
Appendix 8 Risk Register

Risk – Lack of awareness and / or engagement in Selective Licensing Proposal – consultation to implementation

Current controls in place –

  • NLC Communication channels – including website, social media, new letter.
  • Pre – discussions across affected communities on the development of the proposal
  • Equality, Diversity and Inclusion standards applied to consultation/ communication

Risk owner – Head of Service EH & H

Current risk

Impact score (1-5) – 3

Likelihood score (1-5) – 3

Rating (1-25) 9

Additional action controls

  • Full Proposal document (including language preference of impacted population to support translation)
  • Consultation Plan for general engagement and directed engagement

Target risk

Impact score (1-5) – 3

Likelihood score (1-5) – 2

Rating (1-25) – 6

Target Date – ongoing

Action owner – Housing Team Leader

Date done

Risk – Negative impact on the proposed areas

Current controls in place –

  • Promote the benefits of the selective licensing proposal (pre and post the selective licensing designation.
  • Ensure ASB is dealt with in a quick and effective manner through joint working across the council and with the police.
  • Ongoing publicity.

Risk owner – Head of Service EH & H

Current risk

Impact score (1-5) – 3

Likelihood score (1-5) – 2

Rating (1-25) 6

Additional action controls

  • Multi agency working through the Scunthorpe North Project Team

Target risk

Impact score (1-5) – 2

Likelihood score (1-5) – 2

Rating (1-25) – 4

Target Date – ongoing

Action owner – Lead Officer – Enforcement. Housing Team Leader

Date done

Risk – Displacement of landlords / sale of properties / rogue landlords move to other areas

Current controls in place –

  • Promote positive messages of the selective licensing proposal.

Risk owner – Head of Service EH & H

Current risk

Impact score (1-5) – 4

Likelihood score (1-5) – 2

Rating (1-25) 8

Additional action controls

  • Regular engagement with landlords to promote the benefits and outcomes of selective licensing (using for example email updates / newsletters)

Target risk

Impact score (1-5) – 3

Likelihood score (1-5) – 2

Rating (1-25) – 8

Target Date – ongoing

Action owner – Housing Team Leader

Date done

Risk – Increase in properties standing empty

Current controls in place –

  • Promotion of selective licensing benefits
  • Support to be provided from the council’s Empty Homes Officer

Risk owner – Head of Service EH & H

Current risk

Impact score (1-5) – 3

Likelihood score (1-5) – 3

Rating (1-25) – 9

Additional action controls

  • Engagement with other local authorities operating selective licensing schemes has indicated that there is little evidence to suggest displacement has occurred.

Target risk

Impact score (1-5) – 2

Likelihood score (1-5) – 2

Rating (1-25) – 4

Target Date – Ongoing

Action owner –

  • Lead officer Enforcement
  • Housing Team Leader

Date done

Risk – Increase in the number of households accessing advice from the council’s Homelessness Service

Current controls in place –

  • Information and support provided to tenants (pre and during selective licensing)
  • The council will use its powers to prosecute landlords who unlawfully evict tenants.

Risk owner – Head of Service EH & H

Current risk

Impact score (1-5) – 5

Likelihood score (1-5) – 3 

Rating (1-25) – 15

Additional action controls

  • The council can use its powers under the Protection from Eviction Act 1977 to prosecute landlords who are found to have illegally evicted tenants.

Target risk

Impact score (1-5) – 3

Likelihood score (1-5) – 2

Rating (1-25) – 6

Target Date – Ongoing

Action owner – Team Managers across Council services

Date done

Risk – Lack of support from private sector landlords for selective licensing

Current controls in place –

  • Landlord views will be sought on the selective license fees and conditions.
  • Benefits of scheme will be promoted.
  • Comments received during the consultation period will be analysed and a consultation report produced. Outcome of the consultation fundings will be reported back to Cabinet before a final decision is taken.

Risk owner – Head of Service EH & H

Current risk

Impact score (1-5) – 3

Likelihood score (1-5) – 5

Rating (1-25) – 15

Additional action controls

  • Engagement with landlords and managing agents as per the consultation plan.

Target risk

Impact score (1-5) – 2

Likelihood score (1-5) – 3

Rating (1-25) – 6

Target Date – During and post consultation

Action owner – Lead Officer Enforcement& Housing Team Leader

Date done

Risk – The cost of the licence is passed onto the tenant (rent increases)

Current controls in place –

  • Conversations with other local authorities operating selective licensing has established this is unlikely to occur.
  • Landlords to benefit from a more robust private rental market.

Risk owner – Head of Service EH & H

Current risk

Impact score (1-5) – 3

Likelihood score (1-5) – 3

Rating (1-25) – 9

Additional action controls

  • A consultation plan will be implemented if agreement is secured at Cabinet

Target risk

Impact score (1-5) – 2

Likelihood score (1-5) – 2

Rating (1-25) – 4

Target Date – Ongoing

Action owner – Housing Team

Date done

Risk – Rogue or criminal landlords continue to operate without a licence

Current controls in place –

  • Full consultation will take place with large scale publicity.
  • Literature stipulates consequences of not applying for a licence.
  • Comprehensive database will be produced of landlords in the designated areas.
  • Early enforcement of non-compliance.
  • Council to deliver robust enforcement action.

Risk owner – Head of Service EH & H

Current risk

Impact score (1-5) – 3

Likelihood score (1-5) – 4

Rating (1-25) -12

Additional action controls

  • Council will ensure a robust enforcement approach.

Target risk

Impact score (1-5) – 2

Likelihood score (1-5) – 3

Rating (1-25) – 6

Target Date – Ongoing

Action owner – 

  • Lead Officer Enforcement
  • Housing Team Leader

Date done

Risk – The council will need to allocate resources to take prosecution action against landlords who fail to apply for a licence

Current controls in place –

  • Council has committed additional resources to ensure a robust enforcement response.

Risk owner – Head of Service EH & H

Current risk

Impact score (1-5) – 5

Likelihood score (1-5) – 3

Rating (1-25) – 15

Additional action controls

  • High profile publicity campaign to engage with as many landlords as possible.

Target risk

Impact score (1-5) – 3

Likelihood score (1-5) – 2

Rating (1-25) – 6

Target Date – Ongoing should SL proceed

Action owner – Head of Service EH&H

Date done

Risk – Negative publicity

Current controls in place –

  • Implementation of a project plan to support positive messaging.
  • Resourced team to coordinate scheme will be appointed if approval to proceed is given.
  • Ensure scheme is enforced in a robust and consistent manner.
  • Targets set and scheme outputs monitored and shared publicly

Risk owner – Head of Service EH & H

Current risk

Impact score (1-5) – 5

Likelihood score (1-5) – 2

Rating (1-25) – 10

Additional action controls

  • Ongoing engagement between Head / Lead Officers and comms team.

Target risk

Impact score (1-5) – 2

Likelihood score (1-5) – 2

Rating (1-25) – 4

Target Date – Ongoing

Action owner – Housing / Enforcement / Communication Teams

Date done

Risk – Selective licensing does not achieve its objectives

Current controls in place –

  • Ensure plan / schedule of property inspections is in place and adhered to.
  • Ensure lack of action by landlords is enforced in a robust and consistent manner.
  • Enforcement action taken against landlords where licence conditions are breeched.
  • Tenants provided with advice and support.
  • Steering group in place to oversee project.

Risk owner – Head of Service EH & H

Current risk

Impact score (1-5) – 3

Likelihood score (1-5) – 3

Rating (1-25) – 9

Additional action controls

  • Publicise prosecution cases.
  • Robust and regular monitoring and evaluation will be implemented once SL scheme is implemented.

Target risk

Impact score (1-5) – 3

Likelihood score (1-5) – 1

Rating (1-25) – 3

Target Date – Ongoing

Action owner – Housing / Enforcement Team

Date done

Risk – Increase in enforcement action within the Selective Licensing designation area results in an increased workload for service teams, leading to an inability to address issues elsewhere

Current controls in place –

  • Council has recognised the likely increase in enforcement action and the need for additional enforcement support.
  • The SL project will support and compliment the work of other departments.
  • Information sharing between relevant partners will support robust action.

Risk owner – Head of Service EH & H

Current risk

Impact score (1-5) – 5

Likelihood score (1-5) – 3

Rating (1-25) – 15

Additional action controls

  • The Housing team will work closely with enforcement colleagues to coordinate enforcement activity
  • Investment in resource to deliver Selective Licensing Scheme through Fee Payment

Target risk

Impact score (1-5) – 3

Likelihood score (1-5) – 2

Rating (1-25) – 6

Target Date – Ongoing

Action owner – Lead Officer Enforcement

Date done