
Little Gosling Children’s Centre Profile 2023

Children’s Centre Profile 2023 – Little Gosling

Produced by North Lincolnshire Public Health Intelligence. Each profile provides a summary of public health outcomes for residents of the relevant Children’s Centre catchment area. It includes introductory text, a map showing the catchment area location, summary narrative, some infographics, a data table and indicator metadata.


This profile provides a brief picture of public health outcomes for mothers and under 5s in the Little Gosling Children’s Centre catchment area for 2023. This information, combined with service reach and activity data, should help agencies understand what factors are driving health improvement in this local population and enable the allocation and prioritisation of resources effectively. The profile contains information on the child population residing in its catchment area, wider determinants of health and indicators of maternal and child health. Read the information on the methodology used to calculate the indicators [PDF, 111Kb].

Summary narrative

Little Gosling Children’s Centre is located in Scunthorpe South locality with the catchment including parts of Frodingham and Ashby wards.

An estimated 525 under 5s live in this catchment area which represents 6% of all under 5s in North Lincolnshire; just over two fifths (42%) of resident women are of child bearing age which is significantly above average; one in ten are born outside the UK which is significantly lower than average.

The adult population of this area have poorer health outcomes than average with male and female life expectancies amongst the lowest in North Lincolnshire and significantly below the national average.

This catchment area has high levels of child poverty with 90% of children living in England’s 30% most deprived neighbourhoods; 29% of under 16s live in relative low income, over a third are eligible for free school meals and one in seven households with children claim Universal Credit; all significantly higher than average.

Low weight births, births to women with minority ethnic backgrounds and births to under 20s are broadly average but the fertility rate is relatively high and the proportion of premature births is the highest in North Lincolnshire; additionally a quarter of pregnant women smoke and 59% of new mothers initiate breastfeeding which are both significantly worse than average.

Whilst early years development is average, readiness for school at 5 years and GCSE attainment in English and Maths are amongst the lowest in North Lincolnshire.

A quarter of 5 year olds who reside in the Little Gosling catchment carry excess weight which is similar to the North Lincolnshire average; 36% of 11 year olds carry excess weight which is also similar to average.

Admissions for injury amongst under 15s are the highest in North Lincolnshire and are significantly above local and national averages; admissions for lower tract respiratory infections in under 5s are amongst the highest in North Lincolnshire; A&E attendances for under 5s are significantly above average.

Data table

This text describes each indicator contained in the profile’s data table. Numbers of 7 or less and associated crude rates or proportions have been suppressed. All numbers are rounded to nearest 5. Where quoted the position relative to the North Lincolnshire average is a measure of the statistical significance with a 95% level of confidence.


Total resident population (2020) for Little Gosling Children’s Centre (n=6910) is 4 % of the North Lincolnshire resident population (persons, all ages). This is ranked 3rd lowest in North Lincolnshire. The average for Scunthorpe South locality is 32.4 %.

Resident population under 1 year (2020) for Little Gosling Children’s Centre (n=85) is 5.3 % of the NL resident population (persons, 0yrs). This is ranked 5th lowest in North Lincolnshire. The average for Scunthorpe South locality is 37.1 %.

Resident population under 3 years (2020) for Little Gosling Children’s Centre (n=295) is 5.9 % of the NL resident population (persons, 0-2yrs). This is ranked 5th lowest in North Lincolnshire. The average for Scunthorpe South locality is 38.2 %.

Resident population under 5 years (2020) for Little Gosling Children’s Centre (n=525) is 6 % of the NL resident population (persons, 0-4yrs). This is ranked 5th lowest in North Lincolnshire. The average for Scunthorpe South locality is 37.6 %.

Resident women of child bearing age (15-44yrs) (2020) for Little Gosling Children’s Centre (n=1495) is 42.3 % of the area resident female population (all ages). This is ranked 2nd highest in North Lincolnshire and is higher than the North Lincolnshire average of 32.7 %. The average for Scunthorpe South locality is 35.5 %. The average for England is 37 %

Mothers born outside the United Kingdom (2021) for Little Gosling Children’s Centre (n=10) is 10.5 % of the live births to area resident mothers. This is ranked 7th highest in North Lincolnshire and is lower than the North Lincolnshire average of 18.6 %. The average for Scunthorpe South locality is 12.4 %. The average for England is 29.6 %

Wider determinants of health

Proportion of population (u5yrs) living in 30% most deprived LSOAs (2020) for Little Gosling Children’s Centre (n=470) is 89.7 % of the area resident population (persons, 0-4yrs). This is ranked highest in North Lincolnshire and is worse than the North Lincolnshire average of 38.6 %. The average for Scunthorpe South locality is 56.6 %. The average for England is 36.1 %

Children (0-15) Living in Relative Low Income (2020/21) for Little Gosling Children’s Centre (n=515) is 29.1 % of the area resident population (persons, 0-15yrs). This is ranked 4th highest in North Lincolnshire and is worse than the North Lincolnshire average of 22.1 %. The average for Scunthorpe South locality is 24.7 %. The average for England is 18.5 %

Households with children claiming Universal credit (0-19yrs) (Aug 2022) for Little Gosling Children’s Centre (n=445) is 14.7 % of the number of residential dwellings in area. This is ranked 3rd highest in North Lincolnshire and is worse than the North Lincolnshire average of 8.6 %. The average for Scunthorpe South locality is 10.9 %.

Free School Meal eligibility (4-16yrs) (Dec 2022) for Little Gosling Children’s Centre (n=520) is 35.8 % of the area resident population (persons, 4-16yrs). This is ranked highest in North Lincolnshire and is worse than the North Lincolnshire average of 22.6 %. The average for Scunthorpe South locality is 27.7 %. The average for England is 21.2 %

Children (u16) in receipt of DLA (2020/21) for Little Gosling Children’s Centre (n=90) is 5.1 % of the area resident population (persons, 0-15yrs). This is ranked 5th highest in North Lincolnshire and is similar to the North Lincolnshire average of 4.6 %. The average for Scunthorpe South locality is 5.4 %. The average for England is 4.9 %

Readiness for school at 5 years of age (2021/22) for Little Gosling Children’s Centre (n=50) is 61 % of the resident children attending local schools reaching age 5 by end of school year. This is ranked 4th lowest in North Lincolnshire and is similar to the North Lincolnshire average of 65 %. The average for Scunthorpe South locality is 69 %. The average for England is 65.2 %

Children in Need (0-10yrs) (Nov 2022) for Little Gosling Children’s Centre (n=20) is 160.6 per 10000 of the Area resident population (persons, 0-10yrs). This is ranked 3rd highest in North Lincolnshire and is similar to the North Lincolnshire average of 108.7 per 10000. The average for Scunthorpe South locality is 153.8 per 10000.

GCSE attainment (4-9) in English and Maths (2021/22) for Little Gosling Children’s Centre (n=50) is 57.7 % of the pupils entered for GCSE examinations in N Lincs schools. This is ranked 2nd lowest in North Lincolnshire and is similar to the North Lincolnshire average of 68.1 %. The average for Scunthorpe South locality is 64.1 %. The average for England is 69 %

Pregnancy and childbirth

Maternity bookings (2021/22) for Little Gosling Children’s Centre (n=85) is 85 . This is ranked 6th lowest in North Lincolnshire. The average for Scunthorpe South locality is 680 .

Late maternity bookings >12 weeks 6 days (2019/20-2021/22) for Little Gosling Children’s Centre (n=30) is 10.9 % of the North Lincs resident mothers making first maternity booking. This is ranked 4th highest in North Lincolnshire and is similar to the North Lincolnshire average of 10.6 %. The average for Scunthorpe South locality is 7.8 %.

Women booking with BMI over 30 (2019/20-2021/22) for Little Gosling Children’s Centre (n=80) is 29.1 % of the North Lincs resident mothers making first maternity booking. This is ranked 6th lowest in North Lincolnshire and is similar to the North Lincolnshire average of 28.7 %. The average for Scunthorpe South locality is 30.8 %.

Live births (general fertility rate) (2021) for Little Gosling Children’s Centre (n=95) is 63.6 per 1000 wcba of the area resident women of child bearing age (female, 15-44yrs). This is ranked 3rd highest in North Lincolnshire and is similar to the North Lincolnshire average of 56 per 1000 wcba. The average for Scunthorpe South locality is 60 per 1000 wcba. The average for England is 55.3 per 1000 wcba

Premature births (<37 weeks) (2019/20-2021/22) for Little Gosling Children’s Centre (n=30) is 11.8 % of the live births to area resident mothers. This is ranked highest in North Lincolnshire and is similar to the North Lincolnshire average of 9.1 %. The average for Scunthorpe South locality is 9.9 %. The average for England is 7.9 %

Births to women with ethnicity not British (2019/20-2021/22) for Little Gosling Children’s Centre (n=40) is 15.7 % of the live births to area resident mothers. This is ranked 4th highest in North Lincolnshire and is similar to the North Lincolnshire average of 21.4 %. The average for Scunthorpe South locality is 14.1 %.

Smoking at delivery (2019/20-2021/22) for Little Gosling Children’s Centre (n=65) is 25.5 % of the deliveries to area resident mothers. This is ranked 2nd highest in North Lincolnshire and is worse than the North Lincolnshire average of 17 % . The average for Scunthorpe South locality is 19.3 % . The average for England is 9.1 %

Live births to women under 20 (2019/20-2021/22) for Little Gosling Children’s Centre (n=15) is 5.9 % of the live births to area resident mothers. This is ranked 4th highest in North Lincolnshire and is similar to the North Lincolnshire average of 4.5 %. The average for Scunthorpe South locality is 5.1 %. The average for England is 2.2 %

Low weight births <2500 grams (2019/20-2021/22) for Little Gosling Children’s Centre (n=20) is 7.8 % of the live births to area resident mothers. This is ranked 6th highest in North Lincolnshire and is similar to the North Lincolnshire average of 7.3 % . The average for Scunthorpe South locality is 8.2 % . The average for England is 6.9 %

Breastfeeding Initiation (2019/20-2021/22) for Little Gosling Children’s Centre (n=150) is 58.8 % of the live births to area resident mothers. This is ranked 3rd lowest in North Lincolnshire and is worse than the North Lincolnshire average of 66 %. The average for Scunthorpe South locality is 59.4 %. The average for England is 67.4 %

Health improvement indicators

A&E attendances (u5yrs) (2021/22) for Little Gosling Children’s Centre (n=415) is 792.4 per 1,000 of the area resident population (persons, 0-4yrs). This is ranked 5th highest in North Lincolnshire and is worse than the North Lincolnshire average of 717.7 per 1,000. The average for Scunthorpe South locality is 805.8 per 1,000. The average for England is 659.8 per 1,000

Admissions for accidental injury (0-14s) (2021/22) for Little Gosling Children’s Centre (n=70) is 140.1 per 10,000 of the area resident population (persons, 0-14yrs). This is ranked highest in North Lincolnshire and is worse than the North Lincolnshire average of 92.1 per 10,000. The average for Scunthorpe South locality is 105.6 per 10,000. The average for England is 75.7 per 10,000

Admissions for lower tract respiratory infections (u5s) (2019/20-2021/22) for Little Gosling Children’s Centre (n=35) is 22.3 per 1,000 of the area resident population (persons, 0-4yrs). This is ranked 2nd highest in North Lincolnshire and is similar to the North Lincolnshire average of 14.6 per 1,000. The average for Scunthorpe South locality is 19.2 per 1,000.

Children scoring above threshold in all 5 domains in 2 1/2 year ASQ (2018/19) for Little Gosling Children’s Centre (n=95) is 91 % of the children turning 2 1/2 in specified year. This is ranked 5th highest in North Lincolnshire and is similar to the North Lincolnshire average of 88.1 % . The average for Scunthorpe South locality is 86.4 % . The average for England is 84.1 %

Children with excess weight at 5 years of age (2019/20-2021/22) for Little Gosling Children’s Centre (n=75) is 25 % of the resident 4-5 year olds participating in NCMP. This is ranked 6th highest in North Lincolnshire and is similar to the North Lincolnshire average of 24.3 %. The average for Scunthorpe South locality is 26 %. The average for England is 22.6 %

Children with excess weight at 11 years of age (2019/20-2021/22) for Little Gosling Children’s Centre (n=105) is 35.6 % of the resident 10-11 year olds participating in NCMP. This is ranked 6th highest in North Lincolnshire and is similar to the North Lincolnshire average of 35.3 %. The average for Scunthorpe South locality is 36 %. The average for England is 35.8 %

Male life expectancy at birth (2019-2021) for Little Gosling Children’s Centre is 75.6 years. This is ranked 3rd lowest in North Lincolnshire and is worse than the North Lincolnshire average of 78.7 years. The average for Scunthorpe South locality is 77.7 years. The average for England is 79.4 years

Female life expectancy at birth (2019-2021) for Little Gosling Children’s Centre is 80.3 years. This is ranked 3rd lowest in North Lincolnshire and is similar to the North Lincolnshire average of 83.2 years. The average for Scunthorpe South locality is 83.1 years. The average for England is 83.1 years