • Practice model
  • Helping Children and Families in North Lincolnshire document.


Safe, Well, Prosperous and Connected.

Stakeholder engagement

Children, young people, families and communities are at the heart of all we do and by making use of their strengths, assets, views and experiences and by engaging with and working together as partners and with other key stakeholders across the partnership, including the voluntary and community sector, we will co-produce our local offer and support which meets needs and helps to achieve positive outcomes.

Along with children, young people, families and communities themselves, key partners and stakeholders include the Council, the NHS Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board, education providers, health providers, police and the voluntary and community sector.

There is a commitment from partners to contribute to and utilise all methods of engagement at every level and to co-ordinate engagement activity i.e. through the Children and Young People’s Partnership, recognising interdependency and the impact on children and families.

How we know what the challenges are

  • We wanted to ensure our CHALLENGES were the right ones to help achieve our intended outcomes. To help develop our CHALLENGES, we used the feedback from a range of engagement activity with children, young people and families in which they shared their views and experiences. The type of engagement activity is as follows:
    • Reflections on progress against current challenges
    • Consultation with North Lincolnshire Youth Council
    • Consultation with PIP Parent Forum
    • Consultation with Children in Care Council
    • Outcomes of engagement activity with those who have experience of statutory interventions
    • Make Your Mark
    • Family and Community Offer consultation
    • Positive Activities ‘Have Your Say’ survey
    • Primary Lives Survey.
  • Taking account of this feedback, a range of CHALLENGES have been identified for partners and for children, young people and families themselves

Consultation feedback: key themes

Positive progress and feedback

Ongoing focus required on:

  • Early diagnosis
  • Positive messaging
  • Entrepreneurial opportunities
  • Positive activities
  • Engaging and safe community spaces
  • Safe spaces for young people
  • More police presence in some areas
  • Support for emotional wellbeing and mental health
  • Sexual health provision
  • Addressing the urban/rural mix and accessibility to the children and families offer
  • Timely direct support
  • Online support for children with SEND and families
  • Bespoke local offer
  • Education and training offer for young people with SEND
  • Waiting times for diagnosis
  • Support through transitions into further learning and employment and preparation for adulthood
  • Whole family working
  • Challenge language and culture to ensure inclusion
  • Workforce development
  • Mechanisms to hear the voice of children with SEND
  • Consistent offer across all education settings

Safer roads

  • Community pride i.e. reduce littering
  • More youth clubs and more things to do
  • Spend more time and money on children earlier rather than when they’ve gone into crime
  • More activities to help with anger issues and reduce stress Being safe online i.e. stop people from catfishing
  • Get the right educational support
  • More people to talk to in and out of school
  • Help young people to prevent and overcome self harm
  • Be inspired by people who do the jobs we want to do
  • Help to achieve aspirations
  • Young people friendly web based information
  • Adults should be more informed about what help is available (regarding web/mh)
  • Local information, tools and resources should be easier to access when they are needed (regarding web/mh)
  • There should be different ways of engaging with children and families, depending on what works best for them
  • Professionals to make sure they engage with the right people in families and in a timely way
  • Would help to have one lead worker for each family
  • Would help for families to fully understand who is working with them (the fewer the better)
  • Health and wellbeing
  • Mental health
  • Healthy eating
  • Jobs
  • Money
  • Homes
  • Opportunities
  • Environment
  • More information regarding the offer
  • Use a range of venues
  • Face to face and online sessions
  • In support of the development of family hubs
  • Need to ensure an ongoing universal offer
  • Support for families throughout a child’s journey (babies, toddlers, children and teenagers)
  • Sports, spending time with friends and gaming were the most popular activities for young people outside of school
  • Teenagers indicated they want safe places where they can socialise with friends and the opportunities for this are reducing
  • Parks were a popular venue to hang out with friends (despite them saying they don’t feel safe)
  • Schools, Leisure Centres and Sports Halls were also indicated as popular venues for teenagers
  • Other things that matter to young people include: education, mental health, crime and safety, climate change, drugs and crime and sexual harassment

5% focus (where circa 95% were positive outcomes)

The top four worries were identified as being:

  • Effects of climate change
  • Doing well at school
  • How much sleep they get
  • Getting enough to eat.
Young boy with Downs Syndrome climbing on a climbing frame

The challenge to you: Partners

Taking account the outcomes of consultation, and further discussions across the partnership, a number of challenges have been identified to shape and influence partnership action in order to contribute to children, young people and families being SAFE, WELL, PROSPEROUS and CONNECTED.

In order to help contribute to children, young people and families outcomes around being SAFE, we want PARTNERS to:

SAFE: where children and families feel safe in their families, in their schools and in their communities

  • Develop positive messages and help change behaviours and break social norms
  • Develop more engaging and safe community spaces for the whole family, (including green spaces, parks and youth provision)
  • Contribute to safer communities through enhanced police presence in community settings
  • Amplify focus on staying safe online
  • Raise awareness of positive, healthy relationships and build children and young people’s confidence to make informed decisions.

In order to help contribute to children, young people and families outcomes around being WELL, we want PARTNERS to:

WELL; where children and families enjoy good health and emotional wellbeing

  • Improve early diagnosis and timely and appropriate support thereafter (for the whole family)
  • Enhance information, support and interventions to enable children and young people to build their resilience, confidence and self esteem, and enhance coping mechanisms to help improve their emotional wellbeing and mental health
  • Enhance support to young people to enable them to recognise and prevent triggers of self harm and to seek support when needed
  • Focus on enhancing positive messaging to encourage and support healthy eating and the importance of physical health
  • Raise awareness and ensure consistency of information, support and interventions relating to sexual health.

In order to help contribute to children, young people and families outcomes around being PROSPEROUS, we want PARTNERS to:

PROSPEROUS; where children and young people have excellent education and improved skills

  • Raise awareness of entrepreneurial opportunities
  • Extend further education and training offer for young people who need additional help and/or have different diversities and vulnerabilities i.e. children with special educational needs / disabilities (SEND), children in care and care leavers (CIC/CL)
  • Develop offer of support through transitions into further education and employment for children and families who need additional help and/or have different diversities and vulnerabilities i.e. SEND or CIC/CL
  • Challenge and support consistency of offer across education settings
  • Utilise the capacity of the partnership workforce to highlight career opportunities and inspire young people to make informed decisions to achieve their aspirations
  • Enable opportunities for children and young people to have access to food programmes.

In order to help contribute to children, young people and families outcomes around being CONNECTED, we want PARTNERS to:

CONNECTED; where children and families live in flourishing communities, with equality of access to the children and families offer and local facilities

  • Improve online support for all children, young people and families, and specifically those who need additional help and/or have different diversities and vulnerabilities i.e. SEND or CIC/CL
  • Focus on whole family working through family and community hubs
  • Challenge language and culture across the partnership to ensure that children and families needs and circumstances are understood and taken into account
  • Ensure a robust workforce development offer to ensure that staff across the workforce are fully aware of what information, advice and support is available, that they are fully equipped to recognise and understand children and families needs and that they are able to intervene timely and appropriately
  • Raise awareness of and support opportunities to develop community ownership and active citizenship (including relating to climate change)
  • Via the youth offer, develop places to go, things to do and people to talk to, and encourage and enable children, young people and families to positively engage
  • Support and enable wider access to community facilities to create opportunities for children and families to find resolutions for themselves
  • Use creative mechanisms for engaging with children, young people and families to best meet their needs and circumstances
  • Further build opportunities to listen to the views and experiences of children, young people and families, including specific cohorts.

The challenge for us: children and families

In order to help contribute to children, young people and families being SAFE, WELL, PROSPEROUS and CONNECTED, we, as children, young people and families can also contribute as follows:

SAFE: where children and families feel safe in their families, in their schools and in their communities

  • Take responsibility for our own personal safety and seek out and access available information and support to keep ourselves safe
  • Help to develop information and resources to help keep us and our families safe
  • Help to raise awareness and share positive messages to others who may need help and support.

WELL; where children and families enjoy good health and emotional wellbeing

  • Make positive choices to enable healthy lifestyles
  • Seek out and access available information and support to keep us well
  • Help to develop information and resources to keep us and our families well
  • Help to raise awareness and share positive messages to others regarding health and wellbeing.

PROSPEROUS; where children and young people have excellent education and improved skills

  • Work together to identify and develop aspirations, strengths and assets to make informed decisions and enable future prospects
  • Take up opportunities to learn and be inspired.

CONNECTED; where children and families live in flourishing communities, with equality of access to the children and families offer and local facilities

  • To be active citizens and contribute to developing our own communities including sharing skills
  • To take up the available children and families offer, including the youth offer, and make use of local amenities and family activities
  • Work towards developing relationships to enable positive outcomes
  • To take up opportunities to share our voice, views and experiences to improve our outcomes
  • To take more self responsibility for our own lives, our own outcomes and where and how we live.

Young people will be mindful of the outcomes of Lifestyle Surveys and engage in pro social behaviours to keep themselves SAFE, WELL, PROSPEROUS and CONNECTED supported by co-produced information and resources.

Parents with child blowing bubbles

What success will  look and feel like:

What is the vision we want to achieve?

The One Family Approach is how we respond to the needs of children and families in North Lincolnshire in the context of integrated services for children. It provides a vision for a new system that places children and families at the centre – a One Family Approach to strategy, commissioning, planning and practise.

What is the outcome we want to achieve

We want children, families, adults and communities to be:

  • Safe
  • Well
  • Prosperous
  • Connected.

What is our ambition?

  • We achieve this taking a One Family Approach where children are in their families, in their schools and in their communities.

Population profile

  • North Lincolnshire demographic profile
  • CYP and families needing targeted early help
  • CYP needing specialist services
  • CIC and those living away from family
  • CYP with send needs.

System health measures

  • Front door activity (SPOC, contacts, referrals, repeat front door activity)
  • Number of families achieving successful family outcomes (supporting families payments by results)
  • Access to learning (attendance, NEET, adult learning(
  • Community capacity (connected voluntary/ community sector – early help system).

Families will experience:

  • I trust the professionals working with me and my family, they understand us better
  • I tell my story once
  • I get offered help much earlier now and everyone works together
  • I have someone in my life listening to and caring for me and my family, appreciating our strength
  • I set the outcomes in my family plan with my lead worker
  • I know how to improve our lives, navigate the systems and get support if there are problems
  • I feel my outcomes are improved
  • I know the relative relationships I have with my friends and community will help me.


The impact of One Family Approach will be seen via sustained improved outcomes for families experiencing multiple challenges, wherever they are in the system, in the following areas

  • Safe – Safe in my family safe in my community safe in relationships safe online
  • Well – Free from the harm of substance misuse experiencing good physical health experiencing good emotional health and well-being
  • Prosperous – achieve financial stability secure and stable housing accessing education/ learning and employment/ volunteering
  • Connected – receives and provides family support positive relationships outside the home takes part in the community can get help online access to transport.

How will we know things are being done

We will know this by:

  • Ongoing engagement with children, young people and families in the local area
  • Understanding what has and hasn’t worked before (via reviews of projects, workstreams, strategies and plans)
  • Understanding what performance information and data is telling us
  • Understanding what voice and practice wisdom is telling us

Action taken to respond to the challenges will be considered at the Children and Young People’s Partnership and fed into relevant partnerships, boards and forums as appropriate.

Working together taking a One Family Approach, so that children are in their families, in their schools and in their communities, we will listen, learn, review and adapt leading to improved outcomes and experiences where children, young people and families are SAFE, WELL, PROSPEROUS and CONNECTED.


For further information

Email: julie.poole@northlincs.gov.uk