
Pension schemes

Information about local government, teachers’ and NHS pension schemes.

Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS)

The LGPS provides:

  • secure benefits – the scheme provides you with a future income, independent of share prices and stock market fluctuations.
  • at a low cost to you – with tax-efficient savings and lower National Insurance contributions for most people under State Pension Age.
  • and the council pays in too – your employer meets the balance of the cost of providing your benefits in the LGPS.

Here are the pay bands and contribution rates that apply from 1 April 2024:

Pensionable pay (you contribute)

  • Up to £17,600 (5.5%)
  • £17,601 to £27,600 (5.8%)
  • £27,601 to £44,900 (6.5%)
  • £44,901 to £56,800 (6.8%)
  • £56,801 to £79,700 (8.5%)
  • £79,701 to £112,900 (9.9%)
  • £112,901 to £133,100 (10.5%)
  • £133,101 to £199,700 (11.4%)
  • £199,701 or more (12.5%)

For more information please visit the East Riding Pension Fund (ERPF) or LGPS website.

Teachers’ Pension Scheme

An occupational pension scheme available to Local Government teaching staff.

Here are the pay bands and contribution rates that apply from 1 April 2024:

  • Up to £34,289.99 (7.4%)
  • £34,290 to £46,158.99 (8.6%)
  • £46,159 to £54,729.99 (9.6%)
  • £54,730 to £72,534.99 (10.2%)
  • £72,535 to £98,908.99  (11.3%)
  • £98,909 and above (11.7%)

For more information visit the Teachers’ Pensions website.

NHS Pension Scheme

An occupational pension scheme available to eligible public health staff working in the council.

Here are the current pay bands and contribution rates from 1 April 2024:

Tier, based on actual pensionable pay

  • Tier 1, Up to £13,259.99 (5.2%)
  • Tier 2, £13,260.00 to £26,831.99 (6.5%)
  • Tier 3, £26,832.00 to £32,691.99 (8.3%)
  • Tier 4, £32,692.00 to £49,078.99 (9.8%)
  • Tier 5, £49,079.00 to £62,924.99 (10.7%)
  • Tier 6, £62,925.00 and over (12.5%)