
Payments and Sundry Debtors

Information on how to pay the council for services (sundry debtors) and how the council pays its suppliers (payments).

How to pay the council for services – Sundry Debtors

Invoices are issued for a large range of services provided by the council. These are called Sundry Debtor accounts.

Some examples of services that you might request and for which a charge would then be raised are:

  • Residential care charges
  • Care Call
  • Sports facilities
  • Commercial property rent
  • Commercial waste
  • Building inspection fees
  • Licensing fees

Invoices are payable within 30 days, unless stated otherwise.

Unpaid bills

Recovery action will be taken in respect of unpaid invoices. If you think you may have difficulty paying your invoice please contact us, we may be able to agree a suitable payment plan.

If you feel the invoice you have received is incorrect, please contact us as soon as possible. A contact number for the department that raised the charge is shown on your invoice.

How the council pays its suppliers – Payments

All invoices and credit notes should be emailed to: invoices@northlincs.gov.uk

A valid purchase order number should be quoted. If a valid purchase order number is not quoted payment may be delayed.

Further guidance on how to submit your invoices can be found in the new supplier introduction letter. [PDF, 179Kb]

If you require a remittance advice, please notify the Finance Servicedesk of your email address. Remittance advices will only be sent by email.

All suppliers will be paid by BACS (Bank Automated Clearing Service).

How to be paid by BACS

Changing to a BACS payment method is simple. We need a few details to confirm that you are authorised to make the application, in addition to your bank details, so that we can arrange for payments by BACS.

BACS payment for invoices form [PDF, 106Kb] can be completed and returned to the address on the form. Alternatively, we can accept bank details by other means, such as:

  • Notification by email
  • Bank details quoted on a supplier’s invoice
  • Notification in writing on company headed paper