A brand-new scheme to drive up the number of Ofsted registered childminders within North Lincolnshire is backed by Government cash.
People that become an Ofsted registered childminder can now receive a £600 start up grant and is part of the investment and commitment made by the Government to the childcare provision in this year’s Spring Budget.
Cllr Rob Waltham, leader of North Lincolnshire Council said: “Earlier this year the Government announced an incredible package of changes and investment to be made to the provision of childcare over the next couple of years.
“This grant is one of the many elements that are set to be delivered and is a great incentive for people who are thinking about a career in the childcare sector and will provide essential financial support on their journey in starting their own business.”
North Lincolnshire Council are hosting several Childminder Briefing Sessions for people to find out more about the role and the process involved in becoming Ofsted registered.
The information sessions, that are free to attend, are taking place on:
Tuesday 22 August
Wednesday 6 September
Tuesday 12 September
from 6pm to 8pm via Microsoft Teams which is free to download.
Cllr Julie Reed, cabinet member for children, families and communities said: “This new scheme will be vital in the recruitment of new childminders.
“Childminders come from a wide range of backgrounds and welcome families into their home to provide high quality, nurturing childcare with many choosing to join the profession to start a new career which enables them to combine running a professional business with caring for their own children.
“They are qualified, experienced professionals with expertise in child development and full paediatric first aid training. They are regulated and inspected by Ofsted and required to deliver the national Early Years Foundation Stage framework (EYFS) for babies and children aged from birth to five.
“I would urge anyone who is thinking about becoming a childminder to attend one of the briefing sessions to find out more about the process involved.
“They are short informative sessions, giving people an insight into the highly rewarding and unique role, as well as advice and guidance for setting up your own business and the financial support currently available.”
There is a variety of blended learning options available to people who want to become an Ofsted registered childminder as well as 1 to 1 guidance and advice.
For further information, to secure your place on one of the Childminder Briefing Sessions, or the Childminder Training Programme, email earlyyearsteam@northlincs.gov.uk or call 01724 297000.