
North Lincolnshire picks up fifth Green Flag for award-winning park

Planning and Environment
13:29, Thursday, 14th October 2021

Scunthorpe’s Sheffield Park has been recognised as an outstanding public space with the announcement it has been awarded prestigious Green Flag status.

The park joins four others in North Lincolnshire, all of which were confirmed as keeping their coveted Green Flag when the winners were announced today (Thursday 14 October).

They are Central Park, Kingsway Gardens and Woodlands Memorial Park in Scunthorpe and Baysgarth Park in Barton.

The news comes just weeks after Scunthorpe scooped four gongs in the annual East Midlands in Bloom awards.

Sheffield Park was submitted by North Lincolnshire Council this year following a massive regeneration programme undertaken by council staff and volunteers, who put in more than 300 hours of work.

This included repainting the entrance gates, resurfacing paths, installing new play equipment, a skate park and a cycling proficiency area, new bulb and tree planting, and the development of wildflower ‘corridors’ to attract pollinating insects.

A nature walk and bug zone were also planted, and wheelchair-accessible car parking, paths and play equipment installed.

The work of enthusiastic volunteers has been at the heart of the park’s transformation, and the council has also collaborated with Lindsey Lodge Hospice, North Lindsey College and Crosby Primary School in developing the area and making it a green oasis in Scunthorpe’s urban heartland.

Green Flag judges’ comments about Sheffield Park included: “It was clear to see an honest dedication from both staff and volunteers, it is hoped that this enthusiasm continues to spread and the park’s usage goes from strength to strength as a valuable community asset.

“The drive to improve the park has been one which been carefully thought out and reflects modern park provision. It is worthy of Green Flag status and there is still space for the park to grow sustainably.’’

Cllr David Rose, cabinet member for the environment, said: “After 18 months that have seen our parks and green spaces play a vital role for people through lockdowns as a place to relax, exercise and meet friends and family safely, the news Sheffield Park has achieved the Green Flag award is testament to the hard work and dedication of the team that make the green space a great space that everyone can enjoy.

“The development of Sheffield Park has been a triumph for the local community, which has put its heart and soul into making it a wonderful place.”

Cllr Rob Waltham, leader, North Lincolnshire Council, said: “It is vitally important that we protect and develop our green spaces.

“The news that Sheffield Park has received a Green Flag and that Baysgarth Park, Central Park, Kingsway Gardens and Woodlands Memorial Park have kept theirs is a testament to our commitment to provide vibrant areas that help keep our communities safe and well.”

The Green Flag Award scheme is managed by environmental charity Keep Britain Tidy under licence from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, and recognises and rewards well-managed parks and green spaces, setting the benchmark standard for the management of green spaces across the UK and around the world.

Commenting on the news that Sheffield Park had achieved the Green Flag standard, Green Flag Award Scheme Manager Paul Todd said: “I would like to congratulate everyone involved in making Sheffield Park worthy of a Green Flag Award.

“To meet the requirements demanded by the scheme is testament to the hard work of the staff and volunteers who do so much to ensure that Sheffield Park has high standards of horticulture, safety and environmental management and is a place that supports people to live healthy lives.”