
Burials and cremation in North Lincolnshire

When someone dies, the choice for a family in North Lincolnshire, is usually either a burial or cremation.

Bereavement Services is made up of one Crematorium and Memorial Park and eight remote cemeteries, one of which is now closed.
Scunthorpe Memorial Gardens (previously Scunthorpe Cemetery) is now closed to any future burials and maintained as public open space by our Neighbourhood Services.

Other cemeteries are to be found in the surrounding towns and villages; however, these are managed by Town and Parish Councils. Unfortunately, we do not hold any information on their behalf.

Bereavement is a difficult time for families, and we will do all we can to support you. As a designated burial and cremation authority, there are a number of services we provide, and as well as our pricing structure, additional information may be found on our Bereavement Crematorium and Cemetery Regulations page, but if you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Woodlands Crematorium chapel service diary

A full list of services to be held in the Chapel at Woodlands Crematorium can be found in our Crematorium diary.

The default view is the current week’s services; however, you can search for a particular funeral by including a deceased’s name (surname is enough) and today’s date.

Please note that details are correct at the time of publication and may be subject to change following instruction from families.

Book of Remembrance

At Woodlands Crematorium, we offer a simple and lasting traditional memorial. Your personal entry is inscribed by a highly experienced team of craftspeople who create beautiful tributes using traditional materials and processes. You have a choice to include a personal illustration to your entry to commemorate your loved one, and your entry will also be available to view over the internet free of charge, enabling you to share and celebrate your memories with relatives and friends around the world. The date under which an entry normally appears, is the date of death, however, any date may be chosen such as a birthday or wedding anniversary.

Our Book Room is open from 8.30am to 5pm, Monday to Friday and closed on bank holidays.

The Bereavement Services Office opening hours are:

Monday to Thursday: 9.30am to 3.30pm
Friday: 9.30am to 3pm

We can also be contacted by:

Email: crematorium@northlincs.gov.uk
Telephone: 01724 747555

Or you can write to us:

Bereavement Services Office
Woodlands Crematorium
Brumby Wood Lane
North Lincolnshire
DN17 1SP

Our cemeteries and crematorium

Use the map or list below to find contact details and opening times of cemeteries and the crematorium in North Lincolnshire.

We manage eight public cemeteries in North Lincolnshire:

  • Barrow
  • Barton
  • Brigg (and Cemetery extension)
  • Brumby (Scunthorpe)
  • Crosby (Scunthorpe)
  • Frances Street (Scunthorpe)
  • Scawby
  • Winterton
  • Wrawby-cum-Brigg (in Brigg)

What is an ‘Exclusive Right of Burial’?

Purchasing the ‘Exclusive Right of Burial’ means that the grave may not be opened or reopened, and no one may be buried there without your permission.

As the Exclusive Right of Burial owner, you have the right to decide who will be buried in that grave and any memorial placed upon it. However, these rights do not make you the landowner and therefore permission should be sought before you can do anything to the grave.

In North Lincolnshire, you may initially purchase this right for a maximum of 50 years in one of the cemeteries we own.

During the period, or at the end of this time you may extend the right, but you are not permitted to exceed the maximum of 50 years.

Where the Exclusive Right of Burial has lapsed, the ownership reverts to North Lincolnshire Council and as such, we may reuse or resell any space remaining. Only an unused grave may be reused or resold. Graves in which a burial has taken place cannot currently be reused. However, for any changes to be made to existing memorials, or for any further interments to occur in such a grave, the ownership of the Exclusive Right of Burial must be transferred.

An Exclusive Right of Burial must be purchased prior to any interments taking place.

Information on the transfer of the Exclusive Right of Burial can be found below.

What is the difference between a Traditional Grave and a Lawned Grave?

A Traditional grave allows for the entire grave can be surrounded by kerbs, edging or mounded full-length, with a memorial stone placed at the head of the grave.

A Lawned grave will only permit a memorial headstone to be erected at the head end of the grave; no planting or other items are permitted within the grave space. We cannot accept any form of edging around the grave as this restricts our mowing and maintenance, nor will you be permitted to create a garden area.

It is important to note that there are defined areas with cemeteries for Traditional and Lawn sections and you will not be permitted to erect a memorial kerb set in an area of the cemetery defined as a Lawn section.

What happens if the owner of these rights dies?

If the owner of the Exclusive Rights dies, it is assumed that they give permission to be interred into their own grave. After this time the Rights become part of their estate and may be left in a will to someone else.

If the Rights are not specifically mentioned in the will, they will form part of the ‘Residuary Estate ‘ of the will, usually willed as ‘and all my other worldly goods’ at the end of the will.

Whoever inherits the Rights will need to contact our office and arrange a transfer of ownership before the grave can be opened again.

It is best to do this as soon as possible after inheriting the Rights.

Can I transfer ownership to someone else?

Yes, simply contact us and we will send you details of how this can be done.

The owner of the rights died some years ago, and the family want to reuse the grave for another interment

In order for this to happen, you will need to contact us, and we will help you to ascertain if we are able to transfer ownership to you.

You may need to show us copies of any Will and/or Grant of Probate, and as this process may take some time complete, please don’t wait until you need to arrange a funeral.

In some cases, you may be asked to make a formal declaration in front of a Magistrate; we can advise you of the process and supply the document for you.

Ownership is the family’s responsibility; we cannot accept an interment unless ownership has been confirmed.

Can two people own these rights?

Ordinarily we will only grant Exclusive Rights to an individual, although we do permit joint ownership should a family request this. Parents of a child 17yrs and under are always encouraged to have the exclusive rights in both parent’s names.

Where joint ownership has been requested, please bear in mind that authorisation from ALL parties would be required for every action relating to the grave.

What are Memorial Rights?

In North Lincolnshire, the right to erect a memorial is automatically granted when Exclusive Rights of Burial is purchased, however, you will still need to apply for permission to erect the monument.

This must be done using a NAMM registered or similar approved memorial mason and there is a charge for the approved permit.

We are keen to promote personal memorials within our cemeteries and will do our utmost to accommodate your personal requests where possible, subject to meeting our regulations regarding size and fixing methods. However, we reserve the right to refuse a memorial which is deemed unsuitable.

If you place private mementos and other items on a grave, please be aware that as the owner, these items belong to you, and we cannot accept responsibility for private property which is subsequently damaged as part of our maintenance of cemetery areas.

Please be mindful of leaving any items which have great sentimental value.

A list of prohibited items that must not be placed on a grave (alcohol, glass etc.) can be found in our Cemetery Regulations. Such items may be removed immediately without notice. The Regulations can be found online at: Bereavement Rules and Regulations

Can I pre-purchase a grave ahead of time?

Yes, this is permitted in all of our cemeteries.

Please complete the Exclusive Rights of Burial form below. Upon completion of the form you will be asked to make a payment.

The grave deed will not be granted until such a time as payment has been received.

Unfortunately, Exclusive Rights must be purchase in full, we are unable to arrange for any part payments.

What if the Deed to the Rights goes missing?

When a Grave Deed is granted, it is important that you return the grave receipt containing your usual signature.

If you are the registered owner of the Exclusive Right of Burial, and have returned the grave receipt, we will be able to match you signature with that submitted on the grave receipt.

If the grave receipt was not returned to us, you will be asked to confirm your identity. We will ask you to attend the Bereavement Services Office and provide 2 forms of ID to ensure we are providing the copy Deed to the correct person(s).

If you are entitled to be the owner through inheritance, we will guide you through the correct transfer procedure.

Please note: As owner of the Rights to a grave you are responsible for informing the Council of any change of address.

If a problem occurs with the grave or the monument and we cannot contact you, we have the right to take whatever action is necessary to rectify the problem.

If this involves a cost to the Council, this may be levied against the grave, and must be paid before any future interments can take place.

We do not permit the erecting of a memorial headstone, for a period of 6 months following the burial.

Memorials are a lasting symbol of remembrance, and we offer a wide range of memorials including ash vaults, tree leaves, rose boulders, plaques for towers, sundials and baby barbican, as well as seat dedications. We are also able to offer inscriptions into our Books of Remembrance.

Please use the form below to apply for a new memorial, or to renew an existing one.

Gov.UK has a step by step guide on what to do when someone dies.

Age UK has lots of useful information on arranging a funeral.

Gov.UK has some useful guidance for preparing a funeral during the Coronavirus pandemic.

Burial and cremation

We are designated as a burial and cremation authority which means we provide cemeteries and the crematorium. Although we do not provide these services as a funeral director.

The options currently available are:

  • Traditional grave – with an option to install a memorial or plants over the entire grave
  • Lawn grave – headstones only are allowed plus a limited space in which to put a plant
  • Strewing (scattering) of cremated remains – permitted on lawns and under trees in the crematorium grounds (some areas are restricted)
  • Cremated remains plots – these are available in most of our cemeteries and in some churchyards (you will need to talk to the vicar of the church)
  • Collection of cremated remains for strewing or burial elsewhere

Help with funeral costs

If you are on benefits and you are using a funeral director, you may be able to get a one-off funeral payment to help pay funeral costs. For further information on funeral payments please visit Gov.UK.

Repatriation to another country

Some countries require an official document before they will let a body into the country for burial. The document is called a ‘cadaver certificate’. It confirms that no epidemic or infectious disease had occurred in the area for three months before the death.

Obtaining a cadaver certificate is usually handled by the undertaker making the arrangements. This is done on behalf of the relatives. However, anyone can apply for the certificate.

The funeral director will help with anything requested by the Coroner. They will also help with the requirements of the authorities in the overseas country where the deceased is going. Some of these requirements may also apply for burial in another part of the UK.

The certificate is issued by an environmental health officer from the local council in the area where the person died. This officer will also issue the certificate if the deceased is to be exhumed for reburial elsewhere.

If you need to contact an environmental health officer in North Lincolnshire, please contact environmental.health@northlincs.gov.uk or call 01724 297000.

Repatriation of a deceased body from abroad to England or Wales

If a death occurs abroad, the death will need registering according to the local regulations of that country. Visit Gov.UK for more information.

You need to apply for a licence to remove human remains from the ground.  For further information and to apply for a licence visit Gov.UK

The Bereavement Services office has the statutory registers and plans for the cemeteries in North Lincolnshire that we are responsible for. The cemeteries are:

  • Barrow
  • Barton
  • Brigg (and Cemetery extension)
  • Brumby (Scunthorpe)
  • Crosby (Scunthorpe)
  • Frances Street (Scunthorpe)
  • Scawby
  • Winterton
  • Woodlands crematorium/cemetery
  • Wrawby-cum-Brigg (in Brigg).

Discover Ever After Service

Working in partnership with Plotbox, we offer a Discover Ever After service, which allows you to search available records online.

The Discover Ever After website, enables you to search an individual name or cemetery, and in some cases, may provide you with cemetery maps highlighting the cemetery section and grave together with details of anyone else who may be buried in the grave too.

If after using our Discover Ever After service, your search does not return any records, it may be that those records are not online and as such we will need to complete a physical search of the registers.

You are welcome to view our registers yourself, however whilst this service is free of charge, it must be done by prior appointment and during normal our office hours; unfortunately, we are unable to leave the registers unaccompanied at any time during your visit.

We are also able to complete a search on your behalf, you will need to complete the Genealogy Search Request. The initial enquiry is free of charge; however, any subsequent enquiry(s) are subject to a fee, which can be found in our published fees and charges and reflects the time taken to complete further investigations on your behalf. Please be advised that a further search may return you the same result as your initial enquiry should it be that the information in not recorded or held by us.

We endeavour to answer enquiries within 20 working days, but there may be occasions where our response will be delayed due to periods of time when demand for funeral services must be prioritised.

For information about graves in other cemeteries in North Lincolnshire, you will need to contact the relevant church or town or parish council.