
Five year land supply statement 2023 – 2028


North Lincolnshire Council is required to deliver a continuous five year supply of housing land to meet its future housing requirement as part of its role as the Local Planning Authority. The purpose of the report is to set out an up-to-date Five Year Housing Land Supply position for the council covering the five-year period from the 1 April 2023 to the 31 March 2028. The report has been prepared in accordance with relevant policy and guidance on demonstrating a Five Year Housing Land Supply. All data presented is the most up-to-date available at the time of publication.

What is a five-year housing land supply and how is it assessed?

A Five Year Housing Land Supply is a forward-looking measure of whether a Local Planning Authority (LPA) has sufficient sites to meet its housing requirement in the next five-years. All LPAs in England are required by the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) (2021) (Paragraph 74) to assess their Five Year Housing Land Supply position on an annual basis taking account of relevant national policy in the NPPF (2021), planning policy guidance (PPG), and this can be interpreted in the context of planning precedent (for example planning appeal decisions and legal judgments).

The calculation of a Five Year Housing Land Supply in within two parts. Part 1 considers the housing needs requirement for the five year period and Part 2 considers the housing supply of deliverable sites in the five year period and how this compares against the number of homes required identified in part 1.

North Lincolnshire Housing Requirement

The Standard Method

The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) states that “Local planning authorities should identify and update annually a supply of specific deliverable sites to provide a minimum of five years’ worth of housing against their housing requirement set out in adopted strategic policies, or against their local housing need where the strategic policies are more than five years old.” The latter should be calculated using the standard method set out in the Planning Practice Guidance.

North Lincolnshire Core Strategy (Local Plan) was adopted more than 5 years ago (June 2011), and the emerging Local Plan has not yet been subject to examination. The standard method should therefore be used to calculate the housing requirement in accordance with Paragraph 74 and Footnote 39 of the NPPF (2021).

The Standard Method is a national formula that takes account of both projected housing growth and historic housing under-supply (through an adjustment to the household projections based on housing affordability) within a given area. The formula is detailed as part of the Planning Practice Guidance.

Table 1 below show the Standard Method figure for North Lincolnshire – with a 2023 base date – is 372 dwellings per annum (‘dpa’). The basic five-year requirement is therefore this figure multiplied by five years, which equals 1,860 units.

Table 1 Standard Method Calculation for North Lincolnshire Housing Requirement

Methodology in the guidance [1] Calculations North Lincolnshire figures
Step 1 – Setting the baseline

Set the baseline using the national housing growth projections [2]

Using these projections, calculate the projected average annual household growth over a 10-year period (this should be 10 consecutive years, with the current year being used as the starting point from which to calculate growth over that period).

Household projection 2023 75,786
Household projection 2033 79,227
10-year difference between 2023 – 2033
79,227 – 75,786 = 3,441
Annual average projected growth
3,441 / 10 = 344.1
Methodology in the guidance [1] Calculations North Lincolnshire figures
Step 2 – An adjustment to take account of affordability

Adjust the annual average projected household growth figure (as calculated in Step 1) based on the affordability of the area.

The most recent median workplace-based affordability rents3, published by the Office for National Statistics at a local authority level, should be used.

No adjustment is to be made where the ratio is 4 or below.

Affordability factor for North Lincolnshire (2021) 5.29

Adjustment factor =(Local affordability ratio-4) x 0.25+1


Local affordability ratio – 4
5.29 – 4 = 1.29
1.29 / 4 = 0.3225 0.3225
0.3225 X 0.25 = 0.080625 0.080625
0.080625 + 1 = 1.080625 1.080625
Adjustment factor for North Lincolnshire 1.080625
The adjustment factor for North Lincolnshire is 1.080625 and is used as:
Minimum annual local housing need figure = (adjustment factor) x projected household growth
Minimum annual local housing need figure =
1.080625 x 344 = 371.735
Methodology in the guidance [1] Calculations North Lincolnshire figures
Step 3 – Capping the level of any increase A cap is then applied which limits the increases an individual local authority can face. How this is calculated depends on the current status of relevant strategic policies for housing. North Lincolnshire adopted the Local Development Framework (LDF) Core Strategy in 2011 2011
Where these policies were adopted in the last 5 years (at the point of making the calculation), the local housing need figure is capped at 40% above the average annual housing requirement figure set out in the existing policies. The average annual housing requirement figure in the existing LDF Core Strategy is 754 754
This also applies where the relevant strategic policies have been reviewed by the authority within the 5-year period and found to not require updating. Average annual household growth over 10 years is 355 (as per Step 1) 344
For areas covered by spatial development strategies, the relevant strategic policies are those contained within the spatial development strategy. For example, where a requirement figure for an authority in a spatial development strategy differs from that in a local plan the figure in the spatial development strategy should be used. The minimum annual local housing need figure is 387 (as per Step 2) 372
Where the relevant strategic policies for housing were adopted more than 5 years ago (at the point of making the calculation), the local housing need figure is capped at 40% above whichever is the higher of:
a) The projected household growth for the area over the 10-year period identified in Step 1: or
b) The average annual housing requirement figure set out in the most recently adopted strategic policies (if a figure exists)
The cap is set at 40% above the higher of the most recent average annual housing requirement figure (754) or average annual household growth over 10 years (344):
Cap = 754 + (40% x 754) = 754 + 301.6 = 1055.6
North Lincolnshire’s local housing need- result The capped figure is greater than the minimum annual local housing need figure and therefore does not limit the increase to the local authority’s minimum annual housing need figure. The minimum annual local housing need figure for North Lincolnshire is 372 372

[1] Housing and economic needs assessment, GOV.UK, updated 20/02/2019 https://www.gov.uk/guidance/housing-and-economic-development-needs-assessments
[1] 2014-based household projections in England, table 406 unitary authorities and districts in England
[1] House price to workplace-based earnings ratio, ONS
https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/housing/datasets/ratioofhousepricetoworkplacebasedearningslowerquartileandmedian (Affordability ratios are calculated by dividing house prices by gross annual workplace-based earnings. Based on the median and quartiles of both house prices and earnings in England and Wales).

Is there a shortfall of supply?

In calculating a five year land supply housing requirement there must be an assessment determining whether there has been a shortfall of housing delivery against adopted planned requirements from previous years. This should be calculated from the base-date of the adopted plan and added to the basic five-year requirement.

However, the PPG advises: “Where the standard method for assessing local housing need is used as the starting point in forming the planned requirement for housing, Step 2 of the standard method factors in past under-delivery as part of the affordability ratio, so there is no requirement to specifically address under-delivery separately when establishing the minimum annual local housing need figure.”

North Lincolnshire Council are using the Standard Method approach and therefore have not added any of additional backlog in supply as this has already been factored into the calculation as part of Step 2 of the Standard Method Calculation.

What is the appropriate buffer?

Paragraph 74 of the NPPF (2021) requires an additional buffer should be added to the five-year requirement. It presents three potential buffers as detailed below: “The supply of specific deliverable sites should in addition include a buffer (moved forward from later in the plan period) of:

  • 5% to ensure choice and competition in the market for land; or
  • 10% where the local planning authority wishes to demonstrate a five year supply of deliverable sites through an annual position statement or recently adopted plan, to account for any fluctuations in the market during that year; or
  • 20% where there has been significant under delivery of housing over the previous three years, to improve the prospect of achieving a planned supply”.

This statement is not an Annual Position Statement and therefore a 10% buffer is not appropriate for North Lincolnshire Council. The appropriate buffer for North Lincolnshire is as a consequence either a default 5% or a 20% buffer. As the Council must apply one of these buffers to reflect local circumstances; the appropriate buffer to be applied is the 5% buffer as 85% of the requirement has been surpassed and they are not seeking to confirm a 5 year housing land supply. The latest HDT result means the council does not need to apply the 20% buffer as it has consistently done in the past.

The Government published the Housing Delivery Test 2021 results in January 2022. The table below identifies that North Lincolnshire is required to produce an Action Plan to increase housing delivery over the next five years. Table 2 identifies that North Lincolnshire delivered 113% of its housing requirement within this period therefore a 5% buffer is appropriate for North Lincolnshire Council.

Table 2: North Lincolnshire Housing Delivery Test 2021 Results

Area name No of homes required No of homes required No of homes required Total no of homes required No of home delivered No of homes delivered No of homes delivered Total no of home delivered Housing Delivery Test: 2021 measurement Housing Delivery Test: 2021 consequence
2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
North Lincolnshire 412 396 264 1,045 327 400 448 1,175 113% None

In 2021/2022 North Lincolnshire delivered 408 dwellings and in 2022/23 delivered 508 dwellings.

Note: For the 2021 HDT measurement, there is a reduction in period for measuring total homes required – usually this would be measured over a 3- year period, but an 8-month period has been used for the 2020/21 monitoring year. This is to account for the considerable variations in levels of housing delivery as local planning authorities and construction industry faced disruption on a national, regional, and local level due to the pandemic. Additionally, an 11-month period has been used for the 2019/20 monitoring year. This was to account for disruption to housing delivery and monitoring caused by the first national lockdown in March 2020.

North Lincolnshire Council Five Year Housing Requirement

Bringing the above together the Council’s five year housing land requirement is 1,953 dwellings in the five-year period from 1 April 2023 to the 31 March 2028 as detailed in Table 3 below.

Table 3 Assessment of North Lincolnshire Council Five Year Land Supply Requirement

North Lincolnshire Council Five Year Housing Land Supply Requirement

Annual requirement 372 dwellings per annum
Shortfall N/A
Buffer 5% (93 dwellings)
Total five year requirement 1,953

Therefore, for the council to be able to demonstrate a five year land supply it must have a deliverable supply equal to or greater than 1,953 units in the five-year period. The next sections present an assessment of the council’s deliverable supply including a summary of what constitutes a ‘deliverable’ site

Five Year Housing Land Supply

The Council Approach to Demonstrating Deliverability

To demonstrate a five year land housing land supply, the Council must identify specific ‘deliverable’ sites sufficient to provide 1,953 dwelling between 1 April 2023 and 31 March 2028. This section of the report considers what a ‘deliverable’ site is in accordance with policy and guidance. It also details how the Council has gone about demonstrating the deliverability of sites in the North Lincolnshire.

Policy and guidance

A ‘deliverable’ site is defined in the NPPF (2021) glossary (Annex 2) as:

To be considered deliverable, sites for housing should be available now, offer a suitable location for development now, and be achievable with a realistic prospect that housing will be delivered on the site within five years. In particular:

a) sites which do not involve major development and have planning permission, and all sites with detailed planning permission, should be considered deliverable until permission expires, unless there is clear evidence that homes will not be delivered
within five years (for example because they are no longer viable, there is no longer a demand for the type of units or sites have long term phasing plans).

b) where a site has outline planning permission for major development, has been allocated in a development plan, has a grant of permission in principle, or is identified on a brownfield register, it should only be considered deliverable where there is clear evidence that housing completions will begin on site within five years.

The Planning Practice Guidance sets out what evidence is required to demonstrate that sites are deliverable. This has been followed in assessing whether sites should be included in the Council’s five year supply of housing which is set out at Table 4, 5 and Appendix 1.
As part of the assessment the Council have considered whether a site is deliverable taking account of the requirements within the NPPF and PPG.

The following Categories have been used as part the assessment and these are included with Table 4 and Table 5:

  • Category A sites: These are sites that involve non-major development or involve major development that has a detailed planning permission. These types of sites are inherently more certain of delivering within the five-year period given their planning status and/or size (non-major housing development is defined as a development less than 10 units or development on a site less than 0.5ha in size. The definition allows for smaller sites (‘non-major’) to be regarded as deliverable whether they have outline or detailed planning permission, unless there is clear evidence that homes will not be delivered.
  • Category B sites: Category B sites are those that involve major development without a detailed planning permission: for example, a site with an allocation for housing development or an extant outline planning permission. These are sites that are inherently less certain of delivery within the five-year period given a detailed permission must still be applied for and approved before homes can be delivered. Consequently, in accordance with the NPPF (2019), the Council must prepare site specific ‘clear evidence’ for these sites to be considered deliverable.

What is ‘clear evidence’ in respect of Category B sites?

There is no complete definition of ‘clear evidence’; however, the PPG (ID: 68-007) provides a non-exhaustive list of what type of material can constitutes clear evidence in support of Category B sites. It states:

“Such evidence, to demonstrate deliverability, may include:

  • current planning status – for example, on larger scale sites with outline or hybrid permission how much progress has been made towards approving reserved matters, or whether these link to a planning performance agreement that sets out the timescale for approval of reserved matters applications and discharge of conditions.
  • firm progress being made towards the submission of an application – for example, a written agreement between the local planning authority and the site developer(s) which confirms the developers’ delivery intentions and anticipated start and build-out rates;
  • firm progress with site assessment work; or clear relevant information about site viability, ownership constraints or infrastructure provision, such as successful participation in bids for large-scale infrastructure funding or other similar projects.”

As part of the assessment the Council has produced a proforma for each site identified within this assessment to confirm the site is deliverable. Each proforma has been sent to developer/landowners/agents asking for information details on site progress and build out rates and to confirm by signature that this information is most up to date. The Council as a starting point used the SHELAA Methodology to anticipate build out rates and this was confirmed by the developer/landowner/ Agent. The site proforma for each B Site can be viewed in Appendix 1.

For sites with detailed planning permission that have already commenced – numbers of dwellings are included within the 5-year supply for remaining dwellings to be completed as of 1 April 2023.

Annual site visits are conducted to confirm the progress of sites under construction, and the trajectory has been updated accordingly. Trajectory and five-year supply figures are also updated based on communication with landowners and developers throughout the year and taking account of the information provided through the proformas.

North Lincolnshire Five-Year Housing Supply: Specific Sites

Table 4 (A Sites) and Table 5 (B Sites) below set out the specific site that the council consider to be deliverable based on the evidence provide to the council through the consultation with landowners/developers and agents. This information provided is included within Appendix 1.

Table 4

Local Plan / Planning application Address Settlement Site area Site capacity 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 Commentary
PA/2014/11/83 Plot 29 Hebden Road Scunthorpe 0.48 14 0 0 0 7 7 Development has commenced onsite
PA/2017/1483 Methodist Church Frodingham Road Scunthorpe 0.12 14 0 0 7 7 0 Development has commenced onsite
PA/2018/664 Land at 3 Cliff Gardens Phase 2 Scunthorpe 0.2 10 10 0 0 0 0 Development has commenced onsite and building is constructed to roof height. A signed proforma has been received from the developer stating the whole development will be completed in 2023/2024.
PA/2019/1088 Lakeside (Land West of Turnstone Drive) Scunthorpe 2.38 41 30 11 0 0 0 Development has commenced onsite with 47 units being completed last financial year. It is a national housebuilder and no reason why development cannot be completed in the next five years.
PA/2019/1107 Lakeside (Land West of Dunlin Drive) Scunthorpe 3.11 79 30 30 19 0 0 Development has commenced onsite with 43 units being completed last financial year. It is a national housebuilder and no reason why development cannot be completed in the next five years.
PA/2018/838 Land south of Ashby Turn Primary Care Centre, The Link Scunthorpe 0.26 11 11 0 0 0 0 Development has commenced onsite with 7 completions last financial year, all dwellings are externally completed. Properties currently up for sale on Rightmove.
SCUH-C8/ PA/2018/2404 Land at Dartmouth Road Scunthorpe 2.49 12 12 0 0 0 0 Development commenced onsite. The site is owned by a house builder, a signed proforma has been received to confirm that all dwellings will be completed in the next five years.
PA/2019/1180 22-24 Cole Street Scunthorpe 0.04 8 8 0 0 0 0 Development commenced onsite and expected to be completed in 2023/2024. The landowner is in discussions regarding leasing the site.
PA/2019/1714 50 The Riveter Henderson Avenue Scunthorpe 0.03 1 1 0 0 0 0 Development has commenced onsite and only one dwelling left to be completed.
SCUH-1/ PA/2020/2049 Phoenix Parkway Phase 1 Scunthorpe 7.96 158 30 32 32 32 32 Development commenced onsite, a signed proforma has been received from the developer, who has confirmed the delivery rate of the site and show room and first phase of the development is expected to be completed summer 2023.
PA/2022/869 Former Ashby Market Scunthorpe 0.47 40 0 40 0 0 0 Development commenced onsite. The site is owned by a registered provider, a signed proforma has been received to confirm that all dwellings will be completed in the next five years.
Brumby Resource Centre, East Common Lane Scunthorpe 1.04 28 0 28 0 0 0 The site has full planning permission and is owned by a registered provider, a signed proforma has been received to confirm that all dwellings will be completed in the next five years.


Station House, 8 Station Road
























This is a change of use application to convert an office building into 58 apartments, there are no significant constraints of why this cannot be completed in the next five years.

Development has commenced onsite.


and   PA/2019/2073

190 – 192 Ashby High Street

























The site has outline and reserved matters approval and is a non-major proposal. There are no significant constraints of why this cannot be completed in the next five years.
PA/2020/976 4 Herriot Way Scunthorpe 0.21 8 0 0 4 4 0 The site has outline planning permission however is considered an A site due to being under 10 dwellings (non-major development).
PA/2020/1675 Riddings Methodist Church Willoughby Road Scunthorpe 0.23 16 16 0 0 0 0 Development commenced onsite, a signed proforma has been received from developer stating the site is scheduled to be completed in 2023/24.
PA/2020/1608 10-12 Shelford Street Scunthorpe 0.045 7 7 0 0 0 0 The site has full planning permission. Building control records confirm works have commenced onsite.
PA/2021/30 Land rear of Minster Road Day Care Centre, Chesterfield Road Scunthorpe 0.17 10 0 10 0 0 0 The site has full planning permission and the Council has received a discharge of planning condition application. There are no significant constraints on the site and no reason why the site cannot be brought forward in the next five years.


Land rear of 50-62 Scotter

Road and 4-6 Hebden Road

















The site has outline planning permission however is considered an A site as it is less than 10 dwellings (non-major development).
PA/2021/811 15 – 17 Trafford Street Scunthorpe 0.034 20 0 10 10 0 0 The building on the site has been demolished and is ready for development. A signed proforma has been received from the owner stating that development will start on site in six months and all 20 dwellings completed in the next three years.


Land rear 70a- 72a Priory Lane

Scunthorpe 0.115 8 0 0 0 8 0

The site has full planning permission. There are no significant constraints and so therefore deliverable in the next year years.

Development has commenced onsite.

PA/2018/1049 Land to the rear of 13-19 Pasture Road Barton 0.35 16 9 0 0 0 0

The site is owned by a housebuilder.

Development has commenced onsite with 7 completions last financial year.



Coach and Horses Inn 86 – 88 High Street, Barton

Barton 0.34 9 8 1 0 0 0 Development commenced onsite and signed proforma confirms the site will be developed within the five-year period. There has already been housing completions on the site.
PA/2020/1612 Land Adjacent to White Swan Butts Road Barton 0.15 5 5 0 0 0 0 Development commenced onsite and expected to be completed 2023/24.


BARH-1 & BARH- 2


Pasture Road South

















Development commenced onsite. Signed proforma from the developer of the site has confirmed 105 dwellings will be completed in the next five years. This is phase five of a larger scheme which have all been completed.
PA/2019/1846 Former Hewson Mill Barton 0.20 8 0 4 4 0 0

The site is owned by a house builder and has full planning permission, a signed proforma has been received to confirm that all dwellings will be completed in the next five years.

Various applications to discharge conditions have been submitted and approved.



Barton Sports Centre Newport

Barton 0.11 8 0 4 4 0 0 The site has full planning permission and condition 4 has been discharged. Building control records confirm works have commenced onsite. There are no significant constraints to why development cannot be completed in the next five years.
PA/2021/803 Providence House Barton 0.35 16 0 2 6 8 0 The site is owned by a house builder, a signed proforma has been received to confirm that all dwellings will be completed in the next five years. Various applications to discharge planning conditions have been submitted and discharged.
PA/2022/68 Oddfellows Hall High Street Barton 0.0256 5 0 5 0 0 0

The site has outline planning permission however is considered an A site as it is less than 10 dwellings (non-major development).

There are no significant constraints to why development cannot be completed in the next five years.

PA/2012/1399 6 Market Place Brigg 0.21 14 0 10 4 0 0


Planning permission has been implemented and a signed proforma has been received.

PA/2014/0887 Island Carr Brigg 1.88 60 0 0 0 20 20 Allocated site and revised planning application expected in 2023. Development commenced and entrance to the site has been constructed.
PA/2017/1234 Falcon Cycles, Bridge Street, Brigg, DN20 8NQ Phase 1 Brigg 2.2 50 22 25 3 0 0 Development commenced onsite. The site is owned by a house builder, a signed proforma has been received to confirm that all dwellings will be completed in the next five years. There were 17 dwellings completed on the site in 2022/23.


and PA/2021/288

Former Falcon Cycles Bridge Street Brigg Phase 2 Brigg 0.18 20 20 0 0 0 0 Development has commenced onsite, a signed proforma has been received to confirm that all dwellings will be completed this financial year. The building is constructed and watertight.
PA/2022/610 Land at Horstead Avenue Brigg 0.46 16 6 10 0 0 0 Development has commenced onsite, a signed proforma has been received to confirm that all dwellings will be completed in the next five years. The properties are currently being marketed on Rightmove, with a number of the dwellings being significantly built.


Car Sales and Storage Land Engine Street

Brigg 0.65 9 0 0 0 4 5

The site has outline planning permission however is considered an A site as it less than 10 dwellings (non-major development).

There are no significant constraints to why development cannot be completed in the next five years.

PA/2021/295 and PA/2021/1179 Land rear of Hawthorne Way Althorpe 1.2304 27 0 0 5 11 11 The site is owned by a house builder, a signed proforma has been received to confirm that all dwellings will be completed in the next five years. Various applications to discharge planning conditions have been submitted and discharged.
PA/2019/1454 Victoria Road Barnetby le Wold 0.97 6 6 0 0 0 0 Development commenced onsite. The site is owned by a house builder, a signed proforma has been received to confirm that all dwellings will be completed in the next five years. The majority of the site has been completed in previous years.
PA/2020/603 and PA/2021/514 Land off Ferry Road/Chestnut Rise Barrow upon Humber 3.05 64 7 20 20 17 0

Development commenced onsite. The site is owned by a house builder, a signed proforma has been received to confirm that all dwellings will be completed in the next five years.

Various applications to discharge planning conditions have been submitted and discharged.

PA/2021/970 Land off Ferry Road Barrow upon Humber 1.16 18 0 0 8 10 0

The site has full planning permission and is owned by a house builder, a signed proforma has been received to confirm that all dwellings will be completed in the next five years.

Various discharge of planning condition applications has been submitted and discharged.

PA/2020/252 Hillside Road Broughton 0.84 24 0 0 12 12 0 The site has full planning permission and no significant constraints to why it cannot come forward in the next five years.


and   PA/2020/1413

Westgate Road Belton 0.9 12 12 0 0 0 0 Development has commenced onsite and 11 dwellings were completed last year.
PA/2018/660 and PA/2019/1828 Belton Garden Centre Sandtoft Road. Belton 0.34 5 5 0 0 0 0 Development has commenced onsite. All properties on the site are watertight. They are currently being advertised on Rightmove for sale.


Land south of King Edward Street

















An application for approval of reserved matters has been submitted but not yet determined. No significant constraints to why development cannot be completed in the next five years.
PA/2019/319 and PA/2021/655 Land north of Sandtoft Road Westgate Belton 0.6 9 4 1 0 2 2 Development commenced onsite. 5 plots are owned by a developer who has confirmed 4 dwellings to be completed in 2023/24 and 1 dwelling in 2024/25. The remaining 4 plots are currently being advertised on Rightmove for sale.
PA/2021/1208 Land off Ashtree Close Belton 1.06 24 13 11 0 0 0 Development commenced onsite. The site is owned by a registered provider, a signed proforma has been received to confirm that all dwellings will be completed in the next five years.
PA/2020/1732 Farmyard off South Avenue Burringham 0.4 9 0 0 0 4 5 The site has outline planning permission however is considered an A site as it less than 10 dwellings (non-major development).


The Laurels Farm Vicarage Lane

















The site has outline planning permission however is considered an A site as it less than 10 dwellings (non-major development).

There are no significant constraints to why development cannot be completed in the next five years.

PA/2019/904 Land rear of 7 Mill Road Crowle 0.59 5 0 0 2 3 0

The site has outline planning permission however is considered an A site as it less than 10 dwellings (non-major development).

There are no significant constraints to why development cannot be completed in the next five years. There is an application to discharge planning conditions which is currently undetermined.

PA/2019/943 1-9 Eastoft Road Crowle 0.265 14 0 14 0 0 0 The site has full planning permission so therefore an A site. Site has been cleared and heras fencing around the site.
PA/2017/1929 3a-8 Harris View Epworth 0.14 7 7 0 0 0 0 Development commenced with all remaining dwellings are externally constructed.
PA/2019/1804 The Sycamores Battle Green Epworth 0.11 1 1 0 0 0 0 Development commenced onsite only one remaining plot.


and   PA/2016/1710

and PA/2017/233

7 Lakes Industrial Estate, Crowle Wharf Site 1 Ealand 0.61 11 8 3 0 0 0 Reserved matters planning applications PA/2017/1233 and PA/2016/1730 have been approved to deliver 17 units. Development commenced on site with 9 completed dwellings. It is anticipated all dwellings will be completed in the next five years.
PA/2020/631 The Farm Yard Ferry Road Graizelound 0.33 6 6 0 0 0 0 Development commenced onsite and all dwellings externally constructed


and PA/2022/54

Land off Howe Lane and Hawthorne Gardens Goxhill 3.35 84 0 0 15 15 15 The site is owned by a house builder, a signed proforma has been received to confirm that 45 dwellings will be completed in the next five years.


Land east of Strathdee, Barrow Road

Goxhill 0.36 9 0 9 0 0 0 The signed proforma states the site will be delivered within the next five years. The site is also in single ownership.


Land north of 6 Thornton Road

Goxhill 0.34 8 0 8 0 0 0 The signed proforma states the site will be delivered within the next five years. The site is also in single ownership.
PA/2020/538 Conway Thornton Road Goxhill 0.83 7 0 0 3 4 0 The site has full planning permission, the application is for 7 dwellings however one is a replacement dwelling.
PA/2015/1139 32 Low Street Haxey 0.41 5 0 5 0 0 0 The site has full planning permission and has commenced onsite.


and PA/2022/636

Land to the West of Station Road Hibaldstow 4.2 48 0 24 24 0 0 Development commenced onsite. The site is owned by a house builder.


Brook House Farm, Church Street

Hibaldstow 0.61 9 5 4 0 0 0 Development has commenced onsite, and 5 dwellings have already been completed on the site.
PA/2020/158 and PA/2021/657 Land north of Wheelgates, Brigg Road, Hibaldstow, Hibaldstow 0.47 5 0 3 2 0 0 The reserved matters application has been approved and there are no significant constraints to why development cannot be completed in the next five years.
PA/2020/248 Pumping Station Ings Lane Hibaldstow 0.91 0 0 20 0 0 0 The site is owned by a registered provider and we have received a signed proforma stating that the development will be completed in 2023/24.
PA/2017/464 and PA/2021/276 Old Railway Sidings, A18 from Althorpe to Gunness Keadby 0.52 14 0 0 7 7 0 The site has full planning permission and is currently being marketed for sale.
PA/2019/2025 Manor Farm East End Kirmington 0.49 9 0 4 5 0 0 The site has full planning permission. 8 conditions have been discharged. The three entrances to the site have been created.
PA/2017/389 KIRH-1 Land west of Station Road Kirton in Lindsey 2.91 60 47 13 0 0 0 Development commenced. The site is owned by a house builder, a signed proforma has been received to confirm that all remaining dwellings will be completed in the next five years.
PA/1999/0920 North of Spa Hill Kirton in Lindsey 6.52 33 11 10 12 0 0 Development commenced has recommenced onsite and there has been multiple new planning applications. The site is owned by a house builder, a signed proforma has been received to confirm that all remaining dwellings will be completed in the next five years.
PA/2020/1869 13 High Street Kirton in Lindsey 0.08 6 0 6 0 0 0 The site has full planning permission for change of use. There are no significant constraints to why development cannot be completed in the next five years.
PA/2016/1709 Station Road Kirton In Lindsey 0.3963 4 1 0 1 0 2 1 dwelling already complete and 2 dwellings have commenced onsite. It is anticipated the whole site will be completed within the five year period.
PA/2017/392 Land North of Thistle down Road Messingham 0.2613 6 0 0 0 6 0 A reserved matters application has been submitted and pending a decision. It is non major development.
PA/2020/554 Land at Brigg Road Messingham 3.88 99 0 0 25 25 25 The site is owned by a house builder, a signed proforma has been received to confirm that 75 dwellings will be completed in the next five years. A reserved matters application is expected Spring 2023.
PA/2004/1103 Land off Barrow Road New Holland 1.02 11 6 5 0 0 0 Development has recommenced on the site with a local house builder. Three dwellings were completed last financial year and it is anticipated the rest of the dwellings will be completed in the next five years.
PA/2018/792 and PA/2021/1240 Fairview, Carr Lane, Redbourne, DN21 4QU Redbourne 0.4 6 0 0 3 3 0 The site has reserved matters approval and an application has been submitted to discharge conditions 1 to 23. Development can be completed in the next five years.


and PA/2022/634

Land opposite The Reindeer In, Thorne Road Sandtoft 11.1 30 0 30 0 0 0 The site has reserved matters has approval and an application has been submitted to discharge planning conditions which is currently undetermined.
PA/2021/109 Stanmore Lodge Belton Road Sandtoft 0.4975 5 0 0 0 5 0

The site has outline planning permission however is considered an A site as it less than 10 dwellings (non-major development).

There are no significant constraints to why development cannot be completed in the next five years.

PA/2019/405 Manor Farm Carr Lane Saxby All Saints 0.48 7 2 2 3 0 0 The site has full planning permission and development has commenced onsite.
PA/2018/569 and PA/2019/1393 Sturton Nurseries Sturton 0.42 4 4 0 0 0 0 Development has commenced onsite, one dwelling completed last year.


Land north of Front Street, Ulceby

Ulceby 0.97 1 1 0 0 0 0 Development commenced onsite. The site is owned by a house builder, a signed proforma has been received to confirm that all dwellings will be completed in the next five years. 13 dwellings have already been completed.
PA/2017/1450 land rear of new convenience store, off Church Lane, Ulceby Ulceby 0.61 3 3 0 0 0 0 Development commenced onsite. The site is owned by a house builder, a signed proforma has been received to confirm that the remaining three dwellings will be completed in the next five years.
PA/2022/628 Land off Station Road Ulceby 5.73 117 0 32 42 43 0 A signed proforma has been received stating the works have already commenced preparing information to be able to discharge planning conditions so that the full planning part of the site can commence in early 2024.
PA/2020/794 Land at Riseholme Spruce Lane Ulceby 0.38 8 4 4 0 0 0 Development commenced onsite. The site is owned by a house builder, a signed proforma has been received to confirm that all dwellings will be completed in the next five years.


and   PA/2019/1336

Land to the rear of North Street and Cemetery Road Winterton 6.62 135 10 25 25 25 25 Development commenced onsite. The site is owned by a house builder, a signed proforma has been received to confirm that 110 dwellings will be completed in the next five years.
PA/2020/324 Land at Top Road Winterton 2.90 51 30 21 0 0 0 Development commenced onsite. The site is owned by a house builder, a signed proforma has been received to confirm that all dwellings will be completed in the next five years.
PA/2018/1759 Land south of Coates Avenue Winterton 1.47 40 40 0 0 0 0 Development commenced onsite. The site is owned by a registered provider, a signed proforma has been received to confirm that all dwellings will be completed in the next five years.


and   PA/2022/1872

5 Northlands Road Winterton 0.41 5 0 0 0 5 0 Reserved matters application has been approved, there is no significant constraints to why development cannot be completed in the next five years.
PA/2020/870 Warehouse 5 High Street Wootton 0.8726 16 0 6 10 0 0 The site has full planning permission and condition 21 has been discharged.
PA/2018/1381 7 Vicarage Lane Wootton 1.7 5 0 4 1 0 0 Development commenced onsite. The site is owned by a house builder, a signed proforma has been received to confirm that all dwellings will be completed in the next five years.
PA/2018/440 Land at Worlaby House Farm, Low Road Worlaby 1.8 37 0 10 10 10 7 The site is owned by a house builder, a signed proforma has been received to confirm that all dwellings will be completed in the next five years. A number of discharges of planning conditions have been approved.
PA/2018/1718 Land adjacent to Ridgeway House Mill Lane Wrawby 0.41 8 8 0 0 0 0 The site has full planning permission and there are no significant constraints to why development cannot be completed in the next five years. A signed proforma has been received from the owner of the site.
PA/2017/674 Land off Applefields Wrawby 1.78 22 0 0 3 12 7 The site is owned by a house builder, a signed proforma has been received to confirm that 8 dwellings will be completed in the next 5 years.

Table 5

Local Plan/ Planning Application Address Settlement Site Area Site Capacity 2023/2024 2024/2025 2025/2026 2026/2027 2027/2028 Commentary


and   PA/2021/1990

 Woods Along Scotter Road  Scunthorpe  3.55  36  0  10  10  10  6 Access has been created to the site and reserved matters has been submitted but currently undetermined. The site is owned by a housebuilder and signed proforma has been received confirming that all dwellings will be completed in the next five years.
  PA/2019/1782  Moorwell Road  Scunthorpe  8.36  200  0  20  30  50  50

An application for reserved matters has been submitted and is currently undetermined (PA/2022/1628) by Persimmon Homes a national house builder.

 There has also been an application to discharge condition 28 and 34 which is currently undetermined (PA/2022/2166). Discussions with the LLFA are ongoing to discharge the relevant drainage condition.

 Application submitted to modify the section 106 agreement due to viability.

 A non material amendment was approved on 14/11/2022.

 A signed proforma has been received from the developer stating that 150 dwellings will

be completed in the next five years.

BRIH-2 Land at Western Avenue Brigg 5.54 186 0 0 30 30 30

The sites are allocated for housing within the Housing and Employment Land Allocation Development Plan Document. Master planning has commenced, and planning applications is expected Summer 2023. There are two developers with options on the sites.

The preliminary design for the Brigg Link Road has been undertaken and the council are working with the landowners to bring the site forward in accordance with planning policy.

BRIH-3 Wrawby Road Phase 2 Brigg 11.97 333 0 20 40 40 40
BRIH-4 Wrawby Road Phase 1 Brigg 4.31 152 0 20 40 40 16
BRIH-1 and 5 Atherton Way Brigg 4.40 149 0 0 28 45 45

The council are currently in the process of selling the land to a house builder for residential development. The house builder has confirmed that they will deliver 45 dwellings per annum from mid-2025. The council are currently building a new allotment to enable the existing allotments to be developed for housing. The new allotment will be completed summer 2023.

The council are currently in pre-application discussions with the house builder, and it is anticipated an full planning application will be submitted late 2023 for 118 units. Their

application site area does not include the whole allocation area.

The house builder is currently undertaking a number of site assessment including ecology, flood risk and transport.


and   PA/2022/2134

7 Lakes Industrial Estate, Crowle Wharf Site 2 Ealand 0.75 23 5 10 8 0 0 Discharge of planning conditions approved. A reserved matters application has been submitted and is pending approval. The site is owned by a house builder who has already completed a site next to this site.


In conclusion this section identifies that North Lincolnshire Council can demonstrate a 6 years and 10 months’ supply between 1 April 2023 to the 31 March 2028 as detailed in Table 5.

The following table 5 (below) shows how the five year housing land supply has been calculated.

North Lincolnshire Five Year Housing Land Supply Calculation

Five Year Requirement 1,953 (including 5% buffer)
Total Supply 2,651
Years Supply 6 Years and 10 months
Surplus/ Deficit +698

Appendix 1: Signed B Sites Proformas

Settlement Brigg
Site Reference 10-2 BRIH-4
Site Address Wrawby Road
Site Area (Ha) 4.29
Existing Land Use (s) Agricultural land
Site and Surrounding Description
  • The site represents a small urban extension to Brigg and is located to the west of Wrawby Road
  • The site comprises one large field which is in agricultural use.
Land Class Greenfield
Future Use Residential
Future Yield/ Density Options 152 dwellings at 40 dph
Vehicular Access Options Access should be gained to the site opposite Churchhill Avenue, possibly by means of a signalised junction or Roundabout or ghost island right turning lane.
Pedestrians/ Cycle Options The site can be linked to the footpath and cycle network on Wrawby Road (A18)


Ownership Single ownership
Owner/ Agent Promotion Agent /House Builder (Bellway Homes Limited (Yorkshire))
Infrastructure/ Utilities
  • Water treatment work – capacity available
  • Water supply network – capacity available
  • Sewage Treatment works- limited capacity, infrastructure upgrade required
  • Foul sewage capacity – limited capacity, infrastructure upgrade required
  • Surface water network- capacity available.
  • New road infrastructure required
  • Access to be taken via BRIH-3; with land reserved for new roundabout from Wrawby Road to be delivered at later date (no constraints to housing delivery post planning permission).
Legal/ Covenants No known issues
Other N/A
Phasing After 2023

Site preparation costs

Market Appraisal/ Competing Potential Uses There are no known higher value uses competing for the site that would make housing less viable
Planning Obligations Highways work required to be secured through a S278 or S106 agreement
Demolition No known issues
Ground Conditions No known issues
Contamination No known issues
Flood Risk Mitigation
  • The site is within SFRA Flood Risk Zone 1. All land uses are suitable in flooding terms, but development must take into account other sources of flooding (in addition to fluvial) and whether it will result in flooding elsewhere.
  • As the site measures more than 1ha a Flood Risk Assessment should be undertaken. This should include consideration of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems and how the layout and form of development can reduce the overall level of Flood Risk.
  • Access to the site opposite Churchill Avenue possibly by signalised junction or roundabout or right turn ghost island
  • The site requires an archaeological assessment and field evaluation to be submitted with a planning application
  • Drains would need checking for water voles and some large trees may be worth retention.

Planning history

Application No current applications
Current Local Plan Designation/ Area Based Policy The site is allocated for housing within the adopted Local Plan BRIH-4
Other Development Studies Transport Assessment undertaken by LTP regarding the Brigg North Link Road
Other Plans/ Strategies/ Assessments None
Tree Preservation Orders None
Other Constraints and Opportunities None
Vehicular Access/ Traffic Generation



Primary School    1

Secondary School                1

Railway Station    0

GP Surgery           1

Bus Stop                1

Town Centre         1

Local Stores          1

Supermarket         1

Footpath/Cycle path             1

Employment Area                1


  • The site has a positive score for accessibility to jobs, shops and services, therefore residents are considered to be able to access local services by non-car modes of transport

Constraints that will need to be addressed before any development takes place:

  • New road and access to the site to be
  • Upgrade to foul sewage capacity and sewage treatment works.

Planning Reference / Local Plan Reference BRIH-4
Address Land at Wrawby Road Phase 1
Permission Date TBC
Applicant Bellway Homes Limited (Yorkshire)
Application Progress

Bellway Homes Limited (Yorkshire) have an interest in the land and a contractual position with the landowners for progressing a planning application for residential development on allocations BRIH-2, BRIH-3, and BRIH-4.

Bellway are intending to submit a planning application in Q2 2023 to North Lincolnshire Council for consideration that will permit the delivery of the internal link road from Wrawby Road to Grammar School Road. Assuming the granted of a planning approval in Q4 2023 Bellway anticipate commencing work on the

site in Q2 2024.

Site Assessment Progress Assume start on site Q3 2024
Lead in Time (years) 1
Build Rate (per annum) 40
Total Units (application) 116
Year 1: 2023/2024 0
Year 2: 2024/2025 20
Year 3: 2025/2026 40
Year 4: 2026/2027 40
Year 5: 2027/2028 16

I agree that, to the best of my knowledge, the above information is an accurate assessment of the deliverability of the above site at this current time:



Printed Name: Sarah Carr

Organisation: Bellway Homes Limited (Yorkshire) Date: 20 July 2023

Settlement Brigg
Site Reference 10-31 BRIH-3
Site Address Wrawby Road
Site Area (Ha) 11.97
Existing Land Use (s) Agricultural land
Site and Surrounding Description
  • The site represents a small urban extension to Brigg and is located to the west of Wrawby Road
  • The site is comprised of agricultural land.
Land Class Greenfield
Future Use Residential
Future Yield/ Density Options 333 dwellings at 40 dph
Vehicular Access Options Site to be accessed either through BRIH-2(10-2), via an improved junction at Wrawby Road/ Churchill Avenue or via a separate junction arrangement directly off Wrawby Road
Pedestrians/ Cycle Options The site can be linked to the footpath and cycle network on Wrawby Road (A18)


Ownership Two Land ownership
Owner/ Agent Promotion Agent
Infrastructure/ Utilities
  • Water treatment work – capacity available
  • Water supply network – capacity available
  • Sewage treatment works – limited capacity, infrastructure upgrade required
  • Foul sewage capacity – limited capacity ,infrastructure upgrade required
  • Surface water network – capacity available.
Access Site to be accessed via right turn lane from Wrawby Road. Facilitates development access to BRIH-2 and BRIH-4.
Legal/ Covenants No known issues
Other N/A
Phasing After 2021

Site preparation costs

Market Appraisal/ Competing Potential Uses There are no known higher value uses competing for the site that would make housing less viable
Planning Obligations
Demolition No known issues
Ground Conditions No known issues
Contamination No known issues
Flood Risk Mitigation
  • The site is within SFRA Flood Risk Zone 1. All land uses are suitable in flooding terms, but development must take into account other sources of flooding (in addition to fluvial) and whether it will result in flooding elsewhere.
  • As the site measures more than 1Ha a Flood Risk Assessment should be undertaken. This should include consideration of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems and how the layout and form of development can reduce the overall level of Flood Risk.
  • Landscaping and noise buffering will be required on the boundary to the M180
  • The site requires an archaeological assessment and field evaluation to be submitted with a planning application

Planning history

Application No current applications
Current Local Plan Designation/ Area Based Policy The site is allocated for housing within the adopted Local Plan BRIH-3
Other Development Studies None
Other Plans/ Strategies/ Assessments Transport Assessment undertaken by LTP regarding the Brigg North Link Road
Tree Preservation Orders None
Other Constraints and Opportunities
Vehicular Access/ Traffic Generation Recommend that the site is accessed through allocation BRIH-410 – 2, via an improved junction at Wrawby Road/Churchill Avenue or via a separate junction arrangement directly off Wrawby Road



Primary School    1

Secondary School                1

Railway Station    0

GP Surgery           1

Bus Stop                1

Town Centre         1

Local Stores          1

Supermarket         1

Footpath/Cycle path             1

Employment Area                1


  • The site has a positive score for accessibility to jobs, shops and services, therefore residents are considered to be able to access local services by non-car modes of transport.

Constraints that will need to be addressed before any development takes place:

  • New road and access to the site from Wrawby Road and to the north from potential housing land to north of Western Avenue
  • Upgrade to foul sewage capacity and sewage treatment works

Landscaping and noise buffering will be required on the boundary to the M180.

Planning Reference / Local Plan Reference BRIH-3
Address Land at Wrawby Road Phase 2
Permission Date TBC
Applicant Bellway Homes Limited (Yorkshire)
Application Progress

Bellway Homes Limited (Yorkshire) have an interest in the land and a contractual position with the landowners for progressing a planning application for residential development on allocations BRIH-2, BRIH-3, and BRIH-4.

Bellway are intending to submit a planning application in Q2 2023 to North Lincolnshire Council for consideration that will permit the delivery of the internal link road from Wrawby Road to Grammar School Road. Assuming the granted of a planning approval in Q4 2023 Bellway anticipate commencing work on the

site in Q2 2024

Site Assessment Progress Assume start on site Q2 2024
Lead in Time (years) 1
Build Rate (per annum) 40
Total Units (application) 250
Year 1: 2023/2024 0
Year 2: 2024/2025 20
Year 3: 2025/2026 40
Year 4: 2026/2027 40
Year 5: 2027/2028 40
Years 6-11 110
Years 12-18 0

I agree that, to the best of my knowledge, the above information is an accurate assessment of the deliverability of the above site at this current time:



Printed Name: Sarah Carr

Organisation: Bellway Homes Limited (Yorkshire) Date: 20 July 2023

Planning Reference / Local Plan Reference H1P-15 BRIH-2
Category A/B Site B
Planning Application Type Full
Address Land at Western Avenue Brigg
Permission Date No Permission
Applicant Gleeson Homes
Application Progress Gleeson Homes are currently in pre – application discussion with North Lincolnshire Council to bring forward 100 homes within housing allocation BRIH-2.
Site Assessment Progress The site is available for development
Viability/ Ownership/Infrastructure We will be submitting a viability/we don’t own the site/ we will providing a new priority junction on Grammar School Rd, and a main spine road through our site

Deliverability: Please provide clear evidence to demonstrate the site is deliverable for example delivery intentions, conformation of developer and anticipated start and build-out rates in accordance with

the NPPF.

We have a contract to purchase the site. Likely start on site will be September 2024

Lead in Time (years): Please provide

information on the anticipated lead in time for development to commence.

One year
Build Rate (per annum) 30
Total Site Remaining Units 100
Year 1: 2023/2024
Year 2: 2024/2025
Year 3: 2025/2026 30
Year 4: 2026/2027 30
Year 5: 2027/2028 30
Total 5 Years 90

I agree that, to the best of my knowledge, the above information is an accurate assessment of the deliverability of the above site at this current time:



 Printed Name: G Collingwood

Organisation: Gleeson Homes Yorkshire East Date: 20/07/23

Planning Reference / Local Plan Reference BRIH-1 and BRIH-5
Category A/B Site B
Planning Application Type
Address Land north of Atherton Way Brigg
Permission Date
Applicant North Lincolnshire Council/Keepmoat
Application Progress

The site is allocated in the Housing and Employment Land Development Plan Document for residential development. The council are currently in pre-application discussions with Keepmoat and it is anticipated an application will be submitted late 2023 for full planning. A small part of the allocation

falls outside of KMH development interest.

Site Assessment Progress

The site is available for development. Keepmoat are currently undertaking a number of site assessment

including ecology, flood risk and transport.

Viability/ Ownership/Infrastructure

Deliverability: Please provide clear evidence to demonstrate the site is deliverable for example delivery intentions, conformation of developer and anticipated start and build-out rates in accordance with

the NPPF.

The council are currently in the process of selling the land to Keepmoat for residential development. Keepmoat have confirmed that will deliver 45 dwellings per annum from mid 2025. They are currently preparing the planning application which will be submitted for determination later this year. The council are currently building a new allotment to enable the existing allotments to be developed for housing. The new allotment will be completed

summer 2023.

Lead in Time (years): Please provide

information on the anticipated lead in time for development to commence.

18 months
Build Rate (per annum)
Total Site Remaining Units 118
Year 1: 2023/2024 0
Year 2: 2024/2025 0
Year 3: 2025/2026 28
Year 4: 2026/2027 45
Year 5: 2027/2028 45
Total 5 Years 118

I agree that, to the best of my knowledge, the above information is an accurate assessment of the deliverability of the above site at this current time:


Printed Name: Rosie Allsopp

Organisation: Keepmoat Homes Date: 04/07/2023

Planning Reference / Local Plan Reference PA/2018/2186
Category A/B Site B
Planning Application Type Outline
Address Woods along Scotter Road Scunthorpe
Permission Date 05/11/2019
Applicant Lincolnshire Lakes Ltd.
Application Progress

Outline planning permission for 36 dwellings including new access road and adoptable sewage pumping station (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale

reserved for subsequent approval).

Site Assessment Progress

Outline planning application approved. Application included:

  • Flood risk assessment
  • Ecological Assessment
  • Arboricultural Survey & Impact Assessment
  • Geo-Environmental Report Reserved matters (PA/2021/1990) has been submitted but has not been determined yet.
Viability/ Ownership/Infrastructure Site within single ownership and there are no significant constraints and development can take place within the five-year period.

Deliverability: Please provide clear evidence to demonstrate the site is deliverable for example delivery intentions, conformation of developer and anticipated start and build-out rates in accordance with

the NPPF.

Construction to start this year pending approval of Reserved Matters consent. Application has been delayed due to progress of archaeology works, but these have now been completed and the final evaluation report to be submitted imminently. Approval anticipated Q2 2023. Developer to be Lincolnshire Lakes Ltd.

Build out rates as below.

Lead in Time (years): Please provide

information on the anticipated lead in time for development to commence.

Construction of roads and sewers expected to commence late 2023. Build of first units to commence 2024.
Build Rate (per annum) 10
Total Site Remaining Units 36
Year 1: 2023/2024 0
Year 2: 2024/2025 10
Year 3: 2025/2026 10
Year 4: 2026/2027 10
Year 5: 2027/2028 6
Total 5 Years 36

I agree that, to the best of my knowledge, the above information is an accurate assessment of the deliverability of the above site at this current time:


Printed Name: Chris Dawkins

Organisation: William Saunders LLP (Agent) Date: 06/04/2023

Planning Reference / Local Plan Reference PA/2019/1782
Category A/B Site B
Planning Application Type


RM (pending, ref: PA2022/1638)

Address Moorwell Road Scunthorpe
Permission Date 03/04/2020
Applicant Persimmon Homes
Application Progress

Outline planning permission for up to 200 dwellings with appearance, landscaping, layout and scale reserved for subsequent consideration.

An application for reserved matters has been submitted and is currently undetermined (PA/2022/1628).

There has also been an application to discharge condition 28 and 34 which is currently undetermined (PA/2022/2166). Discussions with the LLFA are ongoing to discharge the relevant drainage condition.

Application submitted to modify the section 106 agreement due to viability.

A non material amendment was approved on 14/11/2022.

May Planning Committee anticipated.

Site Assessment Progress

Outline planning application approved. Application included:

  • Flood risk assessment
  • Drainage strategy
  • Arboricultural Survey & Impact Assessment
  • Topographical surveys
  • Design and access statement
  • Geo-environmental report
Viability/ Ownership/Infrastructure

The site is in one ownership.

A viability assessment has been submitted due to the significant abnormal costs

associated with the high water table onsite.

Deliverability: Please provide clear evidence to demonstrate the site is deliverable for example delivery intentions, conformation of developer and anticipated start and build-out rates in accordance with

the NPPF.

Refer to anticipated delivery rates below, we remain committed to the delivery of this site.

Lead in Time (years): Please provide

information on the anticipated lead in time for development to commence.

The site is anticipated to commence in 2023.
Build Rate (per annum)
Total Site Remaining Units 200
Year 1: 2023/2024 0
Year 2: 2024/2025 20
Year 3: 2025/2026 30
Year 4: 2026/2027 50
Year 5: 2027/2028 50
Total 5 Years 150

I agree that, to the best of my knowledge, the above information is an accurate assessment of the deliverability of the above site at this current time:


Printed Name: Bethany Yeadon

Organisation: Persimmon Homes (South Yorkshire) Date: 03/04/2023