Information about the children and young people’s advocate in North Lincolnshire.
Children’s Advocacy
“Working on behalf of children and young people to ensure their voice is heard”
Information about the children and young people’s Advocacy service in North Lincolnshire
The Children and Young People’s Advocates speak up for:
- Young children or young people who are in care, or who are care experienced
- Any child or young person who has a social worker
The Children and Young People’s Advocates are independent, they work with and on behalf of children and young people to help them get their views and wishes across.
An Advocate can help a child or young person by:
- Supporting you to get your point of view across, sometimes we don’t feel like anyone is listening. An Advocate can tell people what you want to say or explain to them how you are feeling, with you or on your behalf
- Listening and recording everything in your words and deciding on some actions you might want people to do
- Supporting you and chasing things up if you or someone else has tried to get help or information about something but nothing’s happening
- Supporting you to make a complaint
- Making sure you understand anything that is happening in your life and you know about your rights
There is always someone who will listen to your worries and help you find a way to get the support you need.
Email: tel: 01724 298505
Our Offer in North Lincolnshire
We aim to try and contact all children and young people that are in care and introduce ourselves, explain a little bit about how we can help if you need us to and make sure you have our contact details.
We will also contact you again if you move address to see how you are and listen to how you are feeling about everything, any good stuff and also anything you might not be happy about!
If you live outside of the North Lincolnshire area we will try and see you more regularly if you want us to.
We might also get in touch if you have meetings coming up or speak to your social worker and see if you would like us to come and see you. We will try to check in and make sure you are ok and that people are listening to how you feel and your thoughts and views.
Your social worker or someone else might tell us you would like to see us, or YOU can get in touch with us yourself 😊 We have a lot more children and young people doing this now and we love it!
We also have lots of groups and activities, mainly through our ‘Get Loud’ Participation Team, come and join in on the fun there, its also another way to make sure managers know about everyone’s experiences and to make sure we can all support you as much as we can or learn about doing things better!
To find out more about activities, groups and lots more you can head to the Get Loud Participation Team page, or alternatively contact the Get Loud Team or ask your Social Worker to speak to them for you.
They can be contacted on email tel: 01724 298277
Your Voice Matters
All professionals are invaluable in seeking out the views of the young people they are working closely with. However, there are times when additional support, from someone independent of care and support providers is needed to ensure a child’s wishes and views are understood and represented.
It is essential that children have access to someone independent who can ensure their voice is heard and raise concerns on their behalf. The experience of advocacy can be empowering for children and young people.
Children and young people often feel more confident to express their wishes and their entitlements when they have experienced an advocate doing so on their behalf.
Your Voice Matters
Supporting children to have their wishes and feelings heard (and attending meetings with them where necessary).
- Making sure children understand what is being said
- Helping to make a complaint
- Provide information and advice on rights and useful websites
- Speaking with the people who are making decisions to ensure that children are involved in any plans about their lives
An advocate can also help with:
- Child protection meetings and child care reviews
- The advocate can help by preparing the child/young person if they are attending any meetings or reviews. The advocate can also meet with the child/young person to record their views and wishes to share at any meetings, support them to attend, or attend on their behalf
- Making sure a child/young person is ok when changes happen, we will always offer to speak to a child/young person if they moves address
- The advocate will meet with a child when they are going through big changes- for example when they move address or leave home or care. The advocate will make sure any information that might help us to improve services and support other young people is shared with managers
- When a child lives out of the North Lincolnshire area, or is living with agency foster carers, an advocate will visit the child regularly if that’s what they would like.
- Supporting a child/young person to make a complaint, we will go through it all and explain the process. A complaint can be made without us supporting too if that’s what a child/young person would prefer
Please use the complaint’s form or contact us for an alternative version, we have different ones that might suit you better.
Email or telephone 01724 298505.
- Anyone can make the initial referral and many children and young people self refer. As it is a child-led service, we will only commence advocacy related support when the child has agreed to it so it is important to get their consent
- We recognise the importance of advocacy in ensuring a child’s voice is heard. A child or young person may be offered the support of an advocate proactively during different life events in response to our local offer
Call or email us anytime for a chat if you’re not sure about anything, we look forward to hearing from you 😊
Contact the team by email on or by telephone on 01724 298505.
English is not the child’s first language?
- We use an interpreting service so that we can communicate with the child, no matter what language they speak. We can also get information translated into other languages
The child has a disability?
- We can explore the best way to work with the child/young person, which may mean working alongside someone they know and trust
The child doesn’t want to talk to an advocate?
- Whilst children are encouraged to speak to an advocate, it is their choice. We do try and use fun and creative methods when we meet with a child or young person
The child discloses concerns about their safety?
- Confidentiality is a key part of the advocacy relationship and is important for establishing trust. Advocacy services also have safeguarding responsibilities to children and young people and these are made clear at the start of the advocacy relationship
- If anything is said by the child that raises concerns about their own or other people’s safety, the advocate will inform all relevant professionals of this issue. The advocate will explain to the young person who this information needs to be shared with
We offer interactive, value based training internally and to support partners, please email for dates.
- Introduces the concept of advocacy and the value of independence
- Provides an overview of the core offer of advocacy in North Lincolnshire
- Outlines children’s rights in relation to the complaints process
- Offers valuable feedback from children and young people in relation to responses and provides opportunity for reflection and future planning
- Provides an overview of principles that underpin good practice in relation to the value of the child’s voice, outcomes and impact
- Demonstrates our ‘You Said’ ‘We did’ recording framework
We also offer bespoke interactive training for professionals at no cost.
Please get in touch to discuss further. Contact the team by email on or by telephone on 01724 298505.
The standards are informed by Article 12 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and the Human Rights Act 1998. The Convention sets out a wide range of measures to safeguard and to promote the physical, mental, emotional, social and behavioural development of children. In short, the UNCRC recognises that children are not merely ‘adults in training’ but people who are able to form and express opinions, to participate in decision-making processes and to influence solutions.
Children and young people using advocacy services have actively contributed to the development of the standards and to the following core principles:
- Advocates should work for children and young people and no one else
- Advocates should value and respect children and young people as individuals and challenge all types of unlawful discrimination
- Advocates should work to make sure that children and young people in care can understand what is happening to them, can make their views known and, where possible, exercise choice when decisions about them are being made
- Advocates should help children and young people to raise issues and concerns about things they are unhappy about. This includes making informal and formal complaints under section 26 of the Children Act 1989
Article 12 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child states the rights that all children and young people have to express themselves and have their views heard. The benefits of involving children and young people in policy and service development, as well as in decisions about their own care, are now widely recognised. Services can become more sensitive to and effective towards meeting children and young people’s needs if they consult and involve them at all levels of decision-making.
The Children and Young People’s Advocacy team can be contacted by email on or by telephone on 01724 298505.
Out of hours
You can also call 01724 296500 out of main 8am to 5pm working hours, if your call is urgent and you need to speak to someone straight away, you can leave us a message if you need to.
Professionals can also make a referral using the details above.
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