
Help us keep Covid cases down, workers urged

People, Health and Care
10:49, Thursday, 13th August 2020

Employees have been asked to work together to stop Covid and prevent local outbreaks while playing a vital role growing the local economy.

North Lincolnshire’s Director of Public Health, Penny Spring, is writing to local businesses with information on measures every workforce should take, stressing that it is everyone’s responsibility to keep our communities safe.

North Lincolnshire Council has already given £32 million of grants to local businesses, and has sent out a comprehensive survey designed to pinpoint the challenges they face in the wake of the pandemic.

This includes possible redundancies, closures or problems with compliance, as well as the take-up of grants and advice services.

Mrs Spring asked workers to stay alert in order to keep infections low and so prevent a local lockdown.

“Covid-19 remains in circulation across North Lincolnshire, though the number of new infections is very low and we want to keep it that way,” she said.

“It remains low because we are diligent and determined in our efforts to stop Covid and prevent local outbreaks.

“We must continue to remain at home as much as possible, keep a safe distance when out and continue to wash our hands often. It is everyone’s responsibility to stop the spread of Covid-19.”

A dedicated team at North Lincolnshire Council has been in contact with hundreds of businesses offering advice and guidance.

Businesses are being advised to help their workers follow detailed Government guidelines that ensure everyone stays safe while kick-starting the local economy.

These steps include:

  • Getting Covid tested as soon as someone experience symptoms, so outbreaks can be identified quickly
  • Opening windows in shared vehicles, wearing face coverings and not sitting side-by-side if possible
  • Ensuring equipment and vehicles that are taken home are cleaned before being returned to the workplace
  • Introducing drop-off zones where employees would have had to hand objects and equipment to each other
  • Ensuring social distancing is followed in communal areas such as canteens, toilets and changing rooms
  • Avoiding loud talking, shouting or singing

Businesses have also been asked to nominate a dedicated team member and deputy as contacts for Covid-19 issues, so updates can be passed on from the public health team as quickly as possible.

Mrs Spring added: “North Lincolnshire has responded to Covid-19 with great resolve and even greater agility. We have made many personal sacrifices to protect our communities, our families and ourselves.

“As the Director of Public Health for North Lincolnshire, the responsibility upon myself and the wider team is to prevent further outbreaks and manage those that may occur. To do that we need everyone’s help.”

More information on the Government’s workplace guidelines is available on their dedicated coronavirus resources pages.

To contact the Business Team at North Lincolnshire Council, please email businessinfo@northlincs.gov.uk