
Living a healthy life

various images depicting healthy eating and activities including running, walking, healthy food

Find out how to live a healthier life and what support is available if you’re worried about your health.

The North Lincolnshire Healthy Lifestyle Team

Welcome to North Lincolnshire Council’s Healthy Lifestyles team. We aim to support you in different ways to improve your health and wellbeing. Our friendly, knowledgeable facilitators can provide you with FREE support in many ways:

  • Stop smoking, for good.
  • Making healthy changes to maintain a healthy weight and live a healthier life.
  • Teaching you new skills to cook healthy meals.

If you want to know more information about how we can support, you can follow the links below:

Our Stop Smoking Support programme aims to help you go smoke free.

Our tailored stop smoking support will enable you to access the best support that is right for you. We offer a combination of behavioural support and stop smoking aids.
What our programme offers:

  • Expert advice to help you stop smoking.
  • Free stop smoking aids, such as vapes, patches, gums, lozenges and more.
  • Some one to cheer you on and support you, every step of the way.

Our facilitators can help you find the support you need whether that is over the phone or at one of our local Stop Shop groups.

Stopping smoking is the best thing you can do for your health, and the good news is that the risk to your heart decreases significantly soon after you stop.

By quitting you’ll be improving your own health by considerably reducing your risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, and a variety of cancers. It also helps you save money for the things you really want to do! If you want to know how much you can save from stop smoking, check the money calculator.

Our Why Weight? programme aims to support you in achieving your health and weight goals. Our eight-week course offers support to help you make informed decisions in different areas from nutrition, portion sizes, physical activity, sleep, habits, mindfulness and much more.

We will work with you to identify your health goals and improve on areas that are important to you.

During your initial assessment, our facilitators will help you to set your 5% weight loss target, but we understand that your journey is so much more than a number on the scales, that’s why we celebrate all healthy outcomes for our service users.

We understand that sometimes life can get in the way, that’s why we aim to make our Why Weight? Programme easy to access. We provide support in groups, on to one, virtually and even independently with our distance support. We’re sure we have the right method for you!

We also provide an additional five-week Menopause support programme; this specialist group is available throughout the year at designated venues throughout North Lincolnshire. For more information on Menopause symptom management, visit the NHS website.

Our six-week Cook4Life programme aims to help you learn practical skills that you can use to cook your own healthy, nutritious meals.

Our face-to-face groups and one to one programmes offer a unique opportunity to learn new skills in a fun, friendly environment.

You will learn new, healthy recipes which you can use with a new skillset that will last a lifetime. There are lots of benefits of learning to cook. Such as:

  • Self-Nourishment
  • A strong sense of achievement
  • Offers a creative outlet
  • Good stress relief
  • Awareness of the foods you eat.

Our sessions are available throughout North Lincolnshire and are available within kitchen spaces at local Community Hub venues.

For skills, recipes, and resources visit the Soil Association Learning and Skills Hub website.

People can access support from our team throughout North Lincolnshire in Community Hubs, Leisure Centres, various GP practices and virtually.

To start your journey to better health with Healthy Lifestyles, please complete our Stop Smoking support form or for any other wellbeing support please complete our Wellbeing Support form and one of the team will be in touch. Alternatively, email nlc.healthylifestyles@nhs.net or call 01724 298212.

Drop in sessions

Our Healthy Lifestyles Information drop ins are a great opportunity to speak with a member of our team about all things Healthy Lifestyles, whether it is to find out more about our offers, discuss any concerns or you are thinking about taking the first step towards a healthier you and would like to know more. Simply come and speak with a member of our team with no appointment necessary. You can access our Information drop ins at the venues and times listed below.

  • Monday – Central Community Centre – 12 noon to 12.30pm
  • Tuesday – Ashby Hub – 11.30am to 12 noon
  • Tuesday – Brigg Hub – 11.30am to 12 noon
  • Tuesday – Baysgarth Hub – 1pm to 1.30pm
  • Tuesday – The Arc – 2pm to 2.30pm
  • Wednesday – The Pods – 11am to 11.30am.

Success stories

Customer one – 53 year old male

Referred by NHS into Healthy Lifestyles for the weight management programme. Ongoing health issues include chronic pain associated with nerve damage post operation. In 2021 he was hospitalised with Covid and has subsequently been diagnosed with Long Covid conditions that cause respiratory and kidney problems, fatigue and brain fog which affects his thought process.

At initial assessment the service user had a BMI of 35 and was set a 5% weight loss target of 5.3kg. The client told me that prior to having Long Covid he had held a responsible job, which he lost following a substantial period of sickness leave. I discussed and received permission from the client to signpost him to Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) for emotional support and to North Lincolnshire Adult Education as he was starting to think about how he could change his career direction to one more suited to his health needs.

Throughout the course he attended every session. He was proactive in asking questions and each week he set SMART goals for and was happy to report back to the group on his achievements and barriers to these.

This client really did thrive in this group setting, he commented that he learnt a lot from the course content in addition the support from other people in the group. Halfway through the course a service user commented that he was looking well, and that his weight loss was noticeable – this gave him a huge boost to carry on.

As a result of his commitment to the course this client lost a total of 6.1kg. He was very proud of his achievements and for the first time in four years his GP informed him that he was no longer pre-diabetic. In addition, he spoke to another service user about the Fibromyalgia group held in Central Community Centre, he was unaware that other people with long term conditions were able to attend and seemed keen to visit this group.

Customer two – 67 year old male

A 67-year-old male was referred to Healthy Lifestyles by the local GP for support to quit smoking after having a recent admission to hospital for shortness of breath.

He suffered from many ailments including Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary disease (COPD), heart disease, kidney problems and more recently depression. The extent of his COPD meant even the simplest of tasks were difficult and he used a mobility scooter majority of the time to aid mobility.

He had spent majority of his life in the merchant navy so had smoked heavily for around 50 years and was also battling an alcohol addiction. He had previously quit smoking for 15 months but one cigarette in a pub one night had led him back to smoking. He was now smoking around 30 roll ups a day. Despite his alcohol addiction, he was determined to stop smoking (motivation 10) but was not confident that he could achieve it.

He missed his initial assessment appointment as he had drunk too much the night before and was in a distressed state. He wanted to continue and attended majority of the following appointments over the next six weeks, calling me if too ill to attend. He used a vape provided by us and his own patches, finding the quit relatively easy. Each time he returned he looked healthier, happier and his CO readings were consistently low (normally 2). He was still smoke free six weeks later.

He stated that he would recommend the service to anyone and was very grateful for the help received. During the time with us, he had been referred to Great Oaks and he self-referred to ‘We are with you’, awaiting a call back from them on his last visit to me. He had been three weeks without alcohol when I last saw him, which he was very proud to share. He was going to attend some coffee mornings locally, enquire about Men in Sheds and had bought a budgie for company as now wanted to become more sociable to relieve the loneliness and improve his lifestyle further.

Customer two – 48 year old male

Male, 48 years old and has suffered from anxiety for many years. His social prescriber suggested that he attend Cook4Life sessions, as it might help improve his confidence and health issues.

He first attended on April 26 2023, admitting that he was quite anxious and nervous coming into the kitchen. The group quickly felt comfortable with each other, chatting, sharing jokes and helping each other. He was particularly good at helping others and took the lead in the various activities, prepping the food etc.

After one session, he asked to talk and share some of his concerns with me. He admitted to often lacking motivation and not wanting to get out of bed some mornings. We talked about how he could overcome this and what strategies he could put in place. This helped to put him into a much better frame of mind, and he was much more positive.

During the Cook4Life sessions he had observed the pairings of the two PA’s and their clients, which he found very interesting and thought provoking. In the future he would like to do similar work, so this was very useful and inspiring.

‘I’ve thoroughly enjoyed this course. As well as improving my cooking skills, I know my mental health has also improved. I’ve found the interaction with other clients most useful on both a formal and informal basis’

Further information

Evidence shows that people who do the recommended amount of physical activity (150 minutes per week) have a lower risk of many chronic diseases. These include heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke and some cancers.

Physical activity can also boost self-esteem, mood, sleep quality and energy. It also reduces your risk of stress, depression, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

The good news is that as soon as you begin regular physical activity you’ll start to feel the benefits of a healthier lifestyle.

Our aspiration is to get everybody to do a minimum of 150 minutes moderate intensity physical activity each week to help keep fit. The 150 minutes doesn’t have to be done in one go. Doing 10 minutes at a time is enough to start getting the benefits.

Moderate intensity activity means you’re working hard enough to raise your heart rate and break a sweat. One way to tell if you’re working at a moderate intensity is if you can still talk but you can’t sing the words to a song.

Examples of moderate intensity activities are:

  • brisk walking
  • water aerobics
  • gardening or pushing a lawn mower
  • dancing
  • swimming
  • cycling on level ground
  • golf
  • active games with the kids

NCFE exercise studies course online

North Lincolnshire Adult Education and Community Learning offer an NCFE level 1 exercise studies course online. This will help you to identify and improve your own levels of fitness and help you make exercise part of your everyday life.

For more information visit NCFE level 1 exercise studies on the North Lincs Adult Education website.

Healthy Lifestyles is committed to helping residents move more and feel better within North Lincolnshire.

We can become more physically active in many ways. From gardening, walking more, foraging and cycling to work through to exercise classes, swimming and visiting the gym. There are many ways for us to get active.

With lots of physical activity to choose from locally, there will be something for everyone regardless of age, fitness level or interest.
We have lots of great opportunities for you to take part in physical activity. Some sessions, groups or clubs are free or at a reduced cost. Many are based in the heart of our local communities enabling physical activity to be more accessible than ever before.

With various types of physical activity to choose from locally, there will be something for everyone regardless of age, fitness level or interest.

  • Leisure centres – across six sites throughout North Lincolnshire, our friends at NL Active provide a range of exercise, fitness and sports activities for adults and children
  • Walking your way to health – free and supportive group walks taking place across North Lincolnshire led by trained volunteers
  • Community sports and physical activity – a range of opportunities across North Lincolnshire from Park Run to yoga, cycling to dancing, football to aerobics
  • Street Sport – an initiative in North Lincolnshire for young people, where mobile sports leaders bring street sport directly into communities
  • Other leisure activities – for finding local clubs and societies, local parks and playgrounds, outdoor facilities, allotments and activities for children and young people.

North Lincolnshire boasts some fantastic opportunities for outdoor activity that is free. From walking routes, the Future Forage project, children’s playgrounds and local sport areas. There is plenty to do in the great outdoors of North Lincolnshire.

North Lincolnshire Council’s physical activity development officers can help you to become more physically active and help to support local communities with physical activity matters that are important to them.

For more information on the recommended guidelines for physical activity and how you can lead a more physically active lifestyle, visit the NHS website.

Mental health is as important as physical health. Good mental health helps you to:

  • make the most of your potential
  • cope with life
  • play a full part in your family, workplace, community and among friends.

At least one in four of us will experience mental health problem at some point in our life (often not diagnosed nor requiring specialist services). Almost half of all adults will experience at least one episode of depression in their lifetime.

Many people who live with a mental health problem (or are developing one) try to keep their feelings hidden because they are afraid of other people’s reactions.

Mental health support

The following offer support, practical advice and tips to achieve positive mental health:

The North Lincolnshire Healthy Lifestyle Service can also support you to improve your wellbeing, including your mental and emotional health. The service can be accessed in numerous settings across North Lincolnshire. To make an appointment with our friendly team, please telephone 01724 297000 or nlc.healthylifestyles@nhs.net.

Accessing NHS mental health services in North Lincolnshire

You can access a range of self-help, online and face-to-face mental health support via the NHS. You don’t necessarily need to visit your GP first. Visit the Rotherham Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust (RDASH) website for further information.

Urgent mental health help

See your GP if:

  • you’ve been feeling depressed for more than a few weeks
  • your anxiety is affecting your daily life

If you want to talk to someone right away, the mental health helpline on the NHS website has a list of national organisations you can call for immediate help.

Local support is also available from RDaSH mental health teams. Visit their adult mental health services page for contact details.

The Samaritans helpline is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, for people who want to talk in confidence. Call 116 123 (free).

If you’ve had thoughts of self-harming or are feeling suicidal, contact someone you can trust immediately, such as your GP, or a friend or relative.

Infant mental health

The mental health of babies is as important as it is for older children and for adults. For further information visit our infant mental health page.

Online courses

Adult Education and Community Learning offer lots of courses including stress awareness and understanding children and young people’s mental health.

Find out more on the North Lincs Adult Education website.

Men’s Health Week, 10 to 16 June

Men’s Health Week is held on 10 to 16 June and is a dedicated week that shines the spotlight on the unique health concerns that men experience. It’s a reminder of the importance of proactively addressing and managing health issues by encouraging men to take charge of their well-being, make informed decisions about their lifestyle choices, and seek appropriate medical support when needed.

Public Health North Lincolnshire would like to shine a light on men’s mental health and wellbeing by sharing our Mens Mental Health and Wellbeing Directory a useful resource to draw upon for signposting and raising awareness of the local support available for men.

Healthy eating is important because a balanced and nutritious diet improves your health. It also:

  • reduces your risk of illness and disease (like cancers and heart disease)
  • helps you to achieve and maintain a healthier weight.
  • supports you to look and feel your best.

The Eatwell Guide is a useful tool for helping us understand food groups. which shows how much of what we eat overall should come from each food group to achieve a healthy, balanced diet.

Further information on the Eatwell Guide and government guidance on healthy eating, is available on the Eat Well website.

Why Weight? Future Forage offers a unique opportunity within North Lincolnshire parks and greenspaces. We’ve developed specially selected  parks within North Lincolnshire so that in years to come, you can forage your own fruit and herbs for free. This special collaboration allows you to forage fruits and herbs and use them to make healthy, seasonal recipes. For some inspiration, you can use the recipes below:


If you enjoy these healthy, seasonal recipes you can find these recipes and many more from the Soil Association’s Food for Life programme.

Food for Life believes that everyone should have access to healthy and sustainable food that is good for the climate, nature, and health. Visit the Food for Life website for more inspiration.

Healthy food including fruit and vegetables

Giving up smoking is the single most important thing you can do to improve your health.

Everyone has their own reasons for giving up smoking. Whether you want to improve your health, be able to play football with your grandchildren, save money, or be finally free from nicotine addiction, it’s never too late to quit. There is plenty of support to help you.

You can get support from the North Lincolnshire Healthy Lifestyle Service to stop smoking. After an initial one-to-one assessment with one of the healthy lifestyle facilitators, you may receive help to access nicotine replacement, set a quit date and be supported in your journey to become smoke free.

The NHS website has lots of tips on how to stop smoking

Pregnant women and their partners

Protecting your baby from tobacco smoke is one of the best things you can do to give your child a healthy start in life.

It’s never too late to stop smoking. Every cigarette you smoke contains over 4,000 chemicals, so smoking when you are pregnant harms your unborn baby. Cigarettes can restrict the essential oxygen supply to your baby, so their heart has to beat harder every time you smoke.

If your partner or anyone else who lives with you smokes, their smoke can affect you and the baby both before and after the birth. You may also find it difficult to stop if someone around you smokes.

The North Lincolnshire Healthy Lifestyle Service can help you stop smoking. There are a range of options available to suit pregnant women. These include hospital clinics, community clinics, support groups for pregnant women and home visits.

Speak to your midwife about getting support. 

If you (or someone you know) is experiencing problems with alcohol, drugs or mental health you can get free confidential support from With You. This service has been commissioned by North Lincolnshire Council.

The service can provide:

  • support for people to recover
  • effective tailored personalised care
  • enables individuals to realise their true potential
  • support in community settings

There is also a wide range of advice and support on the Talk to Frank website

Advice for people tempted to drink more than usual

Drug, alcohol and mental health charity With You (formerly Addaction) is offering advice to people tempted to drink more than usual in these tough times.

Simple tips to reduce your drinking:

  • Drink free days – having several drink free days will help reduce your alcohol use which should improve your physical and mental health. Public Health England has a Drink Free Days App to help you manage this.
  • Find a routine – social distancing can leave you feeling out of sync, but a routine can help provide order and familiarity. Try dividing your day up into sections and plan what you’re going to do at each time. Have slots for work, meals, chores, relaxation, exercise and stick to these as much as possible.
  • Stay in touch – not being able to go out or have friends and family to visit can make people feel lonely, so make time to call people and where possible video call so you can see a friendly face.
  • Reach out for support – there’s no shame in needing a helping hand in these tough times. If you are worried about yourself or a loved one you can speak anonymously to a trained advisor via With You online webchat.

The NHS website has advice, tips and tools to help you make the best choices about your health and wellbeing. These include:

If you are aged 40 to 74 years old and don’t have a pre-existing condition, the NHS health check is a free midlife MOT.

People who have had an NHS Health Check will be advised (if necessary) on how to reduce their risk of developing disease. That may mean lifestyle changes such as eating a healthier diet, cutting down on alcohol, stopping smoking or increasing their amount of physical activity. If someone is at higher risk, those changes may be combined with medical treatments, such as medicines to lower raised blood pressure or cholesterol.

The health check is to assess your risk of developing type 2 diabetes, kidney disease and stroke.

For a free NHS health check contact your GP. Health Checks are available at all but four of our GP practices in North Lincolnshire.

The health check will take about 20 to 30 minutes and we will:

  • ask you some simple questions, for example about your family history and any medication you are currently taking
  • record your height, weight, age, sex and ethnicity
  • take your blood pressure and pulse
  • do a simple blood test to check your cholesterol level
  • discuss how we can support you to reduce your risk and stay healthy
  • take you through your results and explain what they mean
  • give you personalised advice about how to lower your risk and maintain a healthy lifestyle

There are certain risk factors associated with dementia and whilst we cannot eliminate them all, there are things we can do to try to reduce our risk.

Be mentally active

Learning new skills and hobbies and connecting with others socially may help to reduce your risk of developing dementia as well as improving your general mental wellbeing, helping to keep you happy and positive. This is important as people with depression are probably at a greater risk of developing dementia.

Healthy diet

A healthy diet will help keep you at a healthy weight, reducing the likelihood of developing high blood pressure which can significantly increase your risk of developing dementia. A healthy diet can also help to keep your cholesterol and blood sugar levels within a healthy range helping to prevent Type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Diabetes and high cholesterol are both risk factors in developing dementia. If you are between 40 and 74 you can have a free NHS Health Check at your GP surgery.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is essential for healthy ageing and most of it comes from sunlight on the skin. It can also be found in oily fish, eggs, and fortified cereals and is important in preventing diseases including osteoporosis. Those with very low levels are twice as likely to develop dementia. It is advisable that you take a vitamin D supplement through the winter months, ask you GP or pharmacist. Visit the NHS website for more information.

Keep active

Keeping active is also important for brain health. Regular exercise in middle aged and older adults can improve memory and thinking helping to prevent some types of dementia. Try to do at least 30 minutes activity that will raise your heart rate on three to five days a week. Visit our physical activity page for more information.

Quit smoking

Smoking is harmful to the blood vessels in the lungs, heart and brain increasing the risk of developing dementia by as much as 50 per cent compared to those who have never smoked.

Reduce alcohol consumption

Drinking above the safe levels of alcohol significantly increases the risk of developing dementia so it is important for men and women not to drink more than the recommended 14 units per week.


Sleeping well promotes good brain health. Lack of sleep can have a negative impact on the brain leading to increased dementia risk. It is recommended that adults aged 18 to 64 should try to get seven to nine hours sleep a night. Visit the NHS website for more information.

Our public health team can support you to improve the health and wellbeing of your employees. We can provide your business and staff with advice and guidance on topics such as:

  • emotional wellbeing and minimising stress
  • musculoskeletal disorders
  • stopping smoking
  • weight management
  • healthier eating
  • physical activity
  • alcohol and substance misuse
  • sexual health
  • leadership, workplace culture and policy guidance

Healthy Workplace Awards Scheme

Our North Lincolnshire Healthy Workplace Awards Scheme recognises businesses that:

  • value a healthy workforce, and
  • commit to creating a healthy culture for their employees

The four levels are bronze, silver, gold and platinum. Our workplace health coordinator can support you progress through each level. You will be presented with your award at our annual celebration and awards event.

The award scheme is free to all businesses in North Lincolnshire. Lots of local employers are already taking part in the scheme, including British Steel, Ongo, Stagecoach, Northern Lincolnshire and Goole Hospitals Trust and many more.

For further information, or to take part in the awards scheme, please contact us.

Useful information

Winter health

Cold weather can make some health problems worse and even lead to serious complications, especially if you are 65 or older, or if you have a long-term health condition.

For information on how to stay well in winter visit the NHS website.

Cold weather benefits

You may be able to claim financial and practical help with heating your home. Grants available include the Winter Fuel Payments and Cold Weather Payments.

The Energy Saving Trust (EST) has advice on how to reduce bills and make your home more energy efficient. They can also advise on grants and schemes available around the UK.

For more information on affordable warmth and energy saving, contact our affordable warmth team.

Healthy lifestyles during winter

Visit NHS choices for information about making healthy lifestyle choices during winter and throughout the year.

Keeping active is easy and fun. Visit our leisure services for ways to keep fit.

Summer health

Most of us welcome hot weather, but when it’s too hot for too long, there are health risks. For information on how to stay safe in hot weather visit the NHS website.

Worried about a relative or neighbour

If you’re worried about a relative or an elderly neighbour, please contact our emergency social care support on 01724 297000 or call the Age UK helpline on 0800 00 99 66.

Know Your Numbers Week – Monday 2 to Sunday 8 September 2024

Our Public Health teams have partnered with the ICB during ‘Know Your Numbers Week’ and will be out in local communities conducting free blood pressure checks.

If you want to know your numbers and get your blood pressure checked, the teams will be heading to the following locations on Wednesday 4 September:

The Arc in Westcliff, between 10am and 3pm.

St John’s Market, between 11am and 2pm.

The Pods, between 3pm and 5pm.

The check will also be available at Scunthorpe United’s match on Saturday 7 September, from 2pm until kickoff.

Professionals will be available to give tips on checking your blood pressure, getting to know your  numbers, improvements that can be made and when to seek GP/clinical support.

Parent and child looking at wild flowers

What is Live Well North Lincolnshire?

Live Well North Lincolnshire is an online information hub that provides information on a range of organisations, support groups, community groups, events, and activities that are available across the county.

With hundreds of services listed, LiveWell is a wealth of information at your fingertips.