
Crime and Disorder Strategy

Aerial view of Brigg, North Lincolnshire

Crime and Disorder Strategy 2022 – 2025

The Crime and Disorder Act 1998 placed a duty on the police and local authorities to work together with key partners and organisations to develop and implement local crime reduction strategies.

Before developing such strategies, they must identify key local crime-and-disorder priorities through consultation, and by analysing crime-and-disorder levels and patterns in the area.

The Community Safety Partnership works to enable communities to be safer, stronger, and resilient. We will contribute toward people being safe, well, prosperous and connected where North Lincolnshire has a reputation for being the best place to live, work, invest and visit.

Working together, we want to better understand local people, their diverse need and how we can enable them to feel safe. This is at the heart of this Community Safety Partnership.

We work with the people and communities to base the partnership on what works, so that our collective activity makes a difference to the people we serve.

We are on a transformational journey, and it is our ambition to work better together and that we make the best use of our available resources to meet agreed priorities in a changing environment.

There have been some excellent examples of partnership working and there is evidence of improved outcomes for people and communities:

  • Strong partnership working through the 17 Neighbourhood Action Teams working with local communities across North Lincolnshire to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour.
  • A new approach to community engagement through our place-based approach, building resilience and a legacy of community involvement, youth engagement and civic pride.
  • The successful bid and award of additional monies through the Safer Streets Fund to reduce Crime and ASB in Westcliff and increase community engagement and build community capacity.
  • Successful work with local businesses to reduce crime and improve the experience of people who live, work, and visit North Lincolnshire.

We know that Crime is dynamic and ever changing and we will ensure we are responsive to these changes, issues such as cyber bullying, harassment and offences linked to social media are now included in our intelligence and has resulted in reports of violent crime rising both locally and nationally. The partnership recognises that we must respond to new crime types and an increase in reported crime across the area (in line with national trends) to focus our collective efforts to combat this.

This strategy sets out the priorities for the next three years. Each year we will have a dynamic plan which will set out our actions for that year and chart our progress as a Partnership. Each priority will be overseen by a strategic lead who will be responsible for developing the CSP’s response for their priority area.

This will include developing a delivery plan, commissioning analysis and activity, allocating funding, monitoring activity and performance, and working with other priority leads on cross-cutting areas of work.

The plan is based on a key set of values and principles:

  • Ensure that partnership activities are targeted at areas of highest need, concentrating efforts on those places, people and issues that are causing the most harm to our communities.
  • Engage with communities in a meaningful way through the operation of the Neighbourhood Action Teams, service user groups and appropriate forums.
  • Make best use of available information and intelligence sources to direct operational activity.
  • Measure outcomes within a result based – performance management framework.
  • Increase partnership effectiveness by ‘joined up’ working.
  • Enable the voluntary and community sector in helping to reduce crime, disorder, and alcohol misuse.
  • Research, identify and disseminate recognised ‘best practice’ to our partners and the public.

To conclude, we will focus on our most vulnerable people and communities, on the things that matter the most to local people and on the crimes that cause the most threat, risk, and harm to the people in the area.

As the Chair of North Lincolnshire’s Community Safety Partnership, I am very pleased to introduce this Community Safety Crime and Disorder Strategy 2022-2025 on behalf of all the Partnership’s statutory partners and the range of other agencies and organisations who work collaboratively to make North Lincolnshire a safer place.

Our aim is to ensure that North Lincolnshire is a safe place for everyone who lives, works in, or visits our area. This strategy is a recognition of the fact that we need to work together to achieve this ambition as we all have a part to play and a contribution to make. This includes local people taking an interest in their neighbourhood and exercising their responsibilities as community members. This can be as simple as reporting community safety issues when they emerge, putting forward suggestions about how things could be improved or working with friends and neighbours to help us create the kind of areas in which people will want to live and raise their families.

It is important that we acknowledge the impact COVID-19 has had. The pandemic has affected the way we all live our lives. It has also meant that the way we deliver services has changed significantly. As a partnership we have continued to deliver services throughout the pandemic.

We have adapted, finding new ways of working in changing environments whilst also absorbing daily challenges and risk. I would like to take this opportunity to celebrate the resilience and dedication of our partnership.

Careful analysis of recorded crime and Anti-Social Behaviour data has been undertaken in identifying the priorities contained in this strategy but in North Lincolnshire we do also take pride in our approach to community engagement and making decisions not just on behalf of but together with our local residents. Through consultation with the public, Community Safety Partners and key stakeholders, the Community Safety Partnership Strategy has identified a tough and challenging programme of work over the next three years. Our priorities are ensuring People are Safe, Vulnerable People are Protected and Supported and attaining assurance and oversight of statutory functions such as Contest/Prevent/Protect, Substance Misuse, Modern Day Slavery and Reducing Re- Reoffending.

As we deliver our new Community Safety Strategy, we will work hard to maximise our effectiveness as a partnership. We will tackle not only the obvious impact, but also the underlying issues which drive crime and disorder within our neighbourhoods using  problem solving approaches. We understand that the ability to report concerns in relation to crime and disorder issues is important, as well as our response to these issues, providing communities with the confidence that we take these concerns seriously and importantly provide feedback on the actions that we have taken. Our communities can be assured that as a partnership we will do all we can to build a safer, stronger, and a more confident North Lincolnshire.

Chief Superintendent Darren Wildbore
Chair (until August 2022)
North Lincolnshire CSP

CSP Structure and Governance

Membership and Governance

North Lincolnshire Community Safety Partnership is a statutory partnership created by the Crime and Disorder Act (1998). This legislation clearly outlines the responsibilities of the Community Safety Partnership as follows:

  • Develop and deliver a strategy for the reduction of crime and disorder
  • Develop and deliver a strategy to combat the misuse of drugs, alcohol, and other substances
  • Develop and deliver a strategy to reduce reoffending in North Lincolnshire.

The CSP in North Lincolnshire is made up of the five responsible authorities as required by law, in addition to key local partners and elected members with responsibility for Community Safety.

Sitting on the CSP are members of the Senior Leadership Teams from:

  • Humberside Police
  • Humberside Fire and Rescue Service
  • North Lincolnshire Council
  • Probation Service
  • North Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group.

In addition to the five statutory agencies, we also have representation from the Elected Member with responsibility for Safer Communities on our partnership board. The role of the Elected Members is to represent the best interests of communities in North Lincolnshire, and with the support of local Councillors on the CSP this enhances our ability to ensure that the work we do is closely aligned with community priorities across our 17 ward areas.

To strengthen and complement our work, the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Humberside, and Ongo are also represented at the Board to offer valuable expertise and resources to support development and delivery of community safety work in North Lincolnshire.

The CSP is Chaired by Humberside Police, with North Lincolnshire Council acting as Vice-Chair.

CSP Structure

The CSP is a strategic board, setting direction and priorities for community safety work in NL according to both analysis of data from across the partnership, and the practice wisdom of the key agencies supporting our work.

The Board meets quarterly to review and evaluate progress against outcomes, and to work collaboratively for the benefit of our communities. It is in working collaboratively that the greatest benefits to North Lincolnshire can be achieved, pooling resources and expertise, and working creatively to address problems and tackle emerging needs.

To do this, the Board needs support, and there are a variety of strategic groups contributing to the aims of the CSP on key themes, such as domestic abuse, exploitation, crime, and community resilience.

Board members

  • CS Matthew Peach, (replaced CS Darren Wildbore in October 2022, Humberside Police)
  • Becky McIntyre, North Lincolnshire Council
  • Nick Hamilton-Rudd, Probation Service
  • Cllr John Davidson, North Lincolnshire Council
  • Sarah Wilkinson, (replaced Jason Kirby in October 2022, Humberside Fire and Rescue Service)
  • Jonathan Evison, Humberside PCC
  • Helen Davis, North Lincolnshire CCG
  • Kevin Hornsby, Ongo

These signatories reflect the statutory agencies and key partners associated with the Community Safety P

Community Support police officer on duty in a street

Vision and Community Engagement

CSP Vision

Adopting the overall vision of a North Lincolnshire where people feel safe and are safe, North Lincolnshire CSP has worked to embed and demonstrate the values of engage and educate before looking to use the enforcement tools available.

By working in this way, the CSP aims to increase the profile of the work to address crime and community safety concerns and seek to encourage positive engagement with communities on what is important to them. The CSP is committed to achieving long term, sustainable change, which can only be achieved by a combination of education, engagement and working together with partners and communities to make improvements in North Lincolnshire.

Engaging and Working with Communities

Public engagement and education are key to helping both the CSP understand the priorities and concerns of the public and helping the public to understand the work of partners to tackle crime and community safety issues to improve safety and wellbeing across our area.

In addition to wider schemes like Humber Talking, across the partnership there are many community engagement events held to speak to communities about positive aspects of their communities, as well as community concerns, priorities, and how to get involved.

The CSP has an established network of 17 Neighbourhood Action Teams, led and chaired by elected members from North Lincolnshire Council, with representation from community groups, partner agencies and supported by the Safer Neighbourhoods Team and Democratic Services. These groups work towards priorities identified by both the group members and the local community, aiming to find joint resolutions.

North Lincolnshire CSP has worked to foster and encourage independence in communities where possible, and have a clear service offer available where community safety issues require addressing and resolution by CSP partners.

Community resilience is a key consideration for the partners and how to support communities to build capacity and resilience is high on the agenda for the CSP, our extensive network of Neighbourhood Watch Groups being just one excellent example of community resilience and support in action.

Fully supported by the Safer Neighbourhoods team, the Neighbourhood Watch network allows for communication, advice and support between partners and community groups to develop and help to embed and maintain positive working relationships and community resilience.

Community Safety Strategy Priorities 2022-2025

Through consultation with the public, CSP partners and key stakeholders, the CSP Partnership Plan has identified clear overarching outcomes which the partnership will focus on over the next three years.

Using the learning from Outcome Based Accountability the CSP considered the ‘story behind the baseline’, looked at which elements of work to focus on ‘turning the curve’ on and planned a series of indicators which reflect progress towards the outcomes from the plan.

Over the course of the year these indicators have helped us to track and understand progress, identify emerging themes, and plan future work.

Outcome one

Community Safety Partnership Outcomes
  • Organised Crime
  • Safety for Women and Girls in Public Spaces
  • Domestic Abuse
  • Night Time Economy
  • Violence Associated with Young People

Police and Crime Plan Aims

Aim one 

  • Engaged, resilient and inclusive communities

Outcome two

Vulnerable People are Protected and Supported
  • Those who are at risk of Sexual Exploitation
  • Homelessness and Begging
  • Risk Outside the Home (ROTH) – Exploitation
Police and Crime Plan Aims

Aim two

  • Reduce High Harm Offending
  • Domestic Abuse

Outcome three

Business Assurance
  • Contest/Prevent/Protect
  • Substance Misuse
  • Modern Day Slavery
  • Reducing Re-offending
Police and Crime Plan Aims

Aim one 

  • Engaged, resilient and inclusive communities

Aim two

  • Reduce High Harm Offending
  • Domestic Abuse
  • Reduce the Impact of Drugs

National policies

  • Serious Organised Crime Strategy
  • Tackling Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy
  • Domestic Abuse Act (2021)
  • Serious Violence Strategy
  • Rough Sleeping Strategy
  • MEAM Strategy
  • Tackling Child Sexual Abuse Strategy
  • CONTEST Strategy (Prevent and Protect)
  • 10 Year Drug Strategy
  • Modern Slavery Strategy

View of the Humber Bridge from the south bank

Performance Monitoring

The JSIA is completed annually and updated mid-year to provide valuable additional context. Analysts from across the partnership contribute to the completion of the JSIA, adding both data, intelligence, and practice wisdom to provide a detailed picture for the CSP.

Along with the bi-annual review of the JSIA, there are a number of data sources and intelligence developed for use by the CSP to support the work of the partnership by the development of thematic profiles.

Trends and emerging issues are identified along with progress towards intended outcomes. These performance reports are made available via the contributory work streams to the CSP, and vice versa to ensure that access to data and intelligence is not a barrier to service delivery.

Links to other plans

Keeping a close synergy with the strategic plans of our partners is key to the CSP to ensure we can work collaboratively on common themes whilst retaining focus on CSP business. The benefits of the partnership are most visible in this ‘crossover’ of work on common themes, and we have been proud to be able to continue to work collaboratively to challenge, minimise and address crime and anti-social behaviour in North Lincolnshire.

Representation and Decision Making

North Lincolnshire CSP has consistently excellent representation and engagement at the board, throughout key discussions, and development work. Members candidly discuss emerging issues, support with problem solving, identifying service gaps and commit resources willingly to address community safety issues in our area.

Members are actively involved in identifying and shaping priorities and the delivery plans supporting the strategic intentions of the CSP.

To ensure the board is asking the right questions, a subject matter expert model is employed, where key themes are presented to the board by the relevant thematic leads. This is an approach we are building on in the development of the next iteration of the Community Safety Plan to ensure clear oversight, accountability and links to all areas delivered by the CSP and contributing to community safety work in North Lincolnshire.

Supporting the work of the CSP Board, the CSP also has excellent representation and engagement at the linked Finance and Commissioning group. Members are actively involved in discussion and make clear decisions in relation to funding to support the delivery of the CSP aims.

The challenges of the last 12 months, and the changes to service delivery have led to careful redesign of services to communities across North Lincolnshire. Partners have risen to the challenge, taking service delivery virtual where possible, and using established networks of more ‘traditional’ communication where this has not been possible.

In our three year plan we will:

  • Continue to streamline, use existing expertise, provide assurance and reassurance about service delivery.
  • Maintain oversight of key areas of work whilst focussing on the added value working in partnership brings to communities in North Lincolnshire.
  • Focus on assurance of our statutory duties as well as our priority areas for delivery, taking steps to monitor this using clear self-evaluation tools.
  • Support communities towards recovery and lasting resilience.
  • Continue to promote and work to our values of educate and explain before taking steps to enforce.
  • Continue to tackle issues important to the community.
  • Have a sharper lens of the impact of the funding, ensuring themes are prioritised, and new projects are given access to funding where possible.

The benefits of working in partnership are abundantly clear, and this annual report has shown the work we have progressed over the past year. There is always more to do, and the culture of continuous improvement is one NL CSP strives for, to continue to enable people to ‘feel safe and be safe’ across North Lincolnshire.

Assurance and Action Plans

Each priority will be overseen by a strategic lead who will be responsible for developing the CSP’s response for their priority area. This will include developing a delivery plan, commissioning analysis and activity, allocating funding, monitoring activity and performance, and working with other priority leads on cross-cutting areas of work.

We will continue to monitor crime rates across North Lincolnshire as well as key outputs and outcomes for each project. The key priorities are also interlinked, and we will work to ensure that we maximise the sharing of resources, expertise, and effective practice to deliver the whole strategy.

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Author Approved by Date Approved Last updated
Stuart Minto Principal Officer Safer Neighbourhoods – Stuart.Minto@northlincs.gov.uk Community Safety Partnership July 2022 October 2022