
British Steel application for electric arc furnace approved

16:01, Tuesday, 30th April 2024

A special planning meeting, today (30 April), approved British Steel’s application to build an electric arc furnace on its Scunthorpe site.

Cllr Rob Waltham, leader of North Lincolnshire Council, said:

“The council’s planning committee has approved the application for British Steel to build and electric arc furnace on its site in Scunthorpe. The application met local and national planning policies.

“The council, along with local MPs, will continue to work with the Government to protect jobs at the steelworks.

“Work to attract green jobs to the 300-acres of surplus land at the steelworks continues. Master planning is underway to attract high-paid and high-skilled jobs to the area – using new technologies to create green industry.

“There is an opportunity to create something new, attracting innovative technology companies here to Scunthorpe on an underdeveloped site of industrial heritage.

“At the same time as working on this plan we continue to do all we can to protect jobs on the Scunthorpe site.”