
Adult Social Care Annual Report

Information about the Adult Social Care Annual Review in North Lincolnshire.

How we plan better services

The Adult Social Care Annual Review is a document that is written every year. It helps people understand more about the services the council provides to adults living in North Lincolnshire.

The document explains how services make a difference to people’s lives. It includes how we support in ways that enable people to have choice and control in the way they want to live their lives.

The report details:

  • how we are performing
  • the challenges we have faced
  • the changes we have made
  • our priorities for the coming year

Your feedback

The feedback we get on the Annual Review assists us in planning improvements for the future.

Each document includes details of who to contact if you would like to know more. Or if you wish to comment as part of our commitment to being open and transparent.

If you would like to give us feedback on this year’s Annual Review, or would like to be involved in shaping the next Annual Review, please contact us.