
How Council Tax and Business Rates are spent

Information about how North Lincolnshire Council Tax and Business Rates are spent.

This is part of the statutory billing information we must provide in accordance with Council Tax and non-domestic rating regulations.

Your Council Tax helps to fund our work in improving outcomes for the people of North Lincolnshire. Council Tax covers just under half the cost of providing services.

Business Rates, Government grants and service charges fund the rest.

We set the Council Tax once a year and bills are issued every March.

We want our area to be the best place for our residents.

We have four priorities to realise this ambition. These are included in our Council Plan.

We also want to be the best council that we can be for our residents. We want everyone to be safe, well, prosperous and connected.

By engaging with you better and working together we can realise this ambition.

Our priorities

Keeping people safe and well – to achieve a longer and better quality of life for our residents

Our intention

  1. Safeguard and support everyone to live safely and independently within their families and communities
  2. Ensure the care sector is of high quality and care leavers receive the on-going support they need
  3. Reduce health inequalities and promote wellbeing.

Enabling resilient and flourishing communities – to develop greater resilience and community spirit and enable people to identify and meet their ambitions.

Our intention

  1. Maintain a safe, clean and green local environment
  2. Support our volunteers and create stronger communities with access to a range of leisure, culture and other facilities
  3. Make it easier and safer to travel sustainably.

Enabling economic growth and renewal – to ensure there are highly skilled jobs and opportunities for a highly skilled workforce and the local economy supports efforts to reduce carbon emissions.

Our intention

  1. Encourage personal ambition through access to life-long, high quality education, guidance, training and opportunities to upskill and gain experience through volunteering
  2. Regenerate town centres and expand the local economy to secure more highly skilled jobs and encourage the business sector to transition to a net-zero carbon position
  3. Work with home builders to develop high quality and environmentally sustainable homes.

Providing value for money for local taxpayers – to ensure high quality services are provided for residents and the council is well-led.

Our intention

  1. Get it right for our customers, first time
  2. Meet our environmental responsibilities
  3. Maintain our position as a well-managed and well-governed council and remain financially sustainable.

The graphic below shows (plain text version available in the accordion below) how your Council Tax contributes to delivering the outcomes we want for local people. This includes services which are required by law, such as social care, and others which provide a real public benefit, like leisure. The analysis shows how much of a Band A Council Tax charge is spent in each area.

Graphic showing how council tax is spent. Text version available below this graphic.


Safer adults  £549
Safer children  £118
Safer places and communities £12


Cleaner, greener, and safer spaces and environments £97
Good health and wellbeing £53
Quality housing £8
Vibrant leisure and culture £31


Enhanced skills, employability, excellent education and accessible childcare £33
Growing business, more jobs, better paid jobs £13


Accessible transport £54
Safe roads, better roads (and Travel Networks) £27
Thriving communities (Customer Access, Taxation and Benefits) £40

Other budgets

Inflation £47
Capital financing £55

How we will spend our budget in 2024/25

Pie chart showing revenue investment. Text version below the image.

Our revenue investment of £204m is for the cost of running services. It will deliver the priorities shown below:

  • Keeping people safe and well £103m
  • Enabling communities to flourish £41.6m
  • Growing the economy £8.4m
  • Running the business (Organisation) £34.7m
  • Running the business (Technical) £16.3m
Pie chart showing our capital investment. Text version below image.

Our capital investment of £77.5m is for buildings and infrastructure. It will deliver the priorities shown below:

  • Keeping people safe and well £3.5m
  • Enabling resilient and flourishing communities £11.4m
  • Enabling economic growth and renewal £49.2m
  • Running the business well £9.9m
  • Additional Capital Investment Allocation £3.5m

Total budget 2023/24                    £191.6m

Inflation £8.5m
Social care inflation £4.5m
Social care activity £1.3m
Capital financial £1.3m
Other (prior year reversals) £3.9m
Transformation savings -£7.2m

Total budget 2024/25                          £204.0m

Budget 2023/24 £m Budget Gross Spending 2024/25 £m Income 2024/25 £m Budget 2024/25 £m
Approved Budget 2024/25
96.2 Keeping people safe and well 140.3 37.4 103.0
41.0 Enabling Resilient and Flourishing Communities 62.2 20.6 41.6
8.2 Enabling Economic Growth and Renewal 79.1 70.8 8.4
46.2 Providing Value for Money for Local Taxpayers 53.4 2.3 51.1
191.6 Total Service Budgets 335.1 131.1 204.0
Memorandum Items
4.5 Business Rate Retention: Tariff & Levies 4.8 4.8
1.7 Parish Precept 1.9 1.9

Figures in table are subject to roundings

Your Council Tax helps to fund our work in improving outcomes for the people of North Lincolnshire. Council Tax provides just under half of the total cost of providing services. Business Rates, Government grants and service charges are also used to fund the work of the council.

Settlement Funding Assessment
2023/24 £41.7m 2024/25 £44.0m

Anticipated growth in Business Rates and growth
2023/24 £21.4m 2024/25 £25.5m

Use of reserves
2023/24 £7.6m 2024/25 £4.0m

Social Care Grants
2023/24 £22.5m 2024/25 £28.7m

Collection Fund surplus
2023/24 £1.4m 2024/25 £1.3m

Other grants
2023/24 £12.2m 2024/25 £11.6m

Council Tax requirement
2023/24 £84.9m 2024/25 £89.0m

Total funding
2023/24 £191.6m 2024/25 £204.0m

To help you understand your Council Tax bill, Business Rates and the council’s budgets, we produce information each year on this website.

This is part of the statutory billing information we must provide in accordance with Council Tax and non-domestic rating regulations.

If you require any information for the financial years from 2016/17 onwards please contact us on the email address below.

Contacting us about Council Tax

You can contact us Monday to Friday, 9am to 4.30pm.

0300 3030164

If you need to write to us:

Council Tax
North Lincolnshire Council
Church Square House
30-40 High Street
DN15 6NL