Information about local government, teachers’ and NHS pension schemes.
Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS)
The LGPS provides:
- secure benefits – the scheme provides you with a future income, independent of share prices and stock market fluctuations.
- at a low cost to you – with tax-efficient savings and lower National Insurance contributions for most people under State Pension Age.
- and the council pays in too – your employer meets the balance of the cost of providing your benefits in the LGPS.
Here are the pay bands and contribution rates that apply from 1 April 2024:
Pensionable pay (you contribute)
- Up to £17,600 (5.5%)
- £17,601 to £27,600 (5.8%)
- £27,601 to £44,900 (6.5%)
- £44,901 to £56,800 (6.8%)
- £56,801 to £79,700 (8.5%)
- £79,701 to £112,900 (9.9%)
- £112,901 to £133,100 (10.5%)
- £133,101 to £199,700 (11.4%)
- £199,701 or more (12.5%)
For more information please visit the East Riding Pension Fund (ERPF) or LGPS website.