
Defibrillators in North Lincolnshire

Information about Defibrillators in North Lincolnshire – where to find them and how to use them.

Location of Defibrillators

Defibrillators can be accessed in an emergency throughout North Lincolnshire.

North Lincolnshire Council has fixed defibrillators to outside walls of public buildings, in secondary schools, at leisure centres and in doctors’ surgeries.

All publicly accessible defibrillators in North Lincolnshire can be found on the map.

If someone goes into cardiac arrest, a member of the public can call 999 and be given a code to access the device. The defibrillators themselves will talk the user through the resuscitation process and the emergency services will stay on the phone to give you further guidance while you wait for an ambulance.

North Lincolnshire Youth Council

North Lincolnshire Youth Council (NLYC) members have developed some resources to help raise awareness about defibrillators. You can download the resources below or contact young.voice@northlincs.gov.uk or on 01724 297000 for printed copies.

For further information on NLYC and young voice projects visit the NLYC webpage.