
Safer Nights

Reclaim the Night logo, hands in the air with the moon in the background

Safer Nights and Reclaim the Night – Friday 25 October 2024

Come and join us, end violence against women and girls

Please assemble outside of Church Square House at 6pm. Walk commences at 6.30pm and closes at 10.30pm.

Music and warm up – free t-shirts – then a procession up High Street towards Britannia Corner, where barriers will remain closed to allow for street food vendors with tables and chairs outside. There will be entertainment inside venues and giveaways.

Anyone under 16 must be accompanied by an adult.

Safer Nights NL logo

The Safety at Night Charter

The Safety at Night Charter is about taking practical steps together to make North Lincolnshire Safer at Night. Everyone should feel empowered to take responsibility for creating positive changes and pledging alliance to a united commitment.

The Safety at Night Charter is a pledge to show venues take the safety of everyone in the night-time economy seriously. By signing the Charter, you show your acknowledgement of the issue and that you are being proactive in improving the safety of those working in the night-time economy and members of the public who want to enjoy socialising safely.

While the Charter focuses on Safety at Night it is important that we recognise the pledges must also cover all times of night and day and
responsible socialising.

Everyone has the right to feel safe and enjoy their night out.

Use this form if you are an organisation, establishment or venue in North Lincolnshire and you would like to support us by acknowledging the issues and safety challenges.

Organisations signed up to the Charter

This section will become populated by organisations who sign up to the charter

This section will become populated by organisations who sign up to the charter


The safety of people in the night time economy is everyone’s responsibility whether these are business owners, staff, partners such as Police, customers and members of the public. Together we must:

  • Change our culture to call out behaviours which are disrespectful and cause harm.
  • Start the conversation about the role of safety for everyone in your space.
  • Empower people to speak up and share their experiences, if they are willing to, and talk about the role that everyone has in changing culture both within your organisation and outside.
  • Encourage everyone to learn more by providing time and access to awareness raising events and resources.
  • Engage your organisation in Training.
  • Pay attention to what is happening around you, how to act and what to say if you are concerned.
  • Provide support to anyone wanting to speak up if they suspect abuse or assault is taking place.
  • Identify individuals to be a champion. Encourage them to take ownership of issues and drive change, both at work and privately,
    through their family and friends.
  • Be a role model for your staff, customers, and partners.

Appoint a ‘Champion’ for safety within your organisation. Your organisation will need to decide which member of staff best fits the role. Organisations should choose a member of staff with the passion, time, energy and ability to inspire others to have honest conversations.

Make all team members aware of who your Champion is so that they can go to them for advice and resources. Ensure there is succession planning so that if the ‘Champion’ leaves your organisation a new one is appointed.

Your Champion should:

  • Be passionate about helping people understand that keeping people safe is a shared responsibility.
  • Ensure that time and resources are given to undertake training and development.
  • Be a peer mentor for practical and cultural changes.
  • Spread the word about the commitments you and your team have been able to achieve.
  • Empower colleagues to challenge unsafe language, behaviours, and practice.
  •  Engage with local Neighbourhood Policing Teams to network and share best practice.
  • Communicate your zero tolerance policy on unacceptable behaviours and be clear on how to report incidents and how people will be supported.
  • Provide signposting to local services.
  • Help develop clear policies and procedures within your organisation on how to report and respond to incidents and reports.

The ‘Champion’ will be the point of contact for any work done in-line with the Safer Nights NL and will be supported by the Community Safety Partnership, Humberside Police and North Lincolnshire Council to fulfil their role and offer support and guidance.

  • Develop policies for your organisation on how to report and respond to incidents.
  • Ensure your staff believe and support anyone who comes forward to report something that makes them feel uncomfortable.
  • Provide specialised training for your staff with a focus on how to respond and intervene if incidents take place.
  • Ensure that every team member is confident and has been trained in how to take reports of sexual harassment, assaults, and safeguarding.
  • Actively use initiatives such as Ask for Angela and other tools provided by Licensing SAVI.
  • Ensure staff are trained on how to implement and respond to these initiatives.
  • Be an active Bystander and respond effectively to harmful behaviour.
  • Ensure all reports and incidents are recorded. Be aware of data and confidentiality guidelines.
  • Evidence – remember your CCTV. Keep a record of all incidents and reports. This helps others to keep up to date with issues and repeated behaviours. Keep your notes clear and stick to facts.
  • Police – call 101 or 999 in an emergency. Establish relationships with your local Neighbourhood Policing Team and report any intelligence and incidents.
  • Ensure regular active use of the online reporting system for Pub Watch members.
  • Consider developing a joined up approach with other similar organisations i.e. shared policies and procedural with other organisations and Pub Watch members.
  • Engage with your local Pub Watch Group, Licensing, Policing Team, and Community Safety Partnership.
  • Create an environment where both your staff and the public feel comfortable and confident to report incidents.
  • Make sure that anyone who experiences sexual harassment, assault or incidents in your space is able to report it in a simple, straightforward way.
  • Invest in staff training to understand harmful behaviours and keep up to date with emerging issues and trends.
  • Support your staff while they are at work to support cultural change.
  • Ensure your organisation is familiarised with local services and signposting.
  • Prioritise creating policies and procedures to address safety and involve staff.
  •  Ensure there are clear policies on how staff will respond to incidents and reports from other staff members and the public.
  • Develop trust and public confidence in your organisation.
  • Provide signposting to local services.
  • Be an active member of Pub Watch/Shop Watch and community safety groups and forums.
  • Support other organisations and venues to work together to keep everyone safe.
  • Conduct regular reviews of your spaces and ensure that they are designed to promote a safer environment and reduce crime, making adaptations where required.
  • Carry out regular checks that all CCTV and lighting is functioning correctly.
  • Ensure that CCTV is in the right places and that exits and pathways are sufficiently lit.
  • Assess your provision of accessible and gender-neutral bathrooms.
  • Complete an access audit of your buildings and spaces.
  • Keep the area outside your premises clean, tidy and safe.
  • Protect people both inside and outside the premises.
  • Advocate responsible drinking.
  • Be vigilant with regards to unsafe situations when people leave the premises.

Licensing Savi

Licensing SAVI has been developed at the request of the Home Office by Police Crime Prevention Initiatives (Police CPI), a not-for-profit police organisation, which works alongside the Police Service throughout the UK to deter and reduce crime.

The self-assessment covers effective management practices and operational security, including issues like responsible drinking, drugs misuse, violent behaviour and safeguarding vulnerable customers as well as preventing opportunist theft and improving physical security, such as emergency exits, lighting and CCTV systems. In addition, it offers advice, guidance and policies for venues to adapt for their own use.

Licensing SAVI leads to venues being awarded a Licensing SAVI star-rating and accreditation to show the efforts taken to improve safety and security.
For further information, please visit the Licensing SAVI website.


We are delighted to have teamed up with WalkSafe, the UK’s most downloaded personal safety App, to give you the NL Safer Nights WalkSafe App. It features a safety map that will show the safe space venues in Scunthorpe. The app has all our local safety information on the map’s menu button in addition to WalkSafe’s personal safety tools like WalkSafe Journey Sharing, Follow Me and HomeSafe. Watch our launch video.

Download it now at the App store or Google play.

Research has shown that 63% of women prefer to visit venues with safety initiatives in place. People are aware that there are venues in Scunthorpe like pubs, bars, and restaurants that have safety training but want to know where these safe spaces are so they can plan their nights out. That’s exactly what this new Safer Nights App provides.

Visit the website and their social media for more information

Three mobile phones advertising walksafe apps

DrinkSafe is a UK leading anti-spiking organisation set up to combat drink spiking. Our overall aim is to raise awareness, prevent the risk and protect the public from the threat of drink spiking.

We work with a wide variety of organisations across the UK including the night-time economy, Councils, Police Forces, Student Unions & Universities. Drinks spiked with drugs can make you vulnerable.

It can be difficult to tell if your drink has been spiked by taste or smell. The substances used can be colourless and odourless.

DrinkSafe covers eliminate the chance of your drink being spiked. Whilst our easy to use test strips detect the most common date rape and recreational drugs allowing you to feel safe and secure

DrinkSafe logo

What are DrinkSafe Covers?

DrinkSafe anti-spiking covers are single use foil covers which are designed to prevent drink spiking.

The covers are designed so you can easily insert a straw, yet provide a strong protective cover against spiking. On the underside of the cover we have used food and hygiene approved adhesive which won’t have any negative effects on the beverage.

Why use DrinkSafe Covers?

Drink Covers limit the risk of spiking for customers in potentially vulnerable scenarios.

Drink covers should always be considered an optional measure that can be distributed upon request from the bar and in key touchpoints throughout a venue.

Plastic covers for glasses to keep your drink safe

Tips for bar staff

If someone has a sudden change in demeanour or behaviour over the course of a night do not be afraid to question if the person is OK and try to assess how much alcohol the individual has consumed.

Staff are justified in asking individuals they feel may be victims of spiking if they recognise the people who are with them to be a potential threat.

Recognise when someone is asking for help. It is crucial your staff can interpret when someone is requesting help whether it may be obvious or more subtle.

Don’t be afraid to question suspicious behaviour.

If someone is acting bizarrely or appears to be lingering near unattended drinks, staff should feel comfortable in quizzing the person.

DrinkSafe testing strips

What are DrinkSafe Testing Strips?

DrinkSafe testing strips test for minimal standard dosages of the two most common date rape drugs, Ketamine and GHB and provide results within seconds.

How do I use a Testing Strip?

Simply dab a small amount of the drink onto either side of the testing strip with a straw. If the drink is spiked you will see a clear change in colour on either side of the strip.

Key Scenarios

We recommend keeping a supply of testing strips behind the bar. If in any case a customer either claims to have been spiked or mentions/displays any of the key symptoms of spiking; barstaff are able to test their drink and given a clear decision making process following the result.

Strips of card used for testing drinks if they have been spiked

Get in touch for training, advice and support for your venue

Tel: 07972 923644

Website: www.drinksafe.uk

Email: info@drinksafe.uk

North Lincolnshire Community Safety Partnership were successful in a £27,000 bid from Humberside PCC for five SOS help point systems to be installed within the Town and Crosby and Park wards. The systems went live on 1 of December 2023.

When activated, CCTV automatically focuses on the call point enabling operators to monitor the vulnerable person whilst talking to them. Operators will assess the situation and arrange the most appropriate form of assistance. There are direct radio and video links between the security control centre and Humberside Police control to allow real time monitoring, reassurance, and appropriate emergency response.

The help points are installed within areas identified as hotspots for violence, ASB, public safety, and/or NTE related issues:

  • Junction of  Frodingham Road with Digby Street
  • Britannia Corner
  • Junction of High Street and Frances Street
  • West Street (near to Chapel Street/ West Street car park)
  • The Parishes multi storey car park.

SOS help point machine for people to be able to call for assistance.



The following organisations can provide you with specialist information on training, initiatives, designing safe spaces and support:

Humberside Police and Crime Commissioner

North Lincolnshire Council Licensing

Humberside Police

Licensing SAVI
(Self-assessment tools designed to provide a safe and secure environment which provides personal recommendations. Training and accreditation available for licenced premises)

End Violence Against Women

Suzy Lamplugh Trust
(Education and support on stalking)

(Supporting LGBT+ victims and survivors of abuse and violence)

(Online tool for the public to report pinpoint locations where they feel unsafe)

The Blue Door
(Support Service for to anyone that has experienced domestic abuse and sexual violence)

(Anti-spiking organisation who work to prevent the risk, and protect the public from the threat of drink spiking)

One Punch


Victim Support