
North Lincolnshire leading the way with pioneering conference tackling violence against women and girls

Community Advice and Support
11:44, Wednesday, 18th October 2023

A groundbreaking North Lincolnshire conference to tackle violence against young women and girls has been hailed a success.

The event – organised by the North Lincolnshire Community Safety Partnership – was held as a follow-up to the highly successful Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) conference at the Baths Hall in March.

The latest event was aimed at young people aged 11 plus, as well parents, teachers and professionals who work with them.

Taking place at The Baths Hall, the event attracted more than 100 attendees who heard from key national and local speakers.

The conference was opened by North Lincolnshire Council leader Rob Waltham, who said afterwards: “While I am proud that North Lincolnshire is leading the way in prioritising such an important issue there is still a long way to go.

“These conferences are vital in spreading the zero tolerance approach and by working together with our partners we are educating ourselves and others. I can see a time when everyone takes a stand against this kind of violence.”

Humberside Police and Crime Commissioner Jonathan Evison told delegates why VAWG was such an important topic while representatives from his office talked about free safety app Hollie Guard.

Mr Evison commented: “The subject of violence against women and girls is a top priority for me, not just as Police and Crime Commissioner but as a husband and father of four daughters.

“I was pleased to attend the Scunthorpe conference which was well attended, demonstrating how all agencies take this subject seriously.

“There were some great speakers on the day who spoke from both professional and personal perspectives. We all need to continue to work together to make a positive difference.”

Chief Inspector Gary Foster from Humberside Police updated the audience on police proactivity and activity and what young people could expect when reporting incidents to the police.

Other topics included work going on in schools, local services for victims of domestic abuse and opportunities to help men tackle VAGW including the That Guy approach.

A woman adds a message to a poster at the Violence Against Women and Girls Conference

Chief Superintendent Matt Peach of Humberside Police said: “Here in North Lincolnshire the partners are really energised to ensure we work together to take robust action so women and girls feel safe and are safe. The conference was a fantastic event that raised awareness but really cemented all of our collective commitment to raise education and take clear action.”

Superintendent Sharon Philpott of Humberside Police said: “Partner agencies in North Lincolnshire are really passionate about ensuring women and girls in our community feel safe and are safe.

“We do this by working closely together to ensure we focus our efforts on identifying those who cause physical and mental harm. We ensure a holistic approach to changing culture and educating perpetrators around the impact and consequences of their actions.

“The conference was a fantastic event that raised awareness and showed our united support to educate and take action.”

The North Lincolnshire Community Safety Partnership includes North Lincolnshire Council, Humberside Police, Humberside Fire and Rescue, Ongo, the National Probation Service, NHS Humber and North Yorkshire ICB and the Humberside Police and Crime Commissioner.