Early Years Pupil Premium
If your child is in early years education, your early years provider could be eligible for extra funding to help support your child. Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) is additional funding for eligible three and four year olds attending their 15 hours of funded early education. The money is paid to the childcare provider to help them to better meet the needs of children and maximise their learning in readiness to go to school.
Who can apply
To find out who can apply visit Get extra funding for your early years provider on Gov.UK.
How to apply
EYPP funding is paid directly to your childcare provider as part of their funding claim for the funded early learning and care. To enable them to access the funding you will need to provide:
- your name
- your date of birth
- your National Insurance Number or National Asylum Support Service Number on a Parent Agreement Form
This is completed when you register your child with your childcare provider for two, three or four year old funding.
How to find out if your childcare provider is receiving the EYPP for my child
If you complete your details on a Parent Agreement Form at your childcare provider, the council can then check your eligibility with HM Revenue and Customs and the Department for Work and Pensions. They will then advise your childcare provider if funding is being paid for your child. The childcare provider should inform parents of their eligibility and discuss with you regularly your child’s progress of learning at the childcare setting.
If your financial circumstances change
Once a check has been undertaken and your child is eligible for EYPP, they will remain eligible until they turn four years of age. If they are not in a school reception class at four years, a second eligibility check will be undertaken using the information on your original application.
If you have provided your details and were found not eligible at the point of application, your details will be regularly checked and funding released if your family circumstances change.
If your circumstances change and you have not provided your details to enable an EYPP check to be undertaken you should ask your child’s key worker for a Parent Agreement Form. You will need to complete your child’s name, your name, date of birth and National Insurance Number or National Asylum Support Service Number. These details will be checked and your childcare provider will advise you whether your child is eligible.
If your child attends two childcare providers
The EYPP funding is directly linked to your 15 hours of funded early learning and care. If your child attends two childcare providers, each will receive a proportion of the funding based on the number of funded early learning and care hours your child attends at each.
How the money is spent
Your child’s key person will regularly discuss your child’s time with the childcare provider. The additional funding will be used to support your child’s learning and development.
Your provider may combine the EYPP funding for several children or work with other childcare providers, in order to fund specific training or activities.
Types of childcare providers eligible to receive the EYPP
Any Ofsted registered childcare provider can receive the EYPP. In North Lincolnshire this includes childminders, school and academy nurseries, pre-schools and day nurseries.
Monitoring how the childcare provider spends the money
When your childcare provider is inspected by Ofsted, they will be asked to demonstrate how they have used the additional funding to show the difference it has made to children in their care. Your childcare provider may use the funding to support children with:
- Personal, social and emotional development
- Communication and language
- Physical development
- Literacy
This may include new equipment, training for staff members or other initiatives which support the children’s learning. Each childcare provider will use different approaches depending on the needs of the children. Ask your childcare provider how they have spent their funding.
Further information on EYPP
Further details on the Early Years Pupil Premium are available from your childcare provider. They can tell you whether your child is eligible and how they are spending the additional funding to boost your child’s learning and development. Alternatively, you can email the Childcare Sufficiency Team at eef@northlincs.gov.uk.