
Council decision making

Find your local elected representative, how the council operates, and what decisions are being taken.

Electoral wards and councillors

North Lincolnshire is divided into 19 electoral wards represented by 43 councillors. These wards have one, two or three council seats. Members conduct is overseen by a Code of Conduct and there is a Register of Interests for members.

Key roles

All councillors meet together as the council in order to decide the council’s overall policies and set the budget each year.

Other key roles of council are the debating and approval of policy development, the promotion of community engagement and the receipt and confirmation of meetings of scrutiny panels, and committees.

Meetings of the council are normally open to the public.

The people of North Lincolnshire are also represented by Town and Parish Councils and Members of Parliament.

Political control

The composition of the council is Conservative – the largest party with 28 seats. The Labour Party has 14 seats and there is one Independent seat on the council.

Councillors are elected every four years and are democratically accountable to residents of their wards. The overriding duty of councillors is to the whole community but they have a special duty to their constituents, including those who did not vote for them.

Decision making structure

The council has a Cabinet. In addition there are four overview and scrutiny panels in place.

Meetings and decisions

The Cabinet

Cabinet Meetings

Cabinet Member Decisions

Key Decisions Public Notices

Council Committees

Overview and Scrutiny

Forthcoming meetings

Officer Decisions

The Council’s Constitution

Humberside Police and Crime Panel

Timetable of Council Meetings

Latest Decisions

The Mayor

Councillors elect a Mayor every year to represent the council and people of North Lincolnshire.

North Lincolnshire Council operates under a formal constitution.



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Service Manager : Democracy
Church Square House
30-40 High Street
DN15 6NL