
Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO)

Information about Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPOs) and the different controls applicable across different areas of North Lincolnshire.

What is a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO)?

The Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 provides a broad legal framework within which PSPOs can be implemented. Orders can be introduced either county wide or to cover specific public areas where the local authority is satisfied on reasonable grounds that certain conditions have been met. The first test concerns the nature of the anti-social behaviour, requiring that:

  • activities that have taken place have had a detrimental effect on the quality of life of those in the locality, or it is likely that activities will take place and that they will have a detrimental effect
  • the effect or likely effect of these activities: is, or is likely to be, persistent or continuing in nature
  • is, or is likely to be, unreasonable
  • justifies the restrictions being imposed.

When there are problems or nuisance in an area detrimentally affecting the local community’s quality of life, we may put rules in place to deal with it. These rules or ‘orders’ are designed to make sure we can all use and enjoy public spaces, safe from anti-social behaviour.

Why is a PSPO put in place?

A PSPO can be introduced if anti-social behaviour, which is, or is likely to be carried on is having a detrimental effect on the quality of life of people in the area.

The behaviour has to be, or is likely to be persistent or continuing in nature and unreasonable. The impact of the behaviour must justify the restrictions contained within a PSPO.

Following consultation, the council will carefully consider the results before making the final decision. The council will publicise the final decision it makes, and if an order is put in place there will be signs put up in the relevant areas.

The PSPO gives the Police and the council an extra tool to help tackle anti-social behaviour alongside existing powers and ongoing partnership work. Alongside the PSPO, the council and its partners would continue to promote and encourage vulnerable people to access support and services in order to help them break the cycle of behaviours and vulnerability.

How long are PSPOs in force?

PSPOs can be introduced for a maximum of three years, and may be extended beyond this for further three-year period(s) where certain criteria are met.

Why we reviewed the PSPO?

North Lincolnshire Council has introduced a PSPO to allow the council to take measures to reduce anti-social behaviour across the county. We know that anti-social behaviour can detrimentally affect people’s quality of life.

A review of the PSPOs will take place towards the end of the period at which the PSPO is in force. The review will aim to ensure the PSPO continues to address anti-social behaviour issues effecting North Lincolnshire. The review will seek to add any new controls where new anti-social behaviour is identified, or remove any which are considered no longer necessary.

What happens when a PSPO control is breached?

If any person fails to comply with the requirements of the PSPO, they will be committing a criminal offence and in most cases it will be dealt with by way of a Fixed Penalty Notice of £100.

In some cases, the council may prosecute an offender in the Magistrates Court which carries a maximum penalty of £1000. Those who are vulnerable will be offered support.

The North Lincolnshire PSPO has various controls that apply in different locations.

View the controls and maps below:

The following controls in the Public Spaces Protection Order apply to the whole of North Lincolnshire defined by the boundary outlined in Map A below.


PSPO controls and offences North Lincolnshire wide
Control Offence
Not to be in charge of more than 4 dogs at a time To prohibit a single person having more than four dogs in their sole charge in a public space
No dogs in children’s play areas To exclude dogs within enclosed children’s play areas (*1) and other designated sites (*2) such as schools
You must pick up dog fouling A person is required immediately remove dog faeces left by any dog which at the time the person is in charge of or responsible for
You must carry bags to pick up dog faeces A person in charge of a dog on land to which this order applies must have, and produce on request, the appropriate means to pick up dog faeces deposited by that dog
No riding motor bikes A person is prohibited from riding a motor bike, quad bike or mini moto in a manner deemed by an authorised person to be anti-social and they reasonably suspect that person is causing or is likely to cause nuisance, harassment, alarm, or distress to any other person
No prostitution, kerb crawling or sex in public A person is prohibited from engaging in activities that relate to prostitution (e.g., kerb crawling, having sex in public etc.) at any time
Stop hanging around in groups of 3 or more, acting in an antisocial or criminal way A person must disperse from a group of three or more people if asked to do so by an authorised officer who deems the group to be acting in an anti-social, intimidating, or criminal way
No selling, using, or possessing intoxicating substances and paraphernalia A person is prohibited from selling, using, or possessing intoxicating substances or paraphernalia associated with this in open spaces (this does not include tobacco products or prescribed medicines). Any items can be confiscated by an authorised officer
No making noise in a public place A person must not cause a noise disturbance in a public place which is deemed by an Authorised Officer to cause harassment, alarm, or distress to any other person
Stop hanging around in cars in groups of 2 or more acting in an antisocial way A person, including a driver or passenger is prohibited from gathering in vehicles or parking vehicles in groups of two or more for the purposes of congregating and that may result in causing harassment, alarm, or distress
Stop hanging around or performing vehicle stunts causing anti-social behaviour A person is prohibited from performing stunts using a motor vehicle causing or being likely to cause a nuisance and/or danger to persons in North Lincolnshire. Performing stunts includes but is not limited to doughnutting, drifting, handbrake turns, wheel spins or any other motor vehicle related activities
No open water swimming No entry into open water, for the purposes of diving, jumping, paddling or swimming, by any person within North Lincolnshire in the areas outlined in red, shown on Map A. Other than as part of a recognised open water swimming club, where permission of the landowner has been obtained.
Nuisance dogs on leads A person in charge of a dog in the area outlined in red on Map A, must comply with a direction given to him by an authorised officer, to put and keep the dog on a lead. An authorised officer may only give a direction under this order if such restraint is reasonably necessary to prevent a nuisance or behaviour by the dog that is likely to cause annoyance or disturbance to any other person, or to a bird or another animal.

(*1) ‘Enclosed children’s play areas’ All land within the council’s administrative area comprising any fenced (and / or hedged and / or walled) children’s play area signed at its entrance(s) as a ‘dog exclusion area’ (whether the sign uses those particular words or words and / or symbols having like effect).
(*2) ‘Designated sites’ All land within the council’s administrative area comprising any fenced (and/or hedged and/ or walled) educational facility (school) signed at its entrance(s) as a ‘dog exclusion area’ (whether the sign uses those particular words or words and/or symbols having like effect).

PSPO map A North Lincolnshire wide

The following controls in the Public Spaces Protection Order apply to Scunthorpe defined by the boundary outlined in Map B below.

Controls and offenses relating to Scunthorpe
Control Offence
Stop drinking No person, in the area outlined in red on Map B, shall consume alcohol in a public place, or shall be in possession of any opened vessel containing or purporting to contain alcohol in a public place, other than Kingsway Gardens, Central Park and for those places identified by Section 62 of the Act.
No loitering, lodging or begging A person is prohibited from loitering or begging, in a manner that causes or is likely to cause harassment, alarm, distress, nuisance or annoyance to any person within the area outlined in red on Map B. For the purposes of this provision loitering includes sitting or laying on the floor, in or adjacent to doorways or around pay machines (including banks, supermarkets) and begging includes any verbal, non-verbal or written request for money, donations or goods, including the placing of hats, clothing or containers.

PSPO Map B Scunthorpe

The following controls in the Public Spaces Protection Order apply to Scunthorpe (Map C1) & Brigg Town Centers (Map C2)

Controls and offences relating to Scunthorpe and Brigg town centres
Control Offence
Get off your bike No cycling or riding a motorised scooter* by any person within Scunthorpe and Brigg in the areas outlined in red, shown on maps C1 and C2.
*motorised scooter means any mechanically driven scooter, but excludes seated mobility scooters.

PSPO Map C1 and C2 Scunthorpe and Brigg town centres

The following controls in the Public Spaces Protection Order apply to Scunthorpe North defined by the boundary outlined in Map D below

Controls and offences relating to Scunthorpe North
Control Offence
All waste and recycling must be presented for collection in a wheeled bin or recycling box. No bagged waste shall be put out in the street Each Relevant Person (3*) is prohibited from depositing any household waste and recycling on any land to which the public has access other than in a wheeled bin or recycling box. All household waste and recycling must be stored and presented for collection in a wheeled bin or recycling box
Put your bins and boxes out for collection and then bring them back inside your garden or yard Relevant Persons (3*) are prohibited without a reasonable excuse from storing wheeled bins and recycling boxes outside the boundary of Relevant Premises (4*) other than between 6pm the night before collection is due and 9pm on the day of collection
Don’t put bulky waste items in the street Each Relevant Person (3*) must ensure bulky waste items awaiting removal remain within the Relevant Premises (4*) boundary
Put business waste in a bin and pay a registered waste carrier to remove it to a licensed facility. Clear up waste if asked to do so Anyone who has placed commercial or industrial waste, not correctly secured within a suitable waste container on land in the open air to which the public have access should immediately clear it if asked to do by an authorised officer

(*3) ‘Relevant person’ means any person residing in, whether permanently, or temporarily, by legal right or simple occupation at any premises situated in the area outlined in red on Map D and incudes any owner or managing agent of any premises let on a periodic tenancy and situated in the Restricted Area (Map D). Each ‘Relevant Person’ shall have an equal and separate responsibility in relation to the above requirement, whether physically present at the Relevant Premises at the relevant time or not.

(*4) ‘Relevant Premises’ refers to residential premises within the Restricted Area (Map D).

PSPO Map D waste - Scunthorpe North