Landlord accreditation
North Lincolnshire Council has partnered with DASH to deliver local landlord accreditation.
Why choose DASH Landlord Accreditation
If you are a landlord the government advises that you should consider joining an Accreditation Scheme which provides various benefits including signalling to your tenants that as a landlord you meet a set of professional standards. See the Government’s How to let information.
The Landlord Accreditation Scheme local to North Lincolnshire is operated by DASH. DASH specialises in accreditation and was launched over 15 years ago.
The scheme is a Local Authority run service, based within Derby City Council, and aims to encourage and promote good property standards and management practices in the private rented sector. A list of other partners DASH works with can be found on the DASH website.
The DASH Accreditation package includes not only a nationally recognised training qualification but also a Virtual Inspection which is all included in the accreditation fee.
Landlords use the Virtual Inspection as a ‘sense check’ to give them reassurance that their homes meet the necessary standards for letting ahead of any visit from the Local Authority which, should issues arise, can in certain circumstances result in costly notices, fines or legal action.
Scheme Manual
The DASH Landlord Accreditation Scheme Manual outlines how the scheme operates and what requirements are made of landlords in terms of standards and conduct.
Accreditation lasts for up to 3 years.
The following fees will apply upon application & then again upon renewal:
Number of properties | Cost |
1 – 5 properties | £110+VAT per landlord |
6 – 10 properties | £185+VAT per landlord |
11 – 29 properties | £435+VAT per landlord |
30 – 39 properties | £570+VAT per landlord |
40+ properties | Please call Linda Cobb on 01332 641111 |
How to Join
In order to become a DASH Accredited Landlord you will need to:
- Apply online
- Pay the application fee
- Complete the Landlord Development course (Foundation)– the course is FREE as part of your membership package. This course is available online
- Have a health and safety inspection of a sample of your properties (a minimum of 10% of properties owned per membership period) and complete any works our inspectors deem necessary to bring your property up to DASH standards within the timescale given
- For more information please email or call 01332 956803.
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