
Keep up the good work

People, Health and Care
11:01, Thursday, 22nd April 2021

Keep up the good work, and remember it’s not over yet – that is the advice for North Lincolnshire residents following the first weekend after restrictions were eased.

People and businesses stuck to the rules on social distancing and meeting outside, while still enjoying the first chance to meet family and friends over a meal or a drink since Christmas.

But Steve Pintus, Northern Lincolnshire’s Director of Public Health, urged people to remember that Covid-19 hasn’t gone away, and only by sticking to the rules will we get back to a more normal life.

“For the first time in months people have been able to visit non-essential shops and have food or drink served to them outside.

“With the recent good weather we have seen residents supporting local businesses and doing so safely.

“The vast majority of people are sticking to the rules and I would ask them to keep up the good work to keep themselves, their families and our communities safe. It is also important that people remember to be kind when it comes to following restrictions. People are only doing their best to keep everyone safe and follow the guidance set out nationally.

“Covid could spread quickly if people don’t follow the hands – face – space – fresh air guidelines, and test themselves regularly.

“We all need to continue to use good hand hygiene, wear a face covering where needed and keep our distance. The virus is still in the community so anyone with symptoms needs to book a test and self-isolate.

“Rapid tests are now available to everyone and the Government is asking people to take a test twice weekly as our secondary school pupils do already. With around one in three people with the virus not showing symptoms regular testing can help us stop the spread.”

The vaccine roll-out continues with people aged over 45 now able to book a jab. Many people are now receiving their second dose of the vaccine.

To book your first jab visit the NHS website.

Even if people have had the vaccine they still can catch and spread the virus so need to continue to stick to the guidelines.

Dozens of North Lincolnshire’s Sikh community received the Covid-19 vaccination at Guru Nanak Gurudwara in Scunthorpe on Sunday.

Collaborative work between NHS North Lincolnshire CCG and Safecare Network (a federation of GP surgeries) saw a number of the area’s nurses and GPs attend the Temple in Frodingham Road to administer the life-saving jab.

Dr Satpal Shekhawat, Medical Director at NHS North Lincolnshire CCG, said: “Pop-up clinics like this can make a huge difference.

“Coronavirus does not discriminate and we won’t overcome this virus until we are all vaccinated. Working together like this, and bringing services into our communities where there has been slightly lower uptake so far, is really important.”