
Massive clean-up operation shifts 34 tonnes of rubbish including more than 60 mattresses and 25 sofas

Bins, Waste and Recycling
11:40, Friday, 24th May 2024

A comprehensive clean up of tenfoots in the Crosby area has taken place in a bid to halt the blight of fly-tipping in the area.

CCTV is also being installed to catch the dumpers in action and halt other anti-social behaviour.

The major operation took two days and involved 196 working hours, in addition to environmental health officers, transfer station workers and household recycling centre staff.

Items of evidence were passed onto Environmental Health officers with a view to prosecution for fly tipping.

The mass clean took away 34 tonnes of abandoned rubbish, including –

• 12 tonnes of general waste
• Eight tonnes of bulky items including more than 60 mattresses, 25 sofas and 40 items of white goods
• Nine tonnes of smaller items including carpets, tables, wardrobes and rubble
• Five tonnes of swept rubbish such as litter and broken glass

It is hoped that by starting with a clean slate, it will be easier to identify who is dumping rubbish in the tenfoots and issue them with fines.

Some people were spotted by the clean-up teams dumping rubbish after the clean-up – their details have now been passed onto Environmental Health.

Cllr Rob Waltham, leader of North Lincolnshire Council, said: “Residents have told us of their concern over rubbish in the tenfoots and I am pleased we have been able to address these concerns.

“It is only a minority of people who insist on making such a disgusting mess and sadly some of these are the residents themselves.

“This massive clean-up will benefit the rest of the community who have to suffer other people’s selfishness.

“It also means we can now start tackling the dumpers in earnest. Anyone who has been blighting our streets with rubbish can expect a knock on the door or a fine in the post.

“We are also considering introducing a Selective Licensing scheme in this area which will target poor landlords and poor tenants.”

The council will collect three bulky items a year – including mattresses, fridges and sofas – free of charge. Go to the Bulky Item Collection page on our website to book a slot.

Fines for littering are £200, reduced to £100 if paid within 14 days, with a maximum of £2,500.

Flytippers can be fined £1,000, reduced to £700 if paid within 14 days, with an unlimited maximum and also a risk of imprisonment.

If you pay for any waste to be removed you must check they are licenced to carry out waste collection and disposal by going to the Licensed Waste Carriers page on the Gov.UK website.

If your waste is flytipped by an unregistered waste carrier you could be issued a fine of £600 with a maximum fine of £5,000 for a breach of your Household Waste Duty of Care.